A view from the other side
I implore you to read with an open mind. I probably could have written this letter myself two years ago. Anyway, I found this letter on another site that I belong to and thought that it could be valuable here....if it helps just one person's situation here, then it is worth the wrath that will surely be coming my way.
"Dear Stepmom,
I realize you despise me with every ounce of your being but I do not know why. I do not understand where your anger towards me started. What did you even know about me in order to form such a negative opinion? Was your opinion formed solely on the information provided by my ex-husband? Honestly, what would your ex-husband say about you? Would any of it be nice? Would much of it be biased? Would your version differ from his? Couldn’t that possibly be the case with what you have heard from my ex-husband?
I have thought many times about the “anti-relationship” between us. I have thought about what type of people we both are. I know without a doubt that you have people in your life who think you are wonderful, caring, kind, funny and understanding. It’s confusing to me that I have never seen those aspects of you. Why would you not want me, the child’s mother, to think those great things about you?
I also do not understand why this situation is a competition. Can I not just be my child’s mother and you be his stepmother? Why isn’t that good enough? Why do you put me down to my child and seek to replace me as his mother? Why must you make him feel guilty about loving me? Yes he lives you, or rather his father, but I am here, I am involved, I am his mother. He doesn’t need another mother, but an additional adult that supports him and loves him could be a wonderful bonus in his life. Are the sneers necessary? Are the faces and gestures at exchanges necessary? Is attempting to limit the amount and the manner of my access necessary? You have a son yourself, for one minute put yourself in my shoes and think how you would feel if someone were doing to you what you have done to me for so long? Under what conditions are those actions actually justified?
The competition continues even further than just the child, doesn’t it? Why do you feel the need to attack me professionally? Why do you feel the need to try to cause problems in my marriage? What possible benefit could that give you? What possible benefit to my son could that be? Will I ever be able to live my life without fear of you trying to destroy anything good or promising that I have?
My ex-husband loves you. He and I shared a time together when we were young and then we both grew and went our separate ways and grew up some more. I do not want him back and he does not want me back. We have both moved on. The only thing left of that is our son who needs us both in his life. Just as my husband can never replace the father, you cannot replace the mother. Trying to do so will only push my son further from you.
I love my child and I believe you love my child as well. That should be enough common ground for a good starting point of cooperation. I have tried my hardest to avoid you at all costs so this situation does not escalate but, if you are ever inclined to lay down the gauntlet and start anew in the spirit of cooperation I would welcome the fresh start. We do not even need to discuss anything from the past, it’s past, let’s just smile, treat each other with respect, work together and move on."
- Angel37's blog
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Do you agree that your
Do you agree that your letter, for the most part, could be written to a BM from a SM? I believe it could easily go both ways. What do you think?
Definitely...there are a lot
Definitely...there are a lot of different scenarios out there!
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
I think there are misunderstandings on both sides!
“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop
are probably several similar type letters that steps could write to moms, although I do see the part about blindly believing what is told to you- we all know there are three sides to a story, his side, her side and the truth
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
I agree, however after 5
I agree, however after 5 years and talking to countless people who interacted with her at one point or another I am starting to think FH was not exaggerating. I am sure that in many instances this isn't necessarily the case.
I fear this too...that if my
I fear this too...that if my son ever gets a SM she will hate me or resent my son, for no other reason than I exist, or because of how my exH is obsessive in his attempted contact with me. I hope that if he ever finds someone that will stop. I hope that he will move on and leave me alone. As for BM, my DH never says anything bad about her...he has told the bad things she has done, but he does not ever put anyone down...anyone. My opinions of her are based on her actions, not his negative feelings. Things are getting better in the last year or so though so I am hopeful there will be less and less drama as time passes. There was a lot in the beginning of our relationship, and over the last 4 years it has steadily decreased
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Oh please
Then don't read my posts if you don't like it. I know that seeing the other side is a terrible thing, isn't it? “Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop
I agree with both of you. I
I agree with both of you. I do believe that most of the BM's we are discussing on this site are far from ideal. However I do believe that taking the time to see both sides can be a humbling experience.
Angel are you a SM? This
Angel are you a SM? This site is for Step parents. I am not saying biological parents aren't welcome, but I wonder if you see what I am getting at and why it would bring out hostilities in others?
I have answered the question many times
“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop
Sorry I guess I was never
Sorry I guess I was never around to read a post with the answer, just asking and I still don't know. Your prerogative.
No she isn't. She might have
No she isn't. She might have been at one time, not sure, but I'm pretty sure she is not currently a SM. But she may deal with a SM or have one herself? I'm sure the issue has touched her in some way or she wouldn't be here, right?
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
She is a BM. Her DH is the stepparent in this.
I welcome her opinions. Hopefully she can be another Janice. Not seeing too much of it, but it may come.
I see. I also respect that
I see. I also respect that but that does, most likely, change her viewpoint and she has not gone through the same experiences that most of us have.
Janice's SN
was BIOMOM. She was a BM that was on here, very helpful It's been a looonnngg time since she has posted. I think she got chased away too. But she offered her perspective in a way that helped us SM's with our situations.
I've answered the question many times. Please read my previous blog to find out why I am here.
Also, I never nominated myself for anything, but I DO know what it's like on this end so if I can help ease a troubled situation with my experiences, then I will. You don't have to like it.
“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop
Wow, I did have a really
Wow, I did have a really open mind reading it and I did agree with you on some points but now I am beginning to see that you may in fact be an instigator. JMHO.
I'm not an instigator, but I'll certainly stand up for myself when attacked.
“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop
Noun Singular instigator Plur
instigator (plural instigators)
1. A person who intentionally starts something
Only if you question intent
My INTENT was not to start anything. I'm sorry it worked out that way.
“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop
I love that line!
lol, that is the best, "Sheriff of the BMs and educator to the SM masses" I'm am SO going to find a way to work that into a conversation some day!
I guess I read that to
I guess I read that to quickly the first time, but went and reread after you posted and I must say it was well worth it! I do love it too!
Unfortunately, the BM's the majority of us have to deal with on a day to day basis are not as "enlightened" as the BM that wrote this letter, if they were, then none of us would need this forum.
