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Interesting School Assignment

trophySmom's picture

Tonight after my SD-11 got finished with her homework she handed me a piece of paper from her teacher and told me I was suppose to read it. The sheet of paper explained that the kids were going to be working on a project in class for the last few weeks of school, a memory book. Well part of the assignment is for the parents, the sheet said all parents and step parents are to right a letter saying what they admire most about their child/stepchild. We suppose to seal them and send them to the school and once the kids are finished with their project they get to open their letters and the content is suppose to be a suprise.

...I'm lucky because I'll be able to come up with quite a few things that I admire about her (luckily she's exactly like her father so liking her is easier than if she was like her other parent!)

but it made me curious as to what kind of responses that question would get on here, I think it's an interesting topic!

What do you admire most about your stepchild(ren)


BMJen's picture

I would say the things I admire about my SD is that:

She very rarley gets down on herself.

She's always helpful.

She is a good secret keeper, at least for me anyways! LOL

She is a great big sister, she'll do anything I ask for her little sis.

She has a heart of gold.

She's not f'd in the head like her mom is, she really has a good head on her shoulders.

She's been very supportive of the new rules in my house and has really put forth her best foot with manners and what I expect from her. (she was DH jr when we met, I had to help her realize that ladies don't fart and burp, atleast in front of everyone and giggle about it!) LOL

She's a all around great, loving, sweet, caring, child.

My life wouldn't be the same without her.............

I love my SD! She's coming over tonight and I'm glad, this letter made me miss her!!

sweetthing's picture

For both boys I would say:

That they are sweet & kind. Wonderful big brothers to my son & great role models. They are smart & helpful with wonderful manners. I am proud of the boys that they are & the great men that I know they will become.

But, I tell them these things all the time because I feel that it is important that they hear from me all the good things about themselves. I truly feel that good behavior needs to be rewarded with positive feedback.

StepG's picture

the letter from the teacher asked for Step-Parents to respond as well.

I would say tell my SS I love his huge heart and the fact that he loves everybody despite it all!

melis070179's picture

I would say he is pretty respectful because he doesn't talk back. Thats rare for most 11 yr olds, I think. Maybe its because he's not here long, I don't know. But thats what I like about him.

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

Gia's picture


~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

FallingfromGrace's picture

are extremely intelligent. They do very well in school. They are adorable. They are very athletic. They are both great kids. I love them.

"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

BridgingTheGap's picture

Its nice to see that some teachers recognize that in some families, the step-parents are more involved than the BM/BD

About SS:
He's very generous. He always puts the needs of those he loves and cares about before his own needs. He is very frugal with his money (just like his dad). He likes to tell silly jokes if he sees that you're sad and need to be cheered up. He's good at science (just like me)

About SD:
She loves to read (like me). She has a cute outgoing personality. She's beautiful but she's not stuck up about it. She's a gadget geek (like her dad). She's confident enough to not be concerned about what others think and for a middle school-aged female, that says alot.

I guess I lucked out. My skids are more like their father than their BM. They both even look more like him than her (which infuriates her to no end!) Its easier to like them when they don't resemble BM in a physical or character like way

MinneMom's picture

SD9 is an awesome kid

*She always has a smile on her face
*Hugs me as soon as she sees me everyday and before bed
*Loves to be silly with me
*Loves to do craft/art projects with me
*Is open to trying new food until she decides she doesn't like it
*Is excited to buy me a mother's day gift for my 1st one this year (wedding 5/8/2009)
*Looks just like her father (eyes, nose, mouth, chin, toes, etc..)
*Makes friends easily
*Respectful child

Gia's picture

She has a good heart, She cares about the people she loves.

She is a helpful little girl.

She is sweet and is affectionate.

She can be pretty funny.

~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

Endora's picture

Zippy is well behaved in the classroom (being introverted does have it's advantages)

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

Most Evil's picture

My SD17 is very confident somehow, not sure why but she is.

Also she did get a job as soon as she was of age and has kept it, worked hard and saved her money.

I think she is ambitious but not necessarily in a go to college way, she gets bad grades, but I hope she does go and graduate.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin