So tired of the BM worship!
The skids have really gotten worse with this lately. It seems like whatever we do (DH or I), somehow the skids feel the need to point out how much better BM is. For example, if we talk about going to Florida on vacation, then skids point out that BM is taking them to Florida (in a private jet or something else utterly ridiculous). We remodeled the kitchen, and skids were quick to point out that "Mom says yellow paint is ugly, Mom's stove has more burners or Mom's getting me a horse" UGH. For the love of God... if I have to hear another "MOM's so cool comment" I'm going to barf. I always smile and say "that's nice" and don't point out that their mom fails to live up to anything remotely resembling responsibility.
- Catlover's blog
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I hear ya the way kids think
I hear ya the way kids think their BM is God's gift to earth makes me want to barf!!!!! We never even get to see DH kids anymore because they would rather be with the woman who has moved them 16 times in 3 years. Was too lazy to wake up when they were younger so they would make their cereal in the cats bowls. They love the woman who steals all of their money they get for birthdays and holidays. They are in awe of the woman who keeps moving girlfriends and boyfriends in and out of their life. The woman who beats the crap out of them, the woman who spends their childsupport on going to the bar. Oh yeah and the woman who lets her kids be around a child molester!! They also just love love love their BM who on a daily basis tells them that DH is a piece of Sh*t sorry Daddy. God forbid though if a cross word is said about BM cause she is soooooooooooooooooo frickin awesome.
In the kids' eyes their Biological Parent can do NO WRONG... :jawdrop:
Oh yeah
SD5 doesn't really compare most of the time, but she mentions her a lot, like "my mommy took me to wherever" or "my mommy said she likes cats" or some stupid SH*T like that, DH and I sometimes ignore her, but many times we tell her that it is really cool that her mommy does all those things but we really DO NOT CARE...
Other times (rarely), SD5 would say "my mommy told me not to do this or not eat this or not wear this" thing, OR "my mommy lets me do this and that" and we Always tell her that rules in this house are to be respected, and what she does/wears/eats at her mommy's is ok over there, but here WE (DH and I) rule the house.
***ESPECIALLY if she spends a few days in a row over there, and then comes back****
It can get really annoying... especially if we are with a friend or a stranger, she would just be "my mommy this my mommy that", the other day we were eating with one of my husband's good friends, and she kept doing this at the restaurant "my mommy likes avocados" "my mommy is gonna take me to the zoo" blah blah, DH told her to stop because he (the friend) didn't even know her mommy and didn't care either.
I also know for a fact that she talks a lot about me and DH when she is at her mommy's house...
I am sick of that as well
We are taking SS to Disney in June and the 3 of us were talking about it and how much fun we were gonna have and SS was saying same things then out of blue says well my mom is taking me to Florida this summer. It burns me up I cannot say anything without it being referred to back to BM. Back before Thanksgiving I read all the Twilight books and me, H, and SS went to see the movie. SS loved it and ask questions about the books all the time. well movie came out on DVD couple weeks ago and of course I had my copy pre-order so I told SS that I had gotten the movie and he was all cool I wanna watch with you when I come back. So Wednesday night when tucking him I tell him we will watch tomorrow night and he says yeah my mom said the movie was awesome and she like the person playing Edward. I said oh did your mom read the books he said no I said did you tell her you had already seen it he said a long time ago. All of the sudden his mom was an expert on it all and had never read the books only seen the movie which did not begin to cover the awesomeness of the book. It is like that with everything I say or do. The only 2 things he does not compare his mom to me with is my cooking and the way I take time to fix his hair and iron his clothes before school, church, going out etc. he says I have the best cooks in the world and loves the way I make him look good. I get so aggravated I think because I know BM and I know she tells him that stuff about what they gonna do and where they gonna go to keep SS favoring her and then follows through with NONE of it. H says that SS justifies his mom and boyfriend to us cause if and that is IF he tells her what we are going to do she will say well we are going to do this and that is what he repeats to us. I do not want to tell him you cannot talk about your mom at our house cause that not fair to him but it would be awesome if he didn't.
If you really think about the comment itself...
I don't see anything wrong with it... "my mom said the movie was awesome and she like the person playing Edward." The mom just made a comment about the movie and she has the right to watch the movie without reading the books, and also has the right to talk about it with SS. It is not like is a weird old movie, is something MANY people are into right now.
Don't take it wrong though, I do understand that it can be annoying, the fact that you might want to have something "especialy" with your stepchild only to quickly be reminded that BM is Oh so AWESOME!!!! }:)
I wrote about this last week
I wrote about this last week I believe. No matter how much DH and I do, we are always the "bad guys." My example was this: DH and I could provide the kids with Disneyland and they would like it, BM could give them a gumball and she would be parent of the year.
It's not fair. It will never be fair. It burns me that DH doesn't get any of the credit for being the good parent that actually provides them with the things they need.
As much as I want the girls to love their mom,
it hurts that they think she is so great...this is the woman who gave them beer to drink instead of soda, is dating a deadbeat dad, beat them, barely clothed them, and never fed them. I swear they lived on jello over there.
But still, she gets the holiday, presents & cards included. All this, when she doesn't deserve to be called "Mom."
No Kidding!
Just two days ago SD 11 asked me when mothers day was. I told her and her comment was "Oh boy, I guess I'll have to start shopping for Mom." I think I'll wear a T shirt that says "Chopped Liver."
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get me"
Join the party
BUT from what I have gathered the HARD way in these past 10 years (6 of which the kids lived with us and BM did absolutely NOTHING but work our nerves) the Devil Worshipping continues until the kids are able to rationalize and see for themselves. The more you try to point out a flaw in the Devil the more they will worship IT. So, I let them put her on every golden pedestal and cloud 9 even though I know it is not deserved recognition. They are now experiencing a lot of heartbreak from her lack of attention and parenting to them and for as much as I would wish that they didn't have to...I know that they need to. Whatever relationship my skids have with the Devil is theirs and theirs alone. I can not change it nor can I affect it BUT I can accept it. Now it is for them to figure out the rest.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
And just think...
of all the wonderful things we're going to hear pretty soon as my "most favorite" holiday soon approaches...
Mother's Day
And around our house, I get to hear all the WONDERFUL, AMAZING, TERRIFIC things BM does for them and how much they LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, HER!!! :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:
One year, SD17 even decided she was going to write to "Good Morning America" and enter the "World's Best Mom" contest where Wolfgang Puck comes and cooks the winner breakfast in bed.
The winners are always these truly amazing, giving, hard-working women (almost saint-like), and yet SD17 truly THINKS her POS emotionally abusive BM is in that SAME CATEGORY of people.
Calling Cleopatra- Queen of de-Nile!
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"