Yes, everyone has a their own views, opinions, and stories. The letter seemed to be quite condescending in it's tone. It's translation to me is yet another "I am the BM, the perpetual victim, I did nothing wrong, it's all the SM's fault".
You have asked us to put the shoe on the other foot. Which is cool. However, please do not expect us to do so, without being prepared to do it yourself. It's a two way street.
We all know that not all BM's are like the horrid shrews that we have to put up with, just like not all stepmothers are the like what is depicted in the letter. What your exH's now ex did to your kids was reprehensible. Please do not lump me (as a SM) into the same category as her, just as I won't put you in the same psycho category as our BM.
Come on now...a lot of us
Come on now...a lot of us SMs on this site are also BMs...some are even "the evil BMs" to their children's SMs! There may be people on this site that could have written this letter to their exH's new wife...there are a lot of different scenarios on this site and I think its good to look at all sides of many different situations we discuss here. Go grab a midol and a glass of wine (I know its early but oh well) and relax!
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
I am in the middle on this but...
I am a SM and a BM with a SM involved with my sons. I would never need to write this letter to SM nor would SM to me. BM wouldn't bother to write it because I am invisible to her. She is the one who has arranged this "anti relationship" as the letter says, all the while dumping all of her responsibilities on me. So I'm the only one who could write it.
I'm sure there are SMs like the one described here, but there are also as many BMs as far as I can tell. Regardless, in my case my perspective is coming to you from one BM/SM to another any way you slice it.
"To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?" ~Hamlet Act III scene I
I guess your two cents aren't worth the same as anyone else's....
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
Gestalt & Angel
While I somewhat understand why you think you are on this site, as a BM only, you would not know what it is like for step parents and the situations we deal with on a constant basis, unless of course, you were one at some point. Being the BM dealing with your children's SM is different, and I assume there are sites meant for that perspective.
I'm not going to say I think you are wrong for being here, as the internet is open to all, but you will have to understand if people do not appreciate some of your blogs/commentary. We Steps are the ones having to deal with, in most cases, a nutso birth parent. I personally, don't give a rats ass how BM feels about me and don't want to come to my "step parent haven" and have Birth Parent blogs in my face. Now, I understand some steps are also BP's, and in this case I feel like they bring a good perspective in being a SP, BP and having to deal with they Bkids SP sometimes.
Just my honest feelings. Nothing personal against either one of you as people.
~ Formerly ToTheEdge. I have stepped down from the ledge.
You know what?
I have been trying to read through all of this, and I couldn't make heads or tails of it. I came in late to the party, you see, so I missed a lot of points.
But what you said right here in this post makes the most sense to me. The internet is open to all, and I adore the free speech. But you are completely right in saying that since this particular forum is from a perspective of mostly SM/SD etc, it is not the place to jog our collective "Shoe on the other foot" mentality. Most of the step parents I know do that inside on a daily basis. Seriously. We wonder how we would act--and hope we'd act nicer, gentler, calmer, and with more forethought. Maybe we wouldn't succeed in any of those high hopes, but we think of it. I know it.
While it is important to remember now and again that other sides are significant, I think as folks who NEED step talk? We need someone, anyone, TO HEAR AND UNDERSTAND the loneliness and isolation that we feel because of situations that do not always remember we have a heart, and we also hope for things to be better or get better. Ya know?
I just appreciate your comment. Thank you.
I have seen
first hand BM do all the things that H has told me. I pray everyday for God to touch BM heart in a way that he knows how and for her to truly change and lay down the hate she has for H. Afterall there had to be something about H that she once loved to lay down and have a kid with him. I truly want us to work together for the benefit of SS but BM is so scared of SS not loving her best when he should not have to love anyone best just love us all. He can love us all the same just in different ways. However BM cannot see that she wants SS to feel the way she feels about H and my thoughts are if H is so bad as you say he is then let SS find out for himself but you will not do that because you know he is not that bad. You just cannot stand that H has moved on and is happy in a way he never was with you and you cannot stand that NOBODY not even your family hates H only you. Everybody else loves him.
In the letter posted
above, it doesn't seem (although I guess we don't know for sure) that the author is the same type of mom that many of you have. It seems as if it is the stepmom in that situation (based on what is in the letter)who is the one with hate and causing problems.
I guess it could work both ways, I do identify with the letter as some of the things are very close to what my son's stepmother does.
Further indication that not all of either side are perfect and not all of either side are wrong I guess.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
two sides to a story
There are indeed always two sides to a story.
My EH told his new girlfriend at the time horrible things about me that were not true...because of this she was always attacking me and accusing me of things. When they finally broke up and saw the light that he is now doing the same thing in regards to her and his new girl.she called and apologized and we are now good friends.
I think alot of women on here though deal with BM's that don't "try and make peace" but instead instigate on their end also..instigating drama and problems with the SM out of their own jealousy.
But I do appreciate the post and everyone should ALWAYS keep in mind that there are ALWAYS TWO SIDES TO A STORY.
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"
Jealousy - good point. I do
Jealousy - good point. I do believe that the majority of us on ST run into this with our BM's. I think that in a lot of instances they wish they could have had what we have with DH/SO/FH/BF.
works the other way too...how many steps hate the fact that hubby onced loved someone else enough to actually marry them (where are you ladies who hate the fact that ex still carries his name?) how many hate the idea that he went through the wonderful and emotional and bonding experience of having a child with someone else? I know not everyone is bothered by those things but I also know that some greatly are.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
Fortunately I don't deal
Fortunately I don't deal with that. She trapped him by getting pregnant and he has old school values so married her. No love. She changed her name back at the time of divorce. He loves his kids and I expect that, but other than carrying them she has never done much. Maybe that makes things easier for me but I don't think I would ever be jealous of her, I have what she wishes she did, but she made choices to screw that up. I feel sad for her from time to time, but that is about it.
Yes, you are right! There
Yes, you are right! There can be jealousy on BOTH sides..maybe for different reasons, but both BMs and SMs can deal with this. And some that are both BMs AND SMs may deal with it on both sides! Women are territorial...over their husbands and their children...no denying that!
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Of course
OF course, there is room for jealousy on both sides. The mature people on this site can admit that.
