Just for kicks!
I am sitting here paying bills and it hit me...All the silly things we do just to irritate the BM's.
I sign the CS checks, med. reimbursement checks and I make sure to address the envelope too just so she can see my name and my handwriting. Goofy huh?
I also put the phone in my name so that when the stepturds call her from here my name pops up on her phone.
Anyone else have some fun ways they like to get under BM's skin? I could use some new tricks. }:)
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I have my exH pay her the
I have my exH pay her the CS. Thats right....He pays her out of what he owes me (he pays me more than DH pays BM) so she gets an automated check from his bank. Makes me feel like we're not the ones paying her LOL
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
So cool!
That's hilarious! You really had my brain twisted on that one for a minute!
PS: Love your signature
"Waiting for them to simply PAS out!" ~ Wicked2Three
That is FANTASTIC!!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!
I also write out the
reimbursements and sign my name but I do so in money orders not checks because she hates that they hold the money orders a day longer to cash... HEHEHE DH also does little shit to piss off BM and SD, like if they call DH for permission for something DH says "call hopeless, and ask her, I am not sure what our plans are" ( and if they call me 1st I do the same to them) pisses them both off }:) When we are stuck somewhere (where moo cow is :sick: )it is kinda funny how even my BIL will walk up to me and say "what's up sis" and Moo cow says "hi, BIL" Bil answer "OH HI" All the phones are under my name as well. SO she see's "hopeless" but my payback is when she calls it says "moo cow &(dh's last name also) GRRR
"I refuse to allow SD/BM/or MIL to ruin my marriage! Thinkin about changing my name to "takencharge"
I actually don't do anything just to get on BM's nerves. My simple existence seems to be enough.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Simply being alive. The perfect revenge!
Good for you.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
Oooo Ooooo Pick Me Pick Me.
1. If they call at any time that we are otherwise engaged (work, dinner, movie, pretty much any time except a reasonable hour in the evening) we hit the ignore call button.
2. Every thing they call about as far as visitation, support or just about any other topic we always respond with "Have you checked the Court Order" or "Let me check the Court Order". Then we read them verbatim what is in the court order regarding the topic they call about. It drives them nuts. If the topic they want to discuss is not in the CO we respond with "We may need to go back to court to get the Judge to include this in the CO". They yell for a while then hang up. The whole time we snicker away in the background.
3. We make SpermGrandMa pay for the travel costs then send her a letter instructing her to collect our half of the travel money from her worthless POS Son since he owes us tons of money for uncovered Med expenses for SS. I love it when she calls to arrange visitation then says "tickets are so expensive, I will call SpermDad and see if he can help with the travel costs this time. Could you send me your half of the money?". Ummmmm Hell No! He never pays a dime and it is his kid.
Repeatedly proving how big of a worthless piece of shit she raised is a truly rewarding process and baring his worthless ass in court and anywhere else is an absolute riot.
As much fun as pissing them off can be. I can't wait until my Son (SS) turns 18 so they go away completely.
Bring on the Blended Family opposition baiting games.
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
Sometimes I feel
really really bad for the S-Grandma. At least she seems to be trying. I understand holding him accountable for his own actions, but she really does not have to do all she's doing. And at least she WANTS to see her grandchild. If money is a big concern for her, she could always cancel visitation.
I have a question about spermgrandma
Is she acting out of guilt because her son is such a turd? Is she just now figuring out how he got to be that way and is now trying to change her grand/parenting style?
She does seem concerned and want to be involved, but doesn't really seem willing to say "My kid is a turd, sorry."
"Waiting for them to simply PAS out!" ~ Wicked2Three
I'm iffy on the whole "your kids are the way you raised them to be" topic. Some kids just are little shits who grow up to be big shits. Some are big shits who manage to turn their lives around. BM in my case grew up with a father who was a LtCol in the USAF, AND was a pastor. She was raised PROPERLY.
But still managed to get pregnant at 18, was addicted to speed and was a dealer. Sure, she's turned everything around now, but it doesn't change the fact that even if you were given the best childhood and raised "right" you still can make F'd up choices.
Anyway, gotta give S-GM credit for still being there, and still trying. Obviously I do not know the whole story, but as an outsider looking in, I think S-GM should be commended for trying to make things work on her end.
