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stuknaz's picture

The message said "Hi this is BM and calling to invite you to have a drink/cofffee so that we can discuss some things?

Would you:

A. Call her back and arrange a time/place?

B. Call Looney Tunes back and curse her out because she must be crazy to suggest something as off the wall as that!

Or lastly

C. Don't even bother returning the call!


lovelovelove's picture

My sentiments exactly! Wink

Most Evil's picture

Our BM has 'reached out' to me via voice mail on our home phone to say, she is there for me as she is sure I am experiencing the same issues she did with DH - um, no, actually, I am not, probably because I don't treat him like sh*t.

She also wants to tell me the 'truth' about him, well we have been married 8 years, together 9, so longer than she ever knew him so I think I already know what I am dealing with here!

I have never responded to any of her attempts at 'girl talk' because I know she is a backstabber with many examples to prove it.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

melis070179's picture

What a psycho!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

doglover1's picture

DOnt call or do anything. From your other blogs she sounds like an idiot. Like my BM here, they can not be reasoned with. I decided many years ago not to have ANY contact with her. I have held my ground. THings are much better that way. Believe I know how tempting it must be to call her back and tell her off. This is what they want, women like this love drama, save yourself the grief and dont do anything.

stuknaz's picture

I would way. this situation has not happened to me YET! But I was just wondering what you guys would say. Me, I would not even acknowledge the message. I would not waste my arsenal of profanity on her because she is not worth the energy. And YES she is a complete Idiot.. a freakin whack job that's what she is.

Ahh yes I feel better now!

"And this too shall pass..."

BMJen's picture

I've returned the call. Set up a time to talk, etc. And through the whole conversation all it was really about was how much she hates DH, oh wait, I mean loves, no maybe hates, it's hard to keep up with the rollercoaster Beast Bitch.

It was supposed to be about SD and how she was doing in school, what we can all do as a group to help her out, etc. But the conversation only landed on SD here and there. It's was mostly all about DH, how much they loved one another, how much she misses him, why won't I let him come over and fix her house for her, or hang up her Christmas Decorations, etc. Needless to say her and I conversations never last long.

LizzieA's picture

Oh my. Still in denial about what divorce means?

melis070179's picture

Ignore Ignore Ignore! No way I would want to even see her let alone speak to her! yuck!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

Endora's picture

I was very resentful of Zippy's BM-she could just leave her 14 year old son on her X's doorstep with a woman she barely knows and La La La walk away-not before signing off on her bio son and not contributing ANYTHING to his care-

She does not have any money-but could she not come get her son for a breakfast or two? Make him something special just for him? Call him once a week and tell him she loves him? TRY to make some kind of difference in HIS life? E-mail him daily to see how his day is?

A million ways to make a difference in this young man's life were hers and what did she do when she did call?

She was the victim
The world was against her
She is the one hurting
She has been dumped by everyone
Her life is crap
Please feel sorry for me

I now know she is incapable of anything outside herself as she has emotional issues-

I could NEVER have a rational conversation with an irrational person-

So no-no point-it would only be a one sided conversation in Loony Tune Land.

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

JMC's picture


if I should bring my attorney! lol ~

No, seriously, I would ignore her - BM is not worth wasting one minute of my day.

kaffonseca's picture

The one time I had a serious "girl" talk with BM..she did the same thing..talked about all the times he cheated on her (which he denies)..all the horrible things he used to do..what a bad man he was..bla bla bla..and than she would go on to try to fill my head with doubt saying to me "how do you know what he does on his lunch break" bla bla blah....
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

littlegrlzx4's picture

if you already know she's a freak, no need to have a reminder over coffee.

what is it about BM's and their meetings. Reading the above posts are JUST like the first time I met BM when she retold every fight they'd had from her persepctive, challanged our parenting ability and bitched about everyone she'd ever met. 4 years later, I ignore all calls from her because if anything, she's even worse.

kaffonseca's picture

EXACTLY! first off...he doesn't take a lunch..he is too busy at work, he ends up eating at his desk..and he calls me while he's on lunch..I told her..whatever he did to you..that's on you and YOUR inadequancies..not had a baby and thought it would keep him..sorry..backfired on you.

