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Guess who gets to chauffer SD13 to school next year?? grrr

tamm2001's picture

Hello again everyone! Sorry this is so long - please bear with me. Just had a situation arise with SD13 and wanted to hear what some of one may think and or any advice you can offer.

SD13 on the last day of school gets her 3rd and final offense on the bus; the bus driver puts a call into dad who informs him that his daughter is officially suspended (this will go into effect next year of course) and tells him his side of the story. (BTW guess who gets to chauffer SD13 to school now?? ME)The SD13 basically was being a smart*** and thought it would be cute to disobey the bus drivers orders to be quiet ( they were approaching a RR crossing) and then I guess threw an object. My SO is a very typical father and usually points the finger at whoever he can to allow his children to remain angels in his eyes; I should say he has done this in the past and we are working on changing this as it is very damaging to his children and allows them to accept no responsibility for their actions. Luckily - he has respected most of my advice thus far and we are making progress. Anyway - to my point - so after discussing with me what our plan of action was - my SO texts SD13 at school and informs her she is grounded for 2 weeks and the friend that supposed to stay over that night will not be staying over. Also she had a party to go to the following night and he said she would not be going to that either. SD13 threw a fit - sent her dad a nasty email that he had ruined her whole summer now and blah blah blah. During our intial discussion SO and I acknowledged that the BM would more than likely step in and be the hero for sd13 instead of holding her accountable for her actions and teaching her a valuable lesson - she would take her to the party she was not supposed to go to. And of course, even though BM was not supposed to pick up sd14 until Saturday (the party was Friday night) she sent my SO a message informing him she would be picking up sd13 ONLY (not ss10) on friday and she would get ss10 after his baseball game on Saturday. sd13 hid in her room all day and when I went upstairs I could smell perfume and music playing and knew she was getting ready for the party. I was like whatever figures....The clincher is - after a while I went up and knocked on her door to tell her dinner was ready (knowing she wouldn't eat anyway) - and she was gone!! She had gotten ready for the party and knowing our rules (i.e. she was grounded and not supposed to go the party) - she had dashed out the door before could see her and her and BM made a fast getaway. Noone saw her leave or saw BM pull up to pick her up (ss10 was outside even - go figure). Of course we were not alarmed and knew immediately what happened.

OMG - knowing the BM like I have come to know her I am not surprised at all- this wonderful BM while fighting for custody of her children, could not even get through a 30 day rehabilitation program to win her children back - she ended up just quitting the program and giving my SO full custody - in other words major POS.

Discussing this with my SO - I just told him that it is sad that him and his ex will never parent these children together. It will always be a power play - one parent playing the bad guy and the other the hero - and there is nothing we can do to change it. But in reality and after lurking on this board for a bit - I am coming to the realization that this situtation - skids pitting one parent against the other is just the way it is and very common.

Regarding the situation with sd13 - I just don't really feel there is anything we can do to sd13 regarding the high speed getaway with BM despite her being grounded. She is already grounded for 2 weeks when she comes back from her visitation and I am thinking that will have to be enough. However, the blatant lack of disrepect and blantant lack of parenting to teach these children decent values just puts a pit in my stomach. :sick:

oneoffour's picture

What a snot. Who pays for the phone? Maybe have it disconnected for the 2 weeks.

In retrospect he should not have texted her at school thereby giving her time to plan an alternative action. And her father should have told his ex that she cannot pick SD up on Friday as yo have family plans (which means you all go out to dinner at a place on the other side of twon from the dance).

This is my bugbear with cell phones. We have immediate access to anyone and we fire off quick retorts. If he had not texted his daughter he could have come home early and informed her that she was not permitted to go to the dance due to her crappy attitude. He would also be there to prevent SD from escaping with her mother. In fact he should fire off a well thought out text to his ex "Ex, SD was grounded from the dance last night as she has been banned from the school bus due to disobeying the drivers safety orders. Therefore the only time you can collect her is on Saturday. If you turn up and take her on Friday I will persue this through the courts. Have a great day."

Also SD will be paying for her ride to school next year as she will either have to walk (like that will happen) or she will have to take a taxi. So it will cost her $5 a day and she better find a way to work up the credit with you so she can pay it back when school starts.

I would also let her know the plans to get her nails done and shop for summer clothes is on hold for the first month of her summer break due to her behaviour yesterday. Even if you did not plan on taking her shopping, let her think you were and she stabbed herself in the foot.

wicked's picture

I've had some trouble with my bio teenage son over the last couple of weeks regarding blatant disrespect. I don't know where it is coming from, but anyway, yes, the cell phone is now locked up in the gun closet until he is caught up on his chores. And until an apology is made, he can walk wherever he wants to go (including work), he has no internet, and he will be doing his own laundry. Now the wait is on to see how long he will hold out. But yes, I would say you are dealing with two different issues - the disrespect on the school bus and the disrespect of dad's authority. I would think each one is worthy of its own consequence. My ex and I do not parent together, either, so I can totally relate, and yes it's sad for the kid because he knows he can get online at his dad's house etc. So you always feel limited in what you can enforce. But he will not just disregard me and go to his dad's house to avoid doing something - not w/o consequences when he gets back anyway. I sure wish you luck because it doesn't sound like things are going to get better any time soon.

tamm2001's picture

Thank you for your responses. Yes, the blatant disrespect was bad enough however, sd13 and BM stepped it up another notch at ss10's baseball game the next day by doing everything to snub my SO and myself. This isn't the first time sd13 had done this, in other words, this attitude was no surprise to us as she has avoided my SO while her BM was at their son's baseball game before. I can't help but wonder if BM is instigating the snubbing or if sd13 feels she is being loyal to BM by doing it. What was truly unbelievable was when I heard sd13 and BM shouting at ss10 after the game like they were mad at him. I turned around to see him hugging his dad goodbye and sd13 and BM in the background glaring at him like he just did something terrible. It was so sad.

At this point, I am so utterly disgusted with sd13's disrespect and hateful attitude I am considering detaching from her altogether. This is one of many instances with sd13 and I am getting to the end of my rope. I have dealt with her lying and stealing long enough and now she is turning into her BM which I have absolutely no respect for and want nothing to do with. Living with sd13 is beginning to feel like living with the BM and I am pretty much done pretending she can learn any morals from me; its more than obvious she doesn't want to.

12yrstepmonster's picture

I am not sure but I am thinking that the punishmeny would continue everyday through out the school year- I liked the idea of paying the taxi service. You could do extra chores.

As for blatantly going behind your backs with the BM planning- pay for the parental controls and shut her phone down to txting friends and BM - she can use the house phone for calls. Take TV and phone out of room and any computer acess is denied until she can treat parents with respect.

I would not forwarn phone disconnect it would just happen