FI won't reduce CS because BM can't afford to pay mortgage on the family home ...
Okay, I don't know if I am insensitive, cold or just ... ummm normal in believing that FI should modify child support regardless of the BMs ability to maintain the family home. Background, FI and his ex have been separated/divorced for 15 years now. Standard CS order and visitation were given when divorce finalized. Eldest just graduated COLLEGE and he refuses to modify CS because the BM "doesn't have any money and can't afford the mortgage on the house." FI pays his full legal obligation (which is quite generous) plus all medical, all extra curricular activities, all whims, provides two annual vacations, provides at least 50% of the care of the younger one (15) ... BM provides no financial support at all and cries victim because she can't make due with what is given to her. FI refuses to modify child support because "the kids" will lose their family home and he will lose the investment he has in the place. All the while BM picks and chooses when to be "Mommy" and she tells usually the youngest she "was her biggest mistake and wishes she aborted her" at least a few times a month. Played the alienation game to the T and makes sure to create havoc at her pleasing. Like most of you, I can write a book. But I have not seen a BD who chooses to continue financial support what is sane. I was a single mom to my two BDs and have never asked or needed his support, this isn't about the money - per se, it is about letting go of the guilt and false sense of responsibility. Lately he has been feeding me the line that he is trying to protect the kids from being responsible for BM, he is trying to "protect them." No BM has never really worked outside of the home after second child was born and doesn't want to. According to her, he is responsible and must pay (literally and figuratively). When will he disengage - do they ever?
He's nuts.
He's nuts.
Do the nutty ones ever learn?
Do the nutty ones ever learn? I know much more detail would be needed, but generally - is there any hope?
I think he is misguided. Does
I think he is misguided. Does he plan to pay this the rest of her life? Maybe it would work to let him know he is teaching his children how to be taken advantage of.
Ummm... this is not even your
Ummm... this is not even your average Disney guilty dad. When will This one disengage from this totally unhealthy, ridiculous, insane dynamic? My bet is never. My bet is that he will need to protect his babies until mommy dearest dies. And then he will need to protect and provide for them until He dies because of all they've been through.
This combined with your other post... It won't matter if you're with him 40 years, it won't matter if his daughters are 60, he will never ask anything of them and your totally reasonable expectations about a life with a partner will always be you asking him to chose between you and his child. Sucks that you've invested 14 years, but seriously, this is Not going to change. He will never see your point of view, he will never makes the babies stand on their own and you will always be an evil devil woman for even suggesting it. Find a man that isn't going to be more concerned about his ex than about you. And if not childless, at least has reasonable expectations around what adults need to be capable of. Like taking care of themselves.
is this the same man that
is this the same man that just allowed his grown daughter to move in? and this is the daughter he's continuing child support on? honey, he's not paying child support, he's paying his wife's bills. i'm beginning to see now why you've only been "dating" him for 14 years. this man is NOT available. the only thing worse than wasting 14 years on a "man" like this is wasting 14 years and 1 day. move on.