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Help! Tired of Being a Stepmom!

1day@atime's picture

I'm nearing 26 yrs old with a 10 year old stepson, a 3 year old son, and a baby boy on the way. I have been in my stepson's life for 5 years. Until recently, we lived near my SS's BioMom and my husband and her shared joint custody. My husband was just awarded primary custody and we moved 1200 miles away due to a job. I stay at home and attend college online. My SS's BioMom is manipulative, vindictive, irresponsible, and selfish. I tried to be civil with her in the beginning, but she has major issues. She was pregnant when she met my husband. She told him she felt like she had to sleep with her boss (I've heard of screwing your way up the corporate ladder, but a bar-owner?). She got an abortion and my husband and her started a relationship. They started having issues shortly after dating, but she became pregnant. Apparently she stopped taking her birth control for whatever reason. Then, all of a sudden, abortion wasn't for her anymore, despite her past decision and their current unhealthy relationship. My husband married her, and they seperated soon after my SS was born. She felt that she shouldn't have to work. When my husband and I started dating, she told my SS she didn't like me, and that her and his Dad would get married again. Meanwhile, she would tell my SS to lie to her current boyfriend about previous boyfriends. She also would have innappropriate conversations with him about her life, and what a victim she was. She had endless opportunities of school, employment, and even a trust fund. But she screwed them all up and blames everyone and everything but herself for her current economic situation. So, obviously, this woman has been a toxic influence on my SS. When she found out I was pregnant with my son, she suddenly became pregnant with her boyfriend's baby. The same boyfriend that broke up with her a few days before she found out I was pregnant. The same boyfriend that called her a whore. I know this because the few days before she found out I was pregnant, she called my husband crying and asking him to take my SS a day earlier so she could work things out with her boyfriend. Anyway, the lady's nuts. There's no doubt in my mind she wanted to get pregnant. So I have my son and she had hers. Then during a fight with her boyfriend, she decides she needs to move out of state for family support and signs a parental agreement allowing my husband to have more time with my SS. Now to the present . . .

My SS has abused my son behind closed doors. Once I peeked in while my son was lovingly looking at my SS (my son was 2 and my SS was 9). He started to talk to him, and my SS pressed his face up against my sons, with the nastiest look I've ever seen, growled at him and squeezed my sons ears as hard as he could, until my son started crying. He left bruises on my son's ears. My husband likes to believe if it's not happening now, it's not an issue. I, on the other hand was disturbed by this, and other acts I've seen when he thought I wasn't looking, like pointing his toy gun at my son's head with a hateful look on his face. I understand my SS could be misdirecting anger, but I don't think it's an excuse. I experienced crazy things when I was young and visiting my father. I then grew up without him in my life. I was hurt that he didn't love me enough to be responsible for me. My mother started dating my stepdad when I was 8. I loved him. She married him when I was 11. Even though he brought discipline in the house, I still loved him. They had children and I could never imagine hurting them. I love them with all my heart. If I was angry about something, I'd tell my Mom. And I appreciated what my stepdad did for me. So I guess I don't think it's an excuse for someone with a difficult past to misdirect anger. When I first met my SS, he was charming, but I soon realized that's how he is when he meets new people. He's fake. He's a terrible friend. He's had many good friends, that, when he finds someone else that is older and "cooler" in his mind, he becomes mean to them. He lies all the time about any little thing to get what he wants or to make himself look like something he's not. He talks back. He's spoiled. I realize this is partly my husband's fault as well. My husband still continues to teach my SS the same things while my SS sits back and enjoys the service. For example, my husband has been "teaching" my SS how to clean and organize his room for the past few years. He also has continued to teach him how to cut his food and clean a dish, because everything is "hard" for my SS. Meanwhile, my 3 year old takes pride in doing things for himself. I feel that my husband favors my SS. For reasons big and small. I notice that anytime my husband prepares a meal, my SS is served first. It's instinctual. My husband has never missed tucking in my SS for bed, but has missed many nights tucking in our 3 year old. When it does happen, it's usually because I remind him to do it. I really feel that my husband cares more about my SS than any of us, and I am used to be the nanny while he's at work. I helped him gain custody, because if I weren't home, he wouldn't be able to have him full-time. My husband would be paying for my SS to be in before and after school care. My husband insists he loves me and everyone the same, but I can't help the way I feel. I feel miserable in this situation, but I know it wouldn't be great to be a single Mom of two and divorced either, especially when I love my husband. I have a history of depression, and unfortunately my husband makes me feel that because of that, my feelings aren't validated. I'm "oversensitive" and I "over-react". I feel that's easy to say when I'm taking care of his son. If I didn't have to take care of him, and he was with his Mom more often, that I would feel better, but the reality is I spend more time with him than anyone and my husband has the final say in how he's raised at the end of the day. He lies everyday, and it's exhausting to get the truth or have him be accountable. The talks and lectures do not work, and he continues to get everything he wants. He doesn't try in school, but he's bright. I feel like I waste my time helping when he doesn't care. He doesnt take anything seriously but his playtime. He sees his Mom once a month and is happy with that schedule. He will be spending Spring Break with her and I'm looking forward to it. I'm also looking forward to this summer when he spends most of it with his mother. I don't want to live my life looking forward to him leaving. I wish there was another way. I wish we could be a happy family. But he's everything I don't like in a person. All my of my friends have qualities he doesn't have, and his personality is similar to other people in my life that I don't like to be around. I didn't know what I was getting myself into because I was 22 when I met my husband (he was 33), and I had no idea this would be our life. I have a great intuition about people. I have been right about every "friend" and person that has screwed my husband over or claimed to be someone they were not. My husband praises me on my ability to spot a phony. Unfortunately, my SS is one of them, and instead of admitting it and trying to guide him in a different direction, my husband denies there's a problem. Sometime he will admit he has issues, but he never follows through with any discipline. The saddest part in my opinion is that I'm looking forward to having this baby so I can go ahead and get on medication to help mask my feelings. Knowing that without medication I have good insight on things, it seems wrongs to have to medicate myself in order to get through my life. It feels unfair to me and my son (and my son on the way). I want to be myself and be happy, but that doesn't seem possible right now.