The letter that Angel posted is from a biomom who seems to see herself as blameless and completely free of jealousy. She feels that she has not been responsible for any hard feelings, and that any tension is entirely the fault of the SM. Now, don't you all think that's a little unrealistic?
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
Based on the wording of the letter
cause we really can't get clarification...(which is frustrating)
I see mom has avoided stepmom at all costs
I see mom feels as if stepmom makes the situation a competition
Mom states stepmom has done things against her professionally
Mom states stepmom has tried to hurt mom's marriage
Moms feels like stepmom puts the child in the position of having to chose
I'm sure there is other stuff I forgot
but I do not see where (as based on the wording) mom should have blame on being (whatever word applies) assaulted/attacked/maligned/slandered in various areas of her life.
Any person seeking out any other person in an area of their life with the intent to cause harm or disruption- how is anyone else to blame BUT that person.
I'm sure stepmom's version of all this is extremely different, but I stand by the fact that attempting to harm or cause disruption in someone's life is wrong no matter who is doing it.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
Yes, I see that, too.
And if all of that is actually the truth, then I can understand her frustration (of course, as you said, we can't clarify/verify).
However. In my situation, I'm sure the BM would probably say a lot of that stuff about me. And I honestly don't know where she gets it. I have NEVER bad-mouthed her in front of her kids, I ask them about her life when they bring her up, and express positive thoughts at her successes. I do NOT make catty remarks, eye rolls, or gestures in their presence. And I know for a FACT that she does make sarcastic and cutting remarks about me in front of the kids, because my DH has seen it numerous times. The kids have also asked DH for clarification about negative things BM has said about us. She is bipolar and poorly medicated, and has shown herself to be disconnected from reality on numerous occasions.
So. I know this letter was not written by our BM. But it could have been. She is capable of saying all of those things about me. And quite frankly, the vast majority of them are just plain wrong. I could go down the entire letter and list everything in the letter that our BM would very likely say about me, including the "why would you believe what DH says about me." SHe accused my DH of poisoning my mind. But the fact is, DH never said anything bad about her to me. Unlike her, who in one of our first conversations immediately started bashing DH right to my face, apparently trying to get me on her side.
The point is, just because the BM believes she's blameless, doesn't mean she's a reliable narrator.
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
very true
excellent point, in these situations I always hate not having that ability to get "the rest of the story" and ask the questions and whatever....
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
I don't allow
FH to badmouth BM to me. I told him that he chose to marry her and have children with her, and as such she deserves a little respect for the role that she once played in his life. She deserves a little respect for being the mother of his children. There were times that he would vent and I would listen, but if it progresses beyond venting to bashing, I would stop him. I told him that I need to have a tolerance for this woman, and him badmouthing her to me is only making me envision her in a certain light, and it won't help my behavior when I have to deal with him and her. My opinions of BM are based off of what I've seen and heard from her firsthand.
I know my FH was not perfect. They were both young and dumb. I can't hold their past life together against him, her, or the kids. My BM has actually been wonderful compared to others on here. I feel like there has been a little bit of PAS, a little guilt, and a couple of comments that were uncalled for, but she is pretty much hands off. Which is a problem in itself, but not the point of my post. I also feel like I have been an ideal "stepmom" figure. Overall. No one is perfect.
I think you attitude in approaching your scenario is applause worthy- it's great how you identified the pitfalls of the situation before actually stepping them. That is awesome
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
Good philosophy! I like it.
Good philosophy! I like it.
I love the way you think, 2Bloved...You really do sound like the ideal step mom. Of course, everyone has to work together to have an ideal situation, but it sounds like you have a head start. I truly hope that this is how my ex's gf feels.
“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop
No, not ideal stepmom
Just trying to have the best relationship as possible w/ BM. If you knew some of my thoughts or feelings re: SK's, you wouldn't think that.
LOL 2BLoved! Its okay,
LOL 2BLoved! Its okay, you're human!
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Thoughts and actions are two different animals.....the actions are what the world judges us on
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
A lot of the letter is nice, but other parts just seem really unfair. Why do people automatically assume stepmoms are trying to make the BMs children her own? I would rather pour acid down my throat than try to replace my sd's bm, NO THANK YOU!
The letter for the most part is a mature gesture...however, most BM's wouldn't be brave enough to send it to the stepmoms. In an ideal world, woman aren't vicious and they can communicate openly. Unfortunately, this isn't an ideal world and women are cruel to each other everyday (I don't exclude myself from that by any means!). There are so many reasons the BM's of the world and the stepmoms of the world are not best friends most of the time. Women love to think of themselves as supremely mature and well rounded but the truth is, if we were that way for real... the stepmoms and BMs could coexist happily. Somehow, we all have been set to 'defensive' mode for one reason or another ( "we" includes the bm's).
I also think that sometimes we are just too different from the BM we have to deal with. That's why you're married or dating the man you're with...because you're different from his ex. When there are too many differences, there is tension because you truly don't like the person not because her ex put evil ideas in your head. As for disliking the skids, it's very possible you just don't like who they are, you simply don't like their personality. There is no law that states you must like everyone.
Well said!
Well said!
There was no assuming...this
There was no assuming...this was a real letter to a SM so apparently in her situation, that is the case. Its not a generalized letter to all SMs...it is based on the situation for this particular person.
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
wasn't saying the letter was a generalization...
i should have been more specific...from things I've read, a chief assumption of BM's is that the SM is trying to take their place. And I honestly should have used myself as an example bc I originally felt that way about my sons SM. until I realized I was being immature. Sorry I wasn't clear enough:)
Yeah there is a lot of
Yeah there is a lot of assumptions by BMs like that...I just don't think it was the case in this particular letter. Thanks for the clarification
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
I think that a lot of SM'S or their significant others
have told the BM just that (SM is taking her place) and that makes us cringe. I can't tell you how many times ex said that his ex gf was a better mother than I would ever be (yet I don't put bruises on my children and they're fed, clothed, educated, and well mannered).
I guess what I'm saying is that even though SM may not know what's being said, many many times, their spouse is busy alienating BM. Make sense?