And he denies ever physically cheating on her..since we've been together I've been hearing bits and pieces of stories of her actually doing the cheating..not him.
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

BridgingTheGap's picture


hopeful12's picture

That is so funny since last saturday when DH was speaking to BM, Dh hands me the phone and says she wants to tell you something. After a few minutes of protest I got the phone and Moo cow starts with "I don't know why SD blames you for everything. She has anger towards you. I have a great idea, tomarrow morning me,you and SD can go to breakfast you bring her. Leave your kids with DH. We can finally get to the bottom of this... I said (nicely) No thank you, SD doesn't have to like me. She is only hurting her dad. And she can live her, big mouth the way it runs and runs... Have a great day.. ANd hung up. I told DH "did you really set me up for that? I don't F'n think so!! So they can gang up on me. You go have breakfast with her...

"You never know what you got, till it's gone"

belleboudeuse's picture

A year ago, I probably would have done it, even though I had pretty much given up on believing that she had any honorable intentions at all in her dealings with us. But she was so absolutely awful in the month or so immediately following our marriage that now, I am done.

I would email her back and politely decline.


- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)

Serena's picture

Don't do it, just ignore her. If she needs to say something to you, she can tell your H.

I manage to get roped into that all the time at the urging of H and BM. They feel it's important for SD to see us together so she doesn't have to worry about loving us both. Whatever, she can love her mom all she wants and me not at all. There - loyalty conflict solved.

So I get ambushed and I get to hear all about BM's BF treating her bad and what a mistake she made leaving DH and how she wishes she had him back, blah, blah, blah. Look at pictures of them (BM and her BF) on vacation, hear about what a great mom she is (stifling the laughter from that comment almost knocks me off my chair every time I hear it), and so on. She mistakenly thinks she has something to add to my life, it's a disturbing display.

I now carry a book with me and when she starts chattering on like a monkey on crack, I just open up a copy of "How to deal with annoying people" and start reading away. Sometimes I'll take notes in the margins while giving her a sideways, disdainful glance.

Hmmm, can't imagine why she doesn't like me. :evil:

Valleymom's picture

You never know if she is going to record you... I would say with a mediator or your attorney there. BM's are tricky little snitches. It sounds like a trick to me. Another thing is why is your husband not invited? You should tell her if its about his children then he should also be involved.

stepmasochist's picture

I'd tell her how I'm a hesitant to meet with her to discuss anything considering some of our past encounters and things she said about me to the skids and others in the past. I'd say I'm suspicious of this ... whatever it is. Can you tell me specficially what you are wanting to discuss because maybe it's something that you and the skids' dad can resolve without us having to speak one on one?

I would be polite and tactful, but definitely let her know that I'm not comfortable with it because she's nuts without actually coming out and saying she's nuts - just like I said mentioning how past things she's said and done don't preclude themselves to us being on friendly or even somewhat cordial terms. Know what I mean?

I think it would be better for the kids if I didn't shun her entirely if she was appearing to make an effort for us to develop some kind of working relationship. On the other hand, I wouldn't trust her to not have some sneaky, underhanded reason for this attempt AT ALL.

That's just how i'd handle it if it were the BM in my case. And she's a first rate doozy of crap BM. I guess what I'm choosing is a variation of B. It's B without the cursing her out. Smile

stepmasochist's picture

If she starts cussing you out just say, "I'm sorry, but I cannot continue this conversation with you being disrespectful. Good bye." then hang up.

And she will have proven you were right to turn down some face time with the psycho.

powerlinesarenotyourfriend's picture

I would call her back, leave a message with just me laughing and saying something like 'you really are as nuts as everyone says you are! Maybe those power lines really did mess up your brain you dumb b***ch!'

lovelovelove's picture

And I would call ber back, arrange a time to meet for coffee...get there before her and order for both of us and put some kind of laxative powder in hers. hehe...

That's actually me being nice, because I would much rather use rat poison! Wink