I didn't mean for it to
I didn't mean for it to sound like I was raking SG over the coals. I know exactly what you are talking about. Their are 4 kids in my family and 1 has been in and out of jail/prison and has had major drug issues. The rest of us have higher educations and own businesses. I get it. People sometimes just come out the way they do becuse that's the luck of the draw as a parent.
I was just wondering what RAGS take was on it.
"Waiting for them to simply PAS out!" ~ Wicked2Three
Even I sometimes feel sorry for SpermGrandMa. Until I spend
time with my Mom. My Mother would have killed my brother and I long ago if we had done the crap that my SS's BioDad does. When you are raised by SuperMom and SuperDad nearly everyone else is left wanting in comparison.
My issue is this ...... BioDad earns a base salary/wage in excess of $50,000.00/yr. He pays ZERO in child support and never has because his Mommy pays it for him. BioDad lives in a house that SpermGrandMa and SpermGrandPa own AND PAYS NO RENT, and SpermGrandMa pays for visitation travel expenses that the CO clearly says BioDad is responsible for..
SpermGrandMa won't kick her worthless Piece of SHIT son in the ass and give him no choice but to support his children but has the gall to call my home and harrass my wife about how SHE is broke because she pays her POS son's CS, she raises his other three out-of-wedlock spawn in her home with no money from her POS son and how it is my Wife's fault that she is broke because my wife "moved from TX to PA on purpose to make travel more expensive and because the school district had a schedule that would take time away from BioDad" (though the worthless POS rarely spends time with SS during visitation). SpermDad (sorry but I had to say it) spends his salary on his LowRider, snowboarding, is intermittently employed (by choice) because he thinks it will lower his CS obligation (that he has never paid for himself) and often gets fired for missing work to snowboard, fantasy game card tournaments, LowRider activities, and play hide the sausage in the Womb-of-the-Month when he is supposed to be at work.
I couldn't care less if SpermGrandMa, her POS son, and the rest of his brood starved to death. NOT MY F'in PROBLEM and if it happened GOOD F'in RIDDENCE! The only thing I would feel other than total jubilation would be some empathy for my SS who would be sad (though infinitely better off than if he had to going visiting the toothless morons).
Hypothetically ...... IF I had done the crap that BioDad has done my Mother would have me living under an overpass rather than let me live in her rental property for free. She would drag me out of my cardboard box and sleeping bag by the ear at the butt-crack of dawn every AM and drag me to work by my ear, deposit me in my office, pull up a chair in the corner and crochet all day. At the end of my primary work day she would grab me by the ear, lead me to my evening job at McD's and sit in the dining area crocheting until my evening job ended. Then she would take me by my now very sore and swollen ear to my night security guard job where she would sit in the air conditioned guard shack doing needle point while I froze, cooked, sweated or swam my way up and down the property ........ guarding.
On pay day she would take me by my ear to each office to pick up my check which she would promptly deposit in an account for my kids. Then on my days off she would drag me by my ear to her home to spend time with my kids and do exactly what she told me to do. She might, and I mean a very slight might, allow me to stand on the corner near my overpass/carbboard box/sleeping bag home with a sign a couple of hours a day to panhandle for food.
Until the wrinkled toothless idiot cow SpermGrandMa does to her worthless POS son what my mother would do to me if I were a worthless POS she will get nothing more than a very fleeting twinge of feeling bad for her from me. She is neither a good mother, a good person or a good grandmother. She is an enabler and is the root cause of the entire problem. Even her own husband (DickHeads Dad) has as little to do with his own wife and DickHead as possible and is disgusted by the entire situation, her and their POS son. The Sister (my SSs Aunt) is actually a very good person who laments her mother and her POS brother, their bullshit and the impact it has on my SS and his half sibs.
BioDad is a product of her parenting and they should both be put our of my misery and the misery of all of SpermDad's spawn. (figuratively of course)
So, I really do feel bad for SpermGrandMa ........... for about a Pico second.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
Melis, I have a t-shirt with
Melis, I have a t-shirt with that on it. When ever I wear it out someone, usually a mom, asks where I got it. I love it.
I have a good one!!
BM was with DH for 18 years and he never married her even after two kids! So my license plate says MRS.O
So whenever she pulls up to pick up or drop off step sons she sees the license plate! And I know that it KILLS HER everytime!! }:)
"And this too shall pass..."
I do absolutely NOTHING to
I do absolutely NOTHING to BM, yet she STILL ignores me. Emails MY Husband's name (leaving MINE out when she knows it's OUR email) and signs HER name. She used to sign BM and OUR last name to piss me off.
