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Marriage Course

ExCoolMom's picture

was great last night. All about Parents & In-laws and how to deal with issues around them in a marriage. Was very interesting. FH's parents are deceased and I only have my mother who lives 700km's away from us and we have little contact unless we go visit for Christmas etc, so FH won't have in-law problems as such. I moved away from Ex & my close family 3 years ago to start a new life with FH for just that interference from family (you don't know my family!) It works better that way. His Ex is also far away, so we don't have interference from that side, except when she phones him (which is another issue on it's own). SD17 came home with FH last evening just before we had to leave for our course and she was visibly unhappy. Said she didn't have enough time to say goodbye to bf as he had to go to work. She then realised that the little ones had been into her bedroom (with our permission) to fetch her extra blankets (she has 2 duvets and 3 of the other kids blankets!) and promptly burst into tears...these are my special blankets! etc etc. We left very hastiliy after that and I just hoped she wasn't going to give the kids a hard time while we were out. This morning she was her usual duracell bunny self, bouncing around showing us all the stuff she 'nabbed' from bf's mother. we start the roller-coaster ride of highs and lows until the next visit to the bf!! DH and I seem to have stopped our fighting and I asked him last night for us to stand together in this situation with SD17, as I often feel that it's me against them (SD17 & FH). He said he would try. Well ust get back to work now. Will blog over the weekend again.


Selkie's picture

I'm so glad you made it there and SD was forced to keep her end of the babysitting bargain. That's a positive step. Too bad for her unhappiness (and that you had to deal with it), but at least FH stood up to her and made her do what she agreed to.

I wonder if your marriage course will deal with step-children. Keep us posted.

ExCoolMom's picture

Hi Selkie. Thanks for your reassurance. There are only 2 sessions left in the Marriage Course and they are 1)Good Sex & 2)Love in Action. I think dealing with step children is another course on it's own, or it should be!! I will look out for that one with great interest! You won't believe it but I feel like hell (Sinusitis) but I am wrapped up in bed with my loptop and a pile of work brought from the office. My company has a zero tolerance for work backlogs & sick employees! Well better get some work done now. Skids are behaving today and all I need to do is get them to do their chores & not fight and we will have a great day together. Chat later