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Help me to not let BM drive me insane

tradingplaces's picture

She is incredibly difficult, to say the least. Hostile, thinks the parenting plan rules apply only to him, not her. Loves trying to engage him in conflict, although he has no contact with her. Sends constant snarky, controlling emails telling him what he "needs" to do. She knows we don't have the money to fight her in court so she just does whatever she wants. Sometimes I can put it all to the side, but when she really kicks it into high gear it makes me crazy. I can't stand having this woman I absolutely hate in our lives, teling my husband what to do and poking at us all the time.

To make things worse, she's completely beautiful and leads a fabulous lifestyle.

Help me make some kind of peace with this.

tradingplaces's picture

Just wanted to sincerely thank you for your response. The kids are elementary age, he has been radio silent with her for the last few years but that doesn't stop the emails from coming. It's like she needs something to show she's still in control since he won't talk to her.

You've listed some really good ideas and I appreciate that a lot. Now I just need to follow through with them.