“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop
well...that kinda made me sick....
sorry...I tried to have an open mind....but my BM beat and threw her kids in the trash....at which time, I scooped them out....so honestly...I just can't relate to that BM's letter....sh*tty people come in all varieties....BMs and SMs alike....BUT...I could see my BM writing a delusional letter like that cuz she actually believes her own craziness, so I guess that's why it pissed me off so personally..
"Sooner or later, everyone's bill comes due"
Like I said, that is why
Like I said, that is why this is a site for Step Parents!
I agree with a lot of your post but I do have a question about one thing
you said....
When there are too many differences, there is tension because you truly don't like the person not because her ex put evil ideas in your head
In my situation I have never really met stepmom, never had a conversation with her, never spent time with her- how does she know there are differences? where is the tension from? where do the negative ideas come from?
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
She is referring to SMs/BMs
She is referring to SMs/BMs that interact with each other. Often times when you divorce someone, you look for someone new that is very different in their character and personality, so the new wife & the old are very different people and sometimes clash. Because they would never associate with each other if not in the situtaion they are in, they are not each other's "type" of people.
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Thanks melis
That does make a lot of sense- I know my husband is nothing like my first husband.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
Sometimes women feel
Sometimes women feel threatened and they have no reason to feel that way... I had the opportunity to know BM and DH never trashed her to me. I simply didn't like who she was as a person. Unfortunately, a lot of stepmoms do have to be the venting person to their husbands and that will plant many negative things about the BM they deal with...maybe that's what happened in your situation. My son has a stepmother and I'm the evil BM:) we began emailing each other and she found out all her animosity came from what my ex was telling her. We arent exactly best friends but we're a lot more comfortable. Clear the air if you can.
Yeah, that's kind of a problem.
I posted above that i though the letter was a little unrealistic -- the BM in the letter seems to think she has contributed in no way at all to the tensions.
Our BM says stuff like this all the time -- she loves to do crappy things, refuse to apologize, and then talk about how DH is "hanging on" to the issue like it's SOOOO unimportant. SHe loves to talk about how all she is trying to do is get along and do what's best for the kids. But OMFG, if I had the time to list all the absolutely TERRIBLE things she has done to the kids, to me, and to DH in the name of "doing what's best" -- HA! What a load of BS.
So, sorry if it's a little tough for me to take that letter at face value. To me, it smacks of holier-than-thou-ness.
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
This entire thing has gotten out of hand. I had hoped for a mature discussion about the feelings that we experience on both sides and I appreciate the wonderful responses discussing the issues. I don't appreciate the nastiness, though.
And yes, this is a site for step parents but nowhere does it say that bio parents aren't welcome. Until the owner of the site tells me I'm not welcome, then I'll be here learning and posting. And for those who are wondering, my husband is a step parent and I've dealt with my ex's gf's...one great the other not so much. So I'll say it again...I'm here to learn first and foremost so I can continue to have a good sitch with my ex's gf. If I can help others improve their situations, then great.
“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop
I think, as I stated at the
I think, as I stated at the beginning of this post that you are welcome, but understand where 99% of the people on this site are coming from and it isn't the same place you are. Of course it is going to stir stuff up and you know that, we aren't stupid enough to think you don't.
I think, as I stated at the
I think, as I stated at the beginning of this post that you are welcome, but understand where 99% of the people on this site are coming from and it isn't the same place you are. Of course it is going to stir stuff up and you know that, we aren't stupid enough to think you don't.
Its good thing though...its
Its good thing though...its nice to see the other side's perspective and learn as well...just like we like the few men's perspective we have here, its nice to have a few BMs perspectives as well. I don't think this was to stir the pot at all. She didn't say anything nasty and she is not here because she hates SMs!
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Uh not for nothin but i think it should read Dear BM!!!!
"And this too shall pass..."
For some the animosity is based on fear of being replaced, for
others it is based on observed behaviors and for a final group it originates in just plain evil on one side, the other or both.
Good letter. I think it goes both ways.
Best regards,
My 2 cents
I have actually WRITTEN a letter similar to this to BM. Yes DH did tell me of the things that BM did to him and in the relationship. I SAW some of the stuff myself. I am hardheaded though and I choose to judge people by their own merit. I approached the whole situation as the problem was with THEM and not me. I reached out to BM. I tried to be that buffer because the 2 of them couldn't be in the same room without gouging each others eyes out. I tried to get a working co-parent relationship going for the sake of the kids. I assured her that I was there to work with them for the best interest of the skids. What I got in return I did not see coming. I was verbally attacked on numerous occasions. BM would sit with the skids and have a bitchfest about me because I EXISTED. The kids would give me H-E-L-L. BMs body language has displayed that she has wanted to bash my friggin head in for trying to talk to her - which the kids witnessed. BM has slandered me to any and everyone who listens.
I am a BM first and foremost. My daughter was close to being a teen by the time the skids came into the picture. I had a WONDERFUL relationship with my BDs SM. We worked as a coparenting unit much to my exs dismay. LOL. So, surely I knew this would be a cinch because EVERYONE loves me (adults and kids alike). BOY was I wrong. I have forgiven BM but I have placed her on a shelf. I no longer reach out to her. I no longer try with her. I no longer speak to her. If I can help it I no longer SEE her. She is threatened by me and she makes every effort to make my life miserable. My skids live with DH and I. I encourage them to contact BM. I shouldn't have to with 12 and nearly 14 year olds but I do. I encourage them to call just to say hello and see how her day was rather than only calling when they WANT something from her. I realize that no matter WHAT I say or do or the good intentions behind it, they will never be well received or appreciated by BM. For a while I had allowed that to change WHO I was and I stopped. BUT that is not me. I am a giver and I am loving but I hold no punches. I didn't like the person that I was becoming once I began reacting to the hostility that BM was giving me. Now I am just ME. If she doesn't like it TOUGH TITTIE. I will not be a StempMonster to appease her. I continue to love and support and encourage my skids. SHe can either get on board or get left behind.
So, I know what it is like on the other side as I wear both hats. I approached the whole SM role from the view of what if I were in BMs shoes? So I treated her how I would have liked to and was treated when I was the BM. What is sad is that BM could not see or appreciate that her kids have a pretty cool SM. And yes that is to toot my own horn.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
toot away girl!
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
I think it is a great letter.
It is wonderful to see the other side. I could have written this to all of my son's SM's.
