cake and sharing
I know it sounds childish. I was out of state for a week due to a family emergency. DW baught me a cake when I returned.there was on half of cake left the next day. I didn't eat anymore I wanted to eat it with her and the kids. She cut 3 very large pieces and gave the rest to them. Now I'm selfish and stingy for being usept that she didn't think to save me any even when she knows cake and bacon are some of my favorite things in life. I'm just upset that she didn't consider me.( there have been plenty other times where something like this happened) she said she doesn't consider herself when it comes to stuff like that its all about the kids so why would she consider me.
She bought you a cake but
She bought you a cake but then didn't save you any the next day? That's kind of rude.
If her life is ALL about her kids, and she does not have the ability to take a spouse into consideration, maybe she should not be in a relationship.
Sounds like she needs
Sounds like she needs somebody around to help pay for and care for everything... sounds familiar. My DW doesn't get that I care about "us" first, and the kids second so she also thinks everything should be for them. If it was up to her SS13, DS3 and DD4 would still be sleeping in our bed.
Well if you are aware that
Well if you are aware that she does that kind of thing all of the time, next time, just eat the cake.
I agree with you angryman, if
I agree with you angryman, if I bought DH a cake or a pound of bacon for a welcome home gift, I wouldn't let my kids have it even if it was going bad waiting for DH to finish it. I got it for him...I would say "sorry kids, it's not for you, I for it for DH"
I agree I would tell the kid
I agree I would tell the kid not till DH gets home. if it were my cake id probably say sure have some whatever. but when you get it for someone else it should be for them.
The last piece should have
The last piece should have been offered to you. It was your cake. It was a bit rude they all ate it and you didn't get any of it. You and your DW need to be equal there shouldn't be this is the kids rules but screw you, you come last. You need to have achat with her and tell her your feelings with out getting angry...I know this is hard...I am one of those angry people
Who buys a gift for someone
Who buys a gift for someone and then gives it all away to others??
LOL! I do the same thing. I
LOL! I do the same thing. I even hide pancake syrup because the extra wasteful, over-greedy assed SS13 waste everything and eats flapjacks like they are going out of style and throws away more syrup than he consumes so I hide mine for when I want it.
Also, I find out the things he doesn't like and I can at least tolerate and enjoy and I only buy those things. Its such a good life at those moments when I come home from work and I know for a fact there will be a full bottle of aloe vera juice (its really sweet and delicious) or a nice slice of red velvet cheesecake in the fridge waiting on me and the bottomless pit of a SS hasn't engulfed it!! Aaaahhh!!!
Ha ha loving the hiding food
Ha ha loving the hiding food tip for when my skids are teenagers.
If it bothers you so much and
If it bothers you so much and you have told her before but the ear wax in her ear is so thick she couldn't hear you. This is what you can do. Go to the local bakery. Have yourself a birthday cake made with your name on it. And add, "I lost my toenail" lol just kidding o. The toe nail. Seriously, tape a note on the cake saying for no one to touch. My son had to be on a special diet so I taped a note on his fruits and certain things with his name on it,
Or better yet, go buy
Or better yet, go buy yourself a mi I fridge for your room. That can be a gift for yourself. At our local Home Depot they run 100.00 .
Thats what I plan on doing
Thats what I plan on doing soon. I will still put a lock on it because DW and SS have no real sense of boundries. Think everything that comes through the door is "ours"... I just burns me up. I may even get the mini-fridge and put a lock on it with nothing in it just to burn them up!!
If this situation ever arised
If this situation ever arised in our home, I'd resort to Australian Dingo rules;
Sharing is for uppity civilized wussies....
I can some-what agree with
I can some-what agree with being glad someone ate it. As my weight is a constant struggle for me sometimes my wife will through out or allow the ss to have it and will be upset on the outside because I had my mind set on it, but I would be glad on the inside because I know I didn't need it and one piece always lead to a second!!