Me just being 5'0, 100lbs, a D cup & having thick dark curly hair (when DH said she spent hundreds of dollars trying to make her thin, stringy straight hair curl even just a little)just pisses her off. She's 5'6 with a man body and the most horrific horse/skeleton BUG eyed face with huge DUMBO ears to top it off. And DH always loved petite women and he was a boob man...so that's a slap in her face when she left HIM stating that he'd NEVER find anyway half as pretty as she. HAH! She managed to find my old modeling website online and then the acid starting shooting from her eyes.
Her 5 year old claims that mommy said you were ugly, but I said you're p retty--so mommy slapped me and put me in the corner. I don't doubt it. She's mean like that.
So, I don't do anything TO her. I just want to pretend she's not existing. Oh, how I try.
I ignore her
because my simply existing ticks her off. But what's sad is that she's so pi$$ed of that I exist, that she won't even contact her own kids to say hi to them.
Another thing we did to annoy her when we had EOW visitation was to pay our CS online. She got a great amount of satisfaction by seeing DH's name and handwriting on the CS checks he wrote out to her. He realized this and started to pay it online. It was great because a) she could no longer get that satisfaction and 2) DH no longer had to go through the pain of writing her name out on a check.
i always
sign Mrs. ... when i drop ss off at daycare and she is picking him up in the afternoon. Because it bugs her that her son and i will have the same last name, and she doesnt anymore, so she is afraid people will assume i am his mother.
Also like petite"s situation, I am 5'9" 135lbs, im always tan, and have an augmented size d. BM on the other hand is like 5'3" 200lbs, looks like a troll, has loose skin that hangs over the top of her bathing suit bottom, and is covered in the most horrendously ugly white trash tattoos. has fried hair, and her chest matches my back. To top it all off, she cant forget her white sunglasses and pooka shell necklace. I love it last year, she called fh in tears that she couldnt handle ss, and could he meet her at the pool,(we lived in the same complex) so i came too! It was great, she strolls out hair done, 5lbs of make up, her lovely white trash jean shorts folded over to let her belly hang, and a suit that exposes how truly flat her chest is.
I simply slip out of my bathing suit cover and proceed to prance around. It was great. I love if we show up to her house for drop offs on holidays too, her male family members gawk at me, its great!
What is it with BM's and that necklace?!
I swear I crack up like crazy everytime that pooka shell necklace is mentioned. I can't for the life of me understand what prompts her to wear that thing!
i think
she even sleeps in it! ugh, every picture on her myspace, and every time i see her ugly a** she is wearing it.
Careful ladies!
You guys are too funny! But aren't you afraid of the Karma bus?
I don't do anything to that woman. She is a non-issue.
I don't want to soil my soul by doing/saying/thinking evil thoughts. I really believe it bites you in the end so I avoid stuff like this.
Karma bus?
I dont need to worry about that, any karma bus will clearly be heading in the direction of bm and mil to run them over!
WE r Karma!! For all the things the BM have done 2 our DHs! I think they deserve what they get. At least my BM does. Its not enough that she is 6 foot tall & 100lbs. No figure @ all! I, on the other hand is 5'6 & 110lbs with a 36DD. Long black hair 2 my butt. The thought of me is Karma enough. Lol!
Well I just thought of a way..flip the script
BM's newest manipulative way to get FH away from me is calling at the last minute to take SS to daycare in the morning (she knows by 730 am but she calls FH at 845 - when she knows I'm not around)..to tell him SS needs a ride to daycare.
SOO...instead of letting it show that she gets to me..I flipped the script! I just sent "Dear"...cough..cough..FH a text message saying "hey..since you get SS today and you work late why don't I pick him up from daycare so that him and his brother (SS taht lives with us) can play? OR have her drop him off so they can have time to play since you get out of work so late"
I know the answer will be no..BUT it makes me look good and she will look like a b**tch when she says no.
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"
Ooooh, that is GOOD!
I like it. Put the onus on BM instead of letting her put the onus on DH.
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
I actually called him (see my other blog) and was really sweet about it..haha..another thing I'm gonna start going with him randomly (without telling him beforehand) on pickups/dropoffs. I used to always go but stopped cuz' I didn't think I could hold my temper..but I'm gonna start just sporadically going..she'll HATE that.
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"