~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~
I agree
about the "superior tones" It's quite condescending.
I also agree...
I couldn't put my finger on why the letter bothered me because it seemed like the right thing for a BM to do...but you nailed it with the "superior tone" thing. I have been guilty of pulling that same superior thing on my sons SM and it isn't right. Just because someone is a BM and someone else is a SM doesn't mean one is better than the other. Seems a lot of exwives in particular have the "superior" vibe going on. The whole, "I had him first and that makes me way more awesome than you." Quoting from the BM i have to deal with, "I'm the first Mrs. and you'll always be the sloppy seconds mrs." This was said after she came to my home to get her child and I had the crappy luck of being within earshot of her venom. This was said out of nowhere too...right after I said,"hi there...I'll go get SD for you."
Well tell her being the 1st
Well tell her being the 1st also means she is the EX, the replaced one, the failed one! Sorry for ya BM! You are the upgraded version
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
"upgraded version"
BF says that he as definately the one who "upgraded" when referring to me & BM's BF. I LOVE IT! }:)
You said...
So I treated her how I would have liked to and was treated when I was the BM.
what a wonderful way to be....truly....and let's have the perspective go both ways. What is the right way for a mom to treat a stepmom? Just as stepmoms often feel they cannot possibly do anything right in mom's eyes, I am sure many moms feel that no matter what they do the sm will think it's wrong or has a bad motive or whatever....what can moms do to make it better?
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
In my situation
We don't need to be best buds and break bread. I have great friends that I do these things with. We DO need to get along for the kids sake.
So, I think
1) Being open to the fact that I love the kids TOO! I would never put them in harm's way. I treat them as I did my own which speaks volumes. I do not treat them like my Skids.
2) Appreciate the fact that her kids have a caring and loving individual in their lives. My kids are honor roll students, NJHS, polite, respectful and very kind when they allow that to shine through. Hell my SS was just invited to participate in the National Young Leaders State Conference which is a sister program sponsored by the Congressional Youth Leadership Council. WHO does she think has been putting in hours and time through the years to bring that forth in him? The Easter Bunny?
3) Accept that she does not need to COMPETE with me. I can never take her place. Her kids will love her if she never did anything outside of showing up. That's fact - the bond between mother and child no matter HOW crappy a parent you are. The kids just want HER, but she is ruining it by bashing me.
4) Reassure the kids that they don't have to choose between us. They can have the best of both worlds. I tell the skids that when we are at a function and BM is there they are more than welcome to go and sit and hang out with her. We aren't going to sit together because it just doesn't work, but I never want them to feel like it would make me mad to sit with her. I want them comfortable to just BE themselves whether it is with me or her. Hell they live with me so I get to see them all the time. All I care about is that they KNOW that I am there for them whether we sit together or apart. We can always catch up at home.
5) Stop undermining EVERYTHING I say and do. She can not dictate the daily lives of the kids because they do not live with her. I know that is difficult, but it just is. I didn't cause this to happen or even have a say, but I have to DEAL with it. It behooves her to constantly try to sidestep decisions that have taken place in our home. For instance - SD will be entering HS next year. SD has a choice between a great program at a so-so school or a so-so school. BM wants SD to attend and is pressuring her a school which is 1) outside of our district and 2) that SD is not even interested in. SD is a pleaser so she wants to forego what SHE wants and what is best to please BM. Not good.
6) STOP trying to BUY the kids love. Goes back to #3. They will love her all the same.
7) Stop bashing me! I come on here and let it all out but I keep my mouth shut about what I think of BM to others. The kids friend's parents have NO IDEA. Now if BM should happen to show that side of herself...that's between them. BUT she constantly bashes me to everyone. These people are my neighbors and the friends of the skids. I am not comfortable around them because of how they sometimes react towards me which only proves to me that she HAS said some not so nice things. It later comes out when they get to see the REAL BM.
These are but a few, but they are little things that I ask for and would appreciate.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
I honestly
don't know many SM's that want make their skids "thier own" and push BM's out of their skids life.
Many say they can "love" them like thier own, which is good, but really the vast majority don't want to take them away from their BM's or damage skids relationship BM's. In all actuality, many SM's would LOVE BM to be there, be more active, do more, and stop pushing their children and responsibilites other people.
I agree 150%.....
I would have loved to have been the "big sister" figure....but BM chose to not take care of her own children properly, and worse....abuse them, so I had no choice but to step up and be the Mom figure....but it was NOT my choice, it was hers, and I resent her berating me for it, even after all these years of her constantly dropping the ball where her kids r concerned....
"there are three sides to every story....your side, my side and the truth :)"
Yeah, I think
Yeah, I think that line "SM wants to make the kids her own" is just classic jealousy rearing its ugly head.
SMs DON'T want to make the kids theirs. They want to figure out how to have a good relationship with the SKids -- they are trying to figure out how to be a STEP-mom, not THE MOM. The part in the letter where the Biomom asks why the SM wants to take the kids as her own, shows me that she is contributing to the problem with her jealous attitude. And again, if she can't admit that she's contributing to the problem, then she will never be able to be part of the solution.
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
I sooooo
agree with that!
not all
sm's feel like they don't want to make the kids their own. I truly believe many, heck maybe even most stepmoms feel the way you described above. But when an sm is saying "your mom is no good" "your mom isn't here to take care of you" "I'm the one acting like a mother to you" "your mom is jealous of me because I now have her baby" <---that one courtesy of my sm....when sm is signing everything as the child's mom...introducing herself as the child's mom....
what is mom supposed to think? I am totally for you being right on what you said above, But what is a mom to think about sm motives when the examples I gave are happening?
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
Yeah, the fact is
The fact is that there are a**hole BMs and a**hole SMs. I would never, ever say a thing like "I have to take care of you cause your mom won't" to my skids. However, I feel that way sometimes, especially about the younger one. But that's not because I WANT it to be that way. It's because BM neglects her.
When I was a kid, I thought that when I became an adult, I'd be surrounded by nothing but mature, fully-realized adults. Now that I'm an adult, I realize that there are even more childish, petty jerks over 18 than there are under 18. Sadly, any female with the right plumbing can produce a child -- there are terrible people out there who happen to be moms. And any female who can interest a man enough to have him want to marry her can be a stepmom. There are terrible people out there who happen to be stepmoms.
