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Finding it a little odd...

Tessa1221's picture

My bf was taking a nap & his phone was laying around and i just had a feeling I needed to look in it to see what baby momma and him were talking about. I hate having that feeling because it's always your going to find something no good. So I find out that he's been checking her Facebook and they're not friends, and is confronting her about her statuses and it was about a status of her needing a last min sitter cause we couldn't watch her. Seriously!? First off I'm very irritated that he is checking her Facebook! Is that wrong!? I feel the only reason he should be in contact of her is to pick up his daughter and drop off. I don't feel they should even view each others pages. He needs to block her

IceQueen's picture

Actually if I was BM I would block him. That is not only creepy, but he is calling her out on statuses that she is writing.

Not to mention that is rude to you!

TASHA1983's picture

I think he is being very disrespectful and rude to you! It is one thing if you and your man look at her FB page TOGETHER for a good laugh or something but for him to be looking at her page and going even further than that and letting her know that he has been looking at her profile by calling her out on her statuses is sooo fucked up!

I am not saying that he is up to something or wants her or anything but there is NO REASON for him to be looking at or letting her know that he is looking at her profile/statuses...that is just what BM needs to add fuel to her little ego that he might want her back or that she is getting his attention...IMHO.

Call him out on it and dont let this slide!

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I wouldn't let the whole "checking my phone while I'm napping" slide either.

Tessa1221's picture

That's what I'm saying! I think the exact same thing! He should not be looking at her page and letting her know. It's giving her what she wants and making me look completely STUPID! Not only that his entire family is still friends with her. It's just super strange. I definitely am going to say something to him and he will respect me and block her that's not fair for me at all. I know he doesn't want to be with her but it just sickens me that he looks at her Facebook and tells her and gives her grief and she dies the same it's childish and makes me look like an idiot!

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

They are game playing. She knows he checks her facebook so she posts intentionally inflamatory posts about him (which is libel and illegal)so it gets him all riled up and he predictably calls her on it, pissed off.

But, you don't need to be checking his phone either. It just creates drama.

hippiegirl's picture

I make it point not to check DH's phone. It has text messages from SS on it. Yuk! Don't wanna see it. I'd be pissed if he checked my phone, so I don't do it to him.

TASHA1983's picture

I agree, I would not want to be with someone that is looking at my phone while I do whatever...BUT in my case with my BF we are BOTH ok with eachother looking at eachothers phones. We know e/o passwords to FB etc. we BOTH have nothing to hide so if he looks at mine or vice versa it is ok. BUT there has to be MUTUAL approval/permission, trust, respect and understanding between two people otherwise yeah snooping will just get you in trouble!!

love him_loath his kid's picture

Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to! Also I wonder why he is so worried about her FB status and what she is doing? You may have to ask yourself if he is over her....