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is it wrong that i'm glad the ex squirmed?

4ever's picture

An update and thanks to everyone who's been helping me. I just typed this out but it didn't post for some reason so i'll try again. long story short, my husband has had 50/50 custody of his daughter for 7 years. We've been married for 5, she's 12 years old. We have a happy family and we all get along well. His ex isn't too bad compared to some of the stuff I've read that some of you have to deal with so i feel bad for complaining. But she has made things hard for us sometimes. Shes not a bad mom but she's not a great mom. She does the bare minimum for her daughter if you know what i mean. But my stepdaughter is at an age when many girls need more time with their mom and her mom just finished cancer treatmnet. She's doing really ewll and is very healthy but of course its hard on her daughter and she wants to be close. The ex has been calling my husband saying 'my daughter needs her momma, she cries every night she has to leave me' and then she does cry when she's here, her mom and her cry on the phone together sometimes. So the ex told my husband, 'she wants to live more with me' and then his daughter told him 'i want to live more with mom' and that was really hard and they were both sad but my husband understood that it's what she needs right now. So he said okay as long as he can have two after school visits every week and every other weekend and one month in the summer. His daughter wanted every weekend here but her mom said no. So my husband moved forward and then his ex changed her mind and said she didn't think it was a good idea because she needs time with her boyfriend. She finally said to my husband in a panic because she realized that it was really happening. So he said well you need to be the one to tell our daughter why this isn't happening because she thinks it is happening after talking to you about it and after i said it's okay with me. And of couse she totally freaked out but what could she do? Her daughter needs her right now. Before you think that maybe it's the cancer and she needs her rest, she ran a half marathon last weekend. she's very strong physically. So she said yes and my stepdaughter is happy. I gave her a big hug and told her i was proud of her for speaking up for hserlf and telling the adults what she needs and that we'll miss her a lot but it'll make our time together even more special. I told her I understoond and that I love her and i always will, no matter what. She's been distant from me for the first time ever over the last few months and now i think i know now. It's hard for her to be super close to her mom and me at the same time. I think her mom makes her feel bad for being close to me. but i think it'll all work out and my husband is seeing a family counselor to make sure he's handling this transition well for his duaghter. he wants to take his daughter to the counselor too but his ex said no and he needs her to sign a release. He'll keep trying he knows it's important that she ahve someone to talk to. It's been so exhausting.

I do have a question. do you think it's a good idea to try this new schedule for 60 days and then check in with the duaghter to see how she's doing with it? That's what my husband proposed. if she likes it, then he'll file an amendment with the court for the parenting plan change and will increase his child support payments at that point. No need to do that now if we don't know if it's not going to stick right? Also he may decide to include Our Family Wizard in the parenting plan so he and his ex have no direct communication. That would change our lives since she emails and texts and calls him hundreds of times every month! We just counted them up over the last four months incase we ever need that info. It's excessive don't you think? maybe it'll get better with the new schedule but I think it'll take OFW filed with the court. We'll see.

4ever's picture

When I say the ex squirmed i mean that she's tried every excuse in the book this week even blaming my husband somehow for their daughter missing her and wanting to be with her more. Which is so weird because she's the one who told my husband that she needs her mom! But it's been crazy all the excuses she's told him why this isn't a good idea. and then finally she said it's because she needs more time with her boyfriend and that he won't come around if her daughter is there they only spend time together when he has his kids and she has her daughter and they all hang out together. that's her problem, right? i mean her daughter should be her first priority and she builds the rest of her life around that. We'll see how this all works out. my husband thinks it's a phase.

4ever's picture

Thanks for that! I hope it works out for everybody especially my stepdaughter. She's a good girl she's just going through a hard time. I'm glad you agree about a trial period, we'll try that and i'll make sure we document everything. I told my husband today that either he makes boundaries with his ex or I make boundaries with him. The drama has to stop somehow.

4ever's picture

Wow, thanks for saying that. I think we did okay all things considered. We got alot of help from everybody here so thank yoU! The good thing is that my stepdaughter has no idea that her mom was trying to get out of more time with her. We'll see how it goes once she's there. She knows she can always come hoem. I agree with you that it's totally natural to want to be with her mom more and we told her that last fall when her mom was diagnosed that anytime she wants more time with her mom its okay with us. It's weird with her mom, it's like she wants all the credit of being this amazing 'momma' but when it comes right down to it she's happy to let us take care of everything, doctor and dentist, all her activities and tutors etc, getting her into counseling because of her mom's cancer that's something we thought her mom would do for her but she never did. But right now my stepdaughter thinks her mom can do no wrong and that's okay.

Willow2010's picture

I think the BM in your situation is absolutely crazy. What kind of a mother would not want to spend time with her DD like that? Especially after a cancer diagnosis. Weird.

nunya1983's picture

It's important that you have your child's safety and wellbeing as #1, but if you want to have a boyfriend/girlfriend that eventually wants to be your spouse, it's actually is important that you have plenty of quality time with him/her. I'm not saying that you can only spend time with them with out your kid(s),but you have to put your marriage/relationship as top priority, or it will be doomed to fail.

4ever's picture

I do agree with that and maybe the ex is moving in that direction with this boyfriend. They've been together for 4 years and my husband has always arranged his daughter's weeks around his ex's boyfriend's weeks with his kids. His ex asked if he would do that and he said yes, that way the ex gets weeks along with her boyfriend when her daughter is with us and weeks with him and his kids when she's with her. They don't live together but they do spend a lot of time together. Honestly we've been waiting for them to move in or get married. They're both 53 years old and it seems like it's time to SH or get off the pot but that's really none of our business. Anyway this new schedule will change that because the ex will have her daughter on weeks when she used to have time for the boyfriend alone.