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
Isn't that
the God's honest truth!
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
I agree with u IF the BM is still in the picture and doing her job as biomom, then by all means, SHE is the Mom and her position as such should always be respected.......but when a female, I won't even call her a woman, puts her own needs before her kids and lives in a crack den and her kids r starving....then I don't give a rats ass how the BM feels about my motives....I am the one working full time, cooking, cleaning, and giving my 3 skids the best life I can....I am the one there, who never goes out anymore and basically has no life, while she is out there some where with her man or woman of the hour....so yea...know what?...my skids mom IS no good....and no my skids mom ISN't here to take care of them, I am...and I have no problem saying that to anyone!!! I could give a sh*t about her f'n feelings.....sorry for my language...
"there are three sides to every story....your side, my side and the truth :)"
oh,,,,and I never say those things to skids....
I always say that their Mom is just out there trying to get her life together.....
"there are three sides to every story....your side, my side and the truth :)"
I agree
even though I am a mom, that doesn't always mean that I am 100% promom- when people are wrong they are wrong. I hate that there are mothers out there that do that stuff because as my son lives with his dad for 65% of the time I am termed non-custodial- even though everything is joint. I despise moms like that because it reflects on all non-custodial moms and we are not all bad. We have not necessarily done anything wrong.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
Touche Namaste
My sentiments exactly. It takes a village and there is room enough for us both.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
In case anyone is interested
If I want a BM's perspective (outside of my own or the 7000 or so BM friends I have), I will frequent ivillage or cafemom. They have several boards for BMs dealing with SMs and can often give good advice. StepTalk is the site where I can feel comfortable discussing the things that are specific to being a SP. These things cannot be understood by someone that is not a SP.
I've said it before, if the issues that come with being a SP were so obvious to people that weren't SPs, we wouldn't need a forum like this. Actually, there would probably be a lot fewer SPs.
Obviously, I don't know the specific circumstances surrounding this letter, but BM has said a lot of these ridiculous things to me before (I'm trying to steal SD, she doesn't want H back, I'm competing with her, I have a child so why don't I understand, etc.). She's an idiot.
I think the letter was written because of all she's
been through with the ridiculous SM she had to deal with. I don't think her intent was to say that any of us are that type of step mom. I believe the intent was to show how a BM can feel about things.
I know alot of us deal with lousy BM's, who treat thier kids bad, hate us for everything, etc.
I don't think she was talking about that kind of BM's perspective, and I don't imagine she would care how that kind of BM feels.
This was geared to a SM that maybe jumped the gun on the BM. Someone that doesn't know the BM. Took someone elses word on how the BM is, instead of seeing it for themselves. And then messing with her kids head on top of it.
It doesn't pertain to most of us, because most of us have a terrible BM in our lives to begin with.
I think we may be getting a little to harsh, when all she's trying to do is write something nice.
~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~
I am a BM and a SM. Like
I am a BM and a SM. Like Principlist, first and foremost I am BM. I get along quite well with my BD's stepmother. The girls often liken me to Reba, and their SM to Barbra Jean... It hasn't been easy, but we've all worked hard to have a solid relationship for the girls.
Putting on my SM hat - it's the complete opposite situation. When DH and I started dating, he would tell me stories about BM. For the first couple of weeks I let it be known to him that I've been through all of this before, and I couldn't/wouldn't form an opinion on someone I didn't know. I told him that as a mother myself, BM is SD's mother, so in my mind, she deserved a least a little respect for that.
Then came week 3 of our dating. She caught wind that we were seeing each other, and totally WIGGED OUT. Any shred of respect that I may have thought I had for that woman was gone the moment she BASHED MY KIDS for NO reason, other than to piss off DH and I, and in turn , make herself feel better for yet another failed marriage (DH was her second husband). I actually had the opportunity to speak with her first victim, I mean husband, and she had done alot of the same things to this man as she had done to DH and to me! A leopard does not change it's spots.
Now, I'm not saying that a BM should not be allowed on this site. However, as a BM only, you also need to appreciate the fact that the step mothers / fathers on this site found it because of the crazy situation they are in, and many of us were at our wits end. I WISH the BM I deal with was the type of person could have written that letter, but sadly, she's the polar opposite of the author.
Continue posting and responding all you want. Like everyone here, you have every right. BUT if you expect us, as step parents to look at a "view from the other side", then I would think that you should be willing to do the same, no?
Girl! LOL
...her first victim, I mean husband...
Another laugh out loud moment for me, courtesy of you!
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Melis - I have so many others:
- Whipping Boy
- Man Servant
- Wallet
- Sh*t Stuck to the Sh*t Stuck to the Bottom of Her Shoe
I could go on...
That was my reaction to that
That was my reaction to that sentence too! FUNNY!
I have not read through all of the posts
so forgive me if I am repeating something someone else may of said. We all have different variations of a similar situation. In my situation, I am both bm and sm. I tried to have a good relationship with the bm to make life easier for all involved. I am not jealous of her nor is she of me, as far as I know, and I am lucky that I do not have many of the same bm issues that alot of the ladies here do.
Some bm's resent the fact that we sm's have anything to do with their children and their ex husbands, some bm's are scorned and want their ex's back, some are just jealous for reasons only they understand and others are great and want what is best for their kids and are nothing more than friends with their ex's.
Now the flip side there are sm's that may be jealous of the bm, the bond of family that the bm share with your dh, may just not like dealing with the whole mess, have skids issues or may just be dealing with a bm whackjob.
There are so many variables here.
My kids do not have an sm so I only hope that if my ex should remarry that his new wife would not harber any ill will agains my kids or I. I would be happy for him to have someone in his life.
The letter has it's good points and I always think it is good to see another's perspective. The letter also has a bit of the overly pious "holy martyr bm speak" to it as well but let us not forget that it is just another person's opinion. Of course we knw that not all bms are saints, neither are all stepmoms, just us.
We can agree or disagree. The truth remains that this life we have chosen is tough and we have issues that original families do not. I would love to say that all is well in my world and that I just love, love, love my skids and that dh loves my bios and we all get our needs met, and have a happy, bonded family unit but that is not the way it is. Sometimes I feel I struggle almost daily and sometimes I feel great about it all.