Any advice? I'm tired of feeling filled with bitterness, anger, frusteration, sadness, and hopelessness.

1day@atime's picture

Let me add I am a first time poster, but have read many of your posts. Hopefully this will help.

1day@atime's picture

Thanks, I definately think counseling for him is a good idea. As long as he doesn't manipulate the therapist. Remember, he has learned from his Mom, the master. Anyway, probably can't get supervised visits. We're 1200 miles away and in court when we got the OK to move with him, the judge found out about her leaving him alone, the fights in front of him with her boyfriend, etc. I think a mother has to be physically abusing the kid in front of the judge for them to ever tell a BIO mom she needs supervised visits. Think of how bad she is that the judge agreed he'd be best with us. It's rare. I'm thankful for this site. I'm reluctant to talk about this to others, in fear of being labeled evil stepmom. After all, I told you he's as sweet as pie around everyone else but family and friends.

MissPenny's picture

I posted for the first time today as well and am so glad I did. I needed the support and understanding I found here. I agree that counseling for your SS seems a must, but it might also be helpful for you and/or you and your husband to talk to a counselor. I think you need to be able to get this off your chest on a regular basis and have an unbiased professional guide you through some decision making and coping skills. As for your SS manipulating the therapist, if it is a good, qualified, licensed child/adolescent therapist they will be prepared for your SS and any possible manipulations. Good luck and I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

evangeline's picture

This is completely my situation. Read my blog if you want.

SS is nearly 10, apparently has anxiety disorder and some attention problems. He is the prodigal son according to my hubby as his mother, he can do no wrong, he is never disaplined, he steals chocolate when we arnt looking - my point is, its chocolate now what about when hes a bit older and starts taking money?

I feel exactly like you do now, I hate him, he causes nothing but problems in my life and when he is with us (every other week, my hubby is away that other week) then everything is about him...but my hubby did this last week he was here, come home every day when he was due home from school or not long after and did his homework with him - 2 HOURS later, thats for reading 2 pages of a kids book, spelling 10 words and 1 page of maths. Normally they go into his room and our daughter who is 2 1/2 is shut out and told to go away and so she isnt allowed near her dad in that time because SS "cant concentrate". He doesnt like anything I cook for dinner, just makes eww noises or a variation of the same. Never says thankyou just expects everything to be done for him. His mother is nice to us and helps us out but she is bi-polar or something so shes a bit of a crazy mum but she loves them a lot and her boyfriend she has been with for a long time looks after them well.

I just think, why cant we have them every other weekend? like most dad's do. That way its from Friday to Sunday but hubby wont hear of it but I have managed to get the two separated so only one comes every other week. So the SS was here the last time and the older one - 12 on monday - comes monday I think. But he is hubbys stepson but raised him from a year and a half old, so much easier then!!! babies are cute. but he is polite, says thankyou, cleans up after himself - most of the time, you can talk to him, hes good. But the next time SS comes its the easter holidays - god help me. And even more worrying - SUMMER HOLIDAYS. oh jesus, kill me now.

I cant get a job, live in a foreign country with them blah de blahing all the time and I dont get any time with hubby....sometimes he really gets it but most of the time he doesnt but the subject of SS is totally off limits. Oh and he does things like that to our daughter - he puts his hand over her mouth which she has started to do and I have told hubby, if he does that once more, Im going to do it to him and see how he likes it. Your in my boat! I love that because Im not alone!