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Do not want BSs to end up like SS9

HelplessStep's picture

I need to rant about the stupid idiot I call DH. We have been "discussing" SS9 coming to school with us in the fall. I say "discussing" when it is actually me saying no while he tells me what "they" (DH and BM) are going to do. I don't get a freaking say!!! I do not want him at the house full time. I have BS2 and BS6 who take up all of my 'free' time as it is. I work 8-5 and do all the running of the children. I drop off and pick up the kids, cook, and clean. Not to mention help with homework. BS6 likes school and enjoys doing his homework. (I know - he is young and this will change.) When SS9 is around, BS6 sees him slacking off and not trying to do homework and thinks this is ok. I am old school - if you do not keep your grades up, you do not do anything fun! DH is not like that with SS(. (We had him two years ago for school and it was a complete NIGHTMARE - I kid you not, when SS9 was failing, DH and BM blamed it on the teachers!!!!!!)
Today DH and BM (dumb b*tch) are discussing the issues. Do you think I was invited to the meeting? Do you think I get an opinion? NO NO NO NO NO
He expects me just to raise his son like he is my own. I have no idea how some people do it, but I do not see the kid as my own. If my sons talked to me like SS9 talks to me, they would never leave there rooms!! I do not want this child to influence my boys. And I say my boys, because DH only takes interest when SS9 is not around!
I am sorry to rant on and on, but it is nice to see that everyone else feels like I do and that I am not "a bad person" because I can not make myself like, let alone love, SS9.
I think it is time for a divorce, but keep dragging my feet. I guess because I don't want to go through the headache of leaving and his emotional fall out. (scream and say hurtful things, beg me back, repeat.)

HelplessStep's picture

His response is that my family can help do the running because he has no family out here.

purpledaisies's picture

Just tell him they said no. he can't force anyone to do something they don;t want to do. What will happen if he just expected someone to show up for his kid and no one does?? I mean really? Even my mom had things to do and when she said she couldn't help with my kids I had to find something else. He really expects for others to just do it even when they say no? :jawdrop:

I'd tell him I say no and my family says no. End of story he has to find care for his son! Tell him you have too much as it is and can not help with his kid too.

Anywho78's picture

Wow...that's quite the entitled pair you're dealing with there. Not only are you not included on decision making that affects both you & your children, you (& your family) are expected to jump to just because they say so??? Oh hell no! I'd tell him that when he includes you in his decision making as HIS WIFE that maybe you'll be inclined to help him (once boundaries are set up as far as behaviors & discipline goes).

As far as your boys are concerned, if they see you send SS to his room enough or ground him enough or what-have-you, they'll get the point that his behavior is NOT ok. If they chose to follow suit, as their mother, you're allowed to do all that is necessary to keep them from becoming heinous brats.

I certainly hope BM is planning on paying CS!

I'm so sorry you're going through this! Keep us posted & good luck!

hbell0428's picture

I feel your pain......SD14 moved with us FT last year and I have hated my life ever since. Sorry to sound like a B** but honestly I'd rather hang myself. SD has done so much crap and her attitude absoulutley sucks........she acts like she runs the show and DH lets her. BD12 thinks and knows SD is a complete slut bag and can't stand or even see why she has any friends. She ditches all her friends for the first guy she sees. I have gone through every single process of this and the past two months I have taken a stand. I run my home and deal w/ my kids and say hello and goodbye to SD and that is it. DH hates it but knows I AM DONE WITH HER and am counting the days till she's 18. I don't deal w/ pinishments with her because I can see right thru her games.......I let DH get egg in his face with her and he does and he cries to me when he finds stuff out about her; but he still chooses to leave things the way they are........hay what do I care - I was able to get her on Depo...