I was trying to make some sort of a point here but I think it got kind of lost and I am at work so I am multitasking so forgive my rambling.
I think that we all have our own demons to slay, some are just disguised as family...
You are
so right, and I think anyone reading the letter could attribute a tone that is based on their own experiences- I can't remember who, but someone said the letter sounded good- like something they could have written, some else said it had superiority, and you read a the holy martyr bm (LOL).....
heck I just read someone else's letter in obviously the wrong way.....this blended family world is definitely a minefield- especially when we are perceiving the intent of those we know or suspect do not like us
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
My 2 Cents....
I know for me I have no desire to be friends with my SK BM, I find her to be not only to be someone I would have never associated myself with. But I do truly hate her! She use her kids as weapons toward my DH and my own children. She accuses my children of all sorts of stuff and then cant face me when I confront her about it. Stating this has more to do with my children you need to stay out of it.....
I mean come one - who makes there children were 2 odd shoes to school when it my DH day to pick up the children just out of spite?
Frankly I think she is a horrible mother and would never want to even entertain the idea of befriending her.
You and I see eye to eye
You and I see eye to eye about or BM's. Good luck to you on that one.....;)
I have one word for that letter . . .
GAG!!! :sick:
why on earth..
Do all these BM's (including mine) think that the SM wants to take the mom's place?!?! I care about my skids very much and even love them to a certain extent however I would never try to take BM's place simply because lets face it..I CAN'T DO IT. Even if BM were a crack whore, the kids would still love her more simply because she's their mom. I don't want to take BM's place. I'm quite content being their real-life version of malibu barbie with brain cells. I like that they see me as that cool lady who is always up for a good chat or game. When/if I'm ever ready to take on the responsibility of being a mom, I will have my own child.
As far as the letter goes, I think that BM has some good points but she fails to see that her jealousy is part of the reason why SM doesn't get along with her. Instead of being thankful that her child/children has a SM who cares for them, she sees the SM's behavior as threatening.
Being in a scenario
where the sm is actively trying to cut me out of kiddos life, I do know that it does happen- I also know other mothers where the sm has pretty much been successful at it. Just because you would not stoop to that level doesn't mean others wouldn't.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
looking at this through my situation..
"Dear Stepmom,(she would never have the class or common sense to over come her insecurities to write me to get along)
I realize you despise me with every ounce of your being but I do not know why. (i do not hate you, i really dont care about you at all. You claim you dont know why, perhaps your harrasing calls to my fh and especially the ones where you treat him as a phone book, your lying, your brainwashing of your child that im bad even though i have nothing but love your child)
I do not understand where your anger towards me started. (the upset, not anger, started when you became so insecure about your own child knowing who his mother is, that you started verbally attacking my fh and threatening him because you know he loves his child, but cant get over that he doesnt and never did love you, and he has found someone he loves with all his heart)
What did you even know about me in order to form such a negative opinion? Was your opinion formed solely on the information provided by my ex-husband? Honestly, what would your ex-husband say about you? Would any of it be nice? Would much of it be biased? Would your version differ from his? Couldn’t that possibly be the case with what you have heard from my ex-husband? (i have always said that there are 3 sides to every story, yours, mine, and the truth. I even wrote her once saying that the past is the past and what is said is of no relevance now. only what occurs now matters, they created a child, and nothing else of the past matters. I base what i think of her solely off of what she has done since i have been involved with fh. I dislike her because of the things she has said about me and to me, i dislike her because she acts entitled to still treat fh as if they are married, i feel she is a liar who takes advantage of my fh being nice, and lastly i think she is a horrible mother for telling her child that people who have been nothing but good to him are bad. thus confusing him and causing him to become an angry child. For this i am the most upset, fh and i can cope but, ss is only 4 and its not fair for him to suffer because of her insecurities.)
I have thought many times about the “anti-relationship” between us. I have thought about what type of people we both are. I know without a doubt that you have people in your life who think you are wonderful, caring, kind, funny and understanding. It’s confusing to me that I have never seen those aspects of you. Why would you not want me, the child’s mother, to think those great things about you? (she is incapable of thinking good about me because she views me as a threat to her due to her insecurities as a mother. She has no friends, and all of her "friends" she says she does have that i have met talked about her behind her back, they said she is a liar, she uses people, and all in all was a bad person. She is very fake and i do think there are people i dont know that like her. we are very different people, with different backgrounds, different morals, and different views on life. However, i would give the moon for us to get along, for us both to be able to respect one another. I would love it if she saw and acknowledged how much i did and cared for her child. I have done nothing but reach out to her and try to get along. i have written her and asked her to please let me know if i do something that upsets her, or she feels im over stepping, because that is never my intention, it never gets me anywhere. the bottom line is that she truly does not care about getting along with me. If she did she would have accepted all my attempts at peace. she wants control of her ex, and no other female in her childs life, therefore i am the obstacle she wants removed)
I also do not understand why this situation is a competition. (it never was for me, its your child, im not competing for anything i am myself and for that fh and ss love me, the man is mine and his love is mine, we will have children of our own. you are the one competing because your actions indicate that you are afraid you lack what i possess therefore you compete to make sure your own child knows who his mother is. do you realize how pathetic you look?)
Can I not just be my child’s mother and you be his stepmother? Why isn’t that good enough? where do i sign up for this? ive wanted this all along, you keep this from happening)
Why do you put me down to my child and seek to replace me as his mother? (never once have i said one bad thing about you, your intelligent child knows more than you think, and takes your bad mouthing of us and resents you for it)
Why must you make him feel guilty about loving me? (i encourage him about positive things regarding his mother, once again, i have never said anything bad about her to ss)
Yes he lives you, or rather his father, but I am here, I am involved, I am his mother. He doesn’t need another mother, but an additional adult that supports him and loves him could be a wonderful bonus in his life. ( i have done nothing but try to be this figure which you speak of. if you would get over your self and your insecure power trip you might be able to see that. We have 50 50, and when he is with is father you do not control things, you need to realize that you gave that up when YOU filed for divorce, the judge awarded fh 50 custody, therefore he is a fit parent, and you do not have the right to call and harass your ex, as he does not do this to you)
Are the sneers necessary? Are the faces and gestures at exchanges necessary? Is attempting to limit the amount and the manner of my access necessary? (i have never been rude or given any type of look to bm. I have killed her with kindness at every interaction we have ever had. conidering custody is 5050 there is no limitation. In the case of this letter though, if the bf and sm have custody, it must be for a reason, and this bm needs to check herself, because obviously she was unfit in some way and perhaps a better mother figure for this child is not a bad thing)
You have a son yourself, for one minute put yourself in my shoes and think how you would feel if someone were doing to you what you have done to me for so long? Under what conditions are those actions actually justified? (i do not yet have a child, but "all that i am doing" is being created in your head out of your insecurity. I love your child when he is with us, i never bad mouth you, and for this what is it again that IM doing wrong?)
