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Anyone had Our Family Wizard backfire?

tradingplaces's picture

So BM wants to use OFW for communication moving forward. I'm thinking she's up to something, but our attorney said this is a good thing. Do you guys think this is okay or something that can just cause more problems?

Orange County Ca's picture

I've not heard anything bad when both parties use it and pay attention to it.

I would certainly agree to use it.

Calypso1977's picture

I find it to be a waste because its only as good as the information that gets entered.

BM is supposed to put in events and appointments as soon as knows about them. however, she never does until a day or two before so often we miss out on stuff because we've already made other plans (im sure that's her exact intent).

she also doesn't know how to enter stuff properly, she's always putting in the wrong times or days, or puts stuff in as an event rather than a request. that's a function of her stupidity, rather than the system itself.

we will nt be wasting the $100 fee again when this years subscription runs out. not worth it, they can email for free and we can remain in the dark for free relative to SD's events. I think if you have two people who commit to using it AND if you have more than one kid who has numerous activities it makes sense. but we just have one kid and she doesn't do much in terms of activities.