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stuknaz's Blog

Just venting about cake!

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Dh's birthday was Thursday!! He has birthday cake in the frig that is just waiting to be cut! I ask DH Friday morning when are you going to cut your cake? He says "Oh I'm waiting on my sons to come and cut it with me. They will be here after school." Well Friday comes and goes and the boys never show up. Saturday rolls around and he says that the boys will be over to cut the cake with him after football. Well again they are a no show. Sunday afternoon I go in the refrigerator and see "the cake" still sitting there uncut.

How hard is it to say Hello?

stuknaz's picture

The stepsons came over for a visit after football practice yesterday.
I was in the kitchen washing dishes and my back awas turned. The boys came in and walked right past me (they saw me!) and didn't say one word!
They plop down in the living room and greet their father. As I was finishing up the dishes I had already decided that I wasn't gonna stick around for this family moment. I go into the living room and grab my pocketbook from the table.
DH says to his precious boys "Did you guys say Hi to Stuknaz?" They both said "Yeah" simulataneoulsy!


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The message said "Hi this is BM and calling to invite you to have a drink/cofffee so that we can discuss some things?

Would you:

A. Call her back and arrange a time/place?

B. Call Looney Tunes back and curse her out because she must be crazy to suggest something as off the wall as that!

Or lastly

C. Don't even bother returning the call!