The competition continues even further than just the child, doesn’t it? Why do you feel the need to attack me professionally? Why do you feel the need to try to cause problems in my marriage? What possible benefit could that give you? What possible benefit to my son could that be? Will I ever be able to live my life without fear of you trying to destroy anything good or promising that I have? (my fh hates you, he is only nice because he knows how fup our state is and doesnt want you to take him to court. i have never attacked you, i wish nothing but for you to be happy, because then hopefully you would stop trying to make everyone around you miserable)
My ex-husband loves you. He and I shared a time together when we were young and then we both grew and went our separate ways and grew up some more. I do not want him back and he does not want me back. We have both moved on. The only thing left of that is our son who needs us both in his life. Just as my husband can never replace the father, you cannot replace the mother. Trying to do so will only push my son further from you. (okay, is this trying to act like you are over fh? because i could swaer that you calling sobbing about your bf issuse, and calling for other personal matters has nothing to do with ss. How would yo view it if your dh's ex did this? Once again, get it through your dense head, no one is replacing you, you are creating this imaginary issue because YOU are insecure. I will have kids of my own, i love ss because he is the child of the man i love, but i will be a mother to MY own children, i dont need to try and take yours, im a better person than that)
I love my child and I believe you love my child as well.(well than why cant we just get along idiot) That should be enough common ground for a good starting point of cooperation.(okay, fine, then stop calling us, harrassing us, and being jealuos that we give ss a better life than you. Its you with the issue not us, and that proven by the fact that only you are calling and creating upset in the life of your child, so really the only one creating distance is you with your child, because like everyone else he probably tired of your crap!)
I have tried my hardest to avoid you at all costs so this situation does not escalate but, if you are ever inclined to lay down the gauntlet and start anew in the spirit of cooperation I would welcome the fresh start. We do not even need to discuss anything from the past, it’s past, let’s just smile, treat each other with respect, work together and move on." (name a place and time, i will be there, like i said i would give anything for all this nonsense to stop)
therefore, i am upset by this letter as it relates to my situation. However, separate from my issues with bm, why does any mother like the one writing this letter, regardless even if it is the mother, have the right to be demeaning to a woman who is raising her child?(it mentions the bf has custody) I think alot of bm are insecure with another woman in their child's life, bm told me herself that it was hard for her. A majority of these women use their insecurity as an excuse to cause upset and drama, and really the only person they hurt in the end is THEIR CHILD!
wow Nikki...
That was really long! LOL
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
yeah i realized that after i posted it. i was going to erase it, but it was very therapeutic to write it!
I appreciate your
answers to the questions based on your situations, but I did want to clarify one thing, being non-custodial does not equal unfit. Unfitness (legally proven) would bring with it some sort of loss of any type of legal custody, at least some sort of supervised parenting time IF parenting time was granted at all. Do any of you consider your husband who only have their children every other weekend- or less than 50% of time to be unfit???
Custody has to be split somehow and every situation is different in how it traveled from beginning to end, that being said, unfitness is rare in the grand scheme of things.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
where we live
the bm pretty much has to abuse the child in front of some one for the bf to get any majority custody. To me it seems that maybe unfit was the wrong word, maybe unable? but because of the way things are here, it seems that if a mother had her child live the majority of the time at the fathers, and did not arrange her life in order to have at least 50%, then that bm should give a lot more respect to the sm then what is included in this letter, because the majority of the time, that sm is raising the child. To me it seems like the bm is insecure and in a manipulative way speaking to the sm about trying to replace her, if the bm is sooooooooooo concerned by this then why does she not figure out how to have more custody of her child?
i have not read all of the responses, so im not sure if i missed some background here.
Very well said smnikki.
Why is it we (the step parents on this site) are asked to see this "view from the other side", but when we expect the same in return, we are accused of "attacking" or "bashing", or our opinions are summarily dismissed?
i can only speak for myself
and recently i have discovered that there are sm's that i would say "prevoke" drama with the bm. I do not do this. I have only written her to smooth over drama with her and fh, because lets face it, most men are not very articulate about what the actual issue is. i bought this woman a xmas present, invited her in to my home, voulenteere to take ss to tball when she has to work, writen her to explain that i respect her as the mother of ss and that please do not ever think i would try to replace her, i gave her an invitation to feel free to write me if i ever did something to upset her because this is not my intention....etc! HOWEVER, i could still see her in her crazy minipulative head writing a letter like this. The bottom line is that her insecurities created all of this. With what i listed about, you would think that a bm would be greatful to have a nice, respectful, caring, and considerate sm in their childs life. BUT NO! bm in our case is just all the more threatened. it really is a shame because the only one that suffers is SS, HER child. I think that as sm's we are expected to just let stuff go because we are not the bio parent, BUT the truth is bm's are the ones (in my type of situation) that just need to let the F go. Bm is tramatizing her own child because of her own insecurities, and in the process justifying it. its so sad and pathetic!
I don't mean to be completely rude, but I am more than a little bored by this whole angle and have zero interest in my BM's perspective. I too wonder about the true motivation for doing this on a step parent's site.
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
I could have written that
I could have written that letter to my SD's BM.... My DH and I are the ones who have been on the receiving end of pretty much everything in that letter and more. Her false accusations came dangerously close to completely ruining DH's life and by default our family's life, so frankly I no longer care to try and look at things from her point of view, since she has shown time and time again that her POV is nowhere near reality.