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We've Bailed out BM so much I feel like the Federal Government!

Catlover's picture

In less than a week we have had to clean up more of BMs irresponsibility with the skids. DH had agreed to purchase all of SS's school stuff and BM was going to take care of SD. Yeah right. So with less than 20 minutes until school (with the skids headed back to BMs after school), SD says I need a lunch for today (they take cold lunch when they are with us). She goes on to tell us that BM "forgot" to send money to school for her hot lunch. In addition SD's folders, backpack and school supplies are all last years because "mom doesn't get paid until next week". Ummm not like back to school just sneaks up on you.

SD is also scheduled to show at the fair on Sat. (horses) So far DH and I have provided all the show clothes needed, and BM had only contributed a measly helmet cover. SD came home today (and is going back to BMs tomorrow for the weekend. SD tells us she lost her helmet cover and gloves at BMs, and that DH "needs to get her new ones". DH asks why SD can't go tomorrow when she is with her mom, since her mom lost them. SD says "mom says you need to get them cuz we're busy tomorrow and she doesn't get paid until next week."

What??? So we're pretty much screwed on this one because she has to have the stuff by Sat and heads back to BMs tomorrow.

I'm just getting so sick of cleaning up messes made by BM and/or the skids! Worse yet DH and I will show up at SD's fair activities only to have SD ignore us because BMs taking center stage. Grrrr


squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

Oh man, have I been in your shoes! This is like deja vu!!!

This year is the first year EVER that BM has been completely in charge of back to school stuff. Wonder how it's going? In previous years, we have gotten backpacks, school supplies, clothes, shoes, etc. We've paid for school lunches & after school care. No idea if BM has done any of this stuff this year, but I would hope so! If SD9's outfit from last week was any indication, BM probably hasn't gotten new school clothes. This doesn't surprise me since BM has openly stated that new clothes are a waste of money.

BM would push stuff on us like your BM is doing for this weekend. All the time! I think the rudest was when BM emailed us to let us know that former SD11 had a friend's birthday party on our weekend. They knew about this party for a week. BM had all that time to take former SD11 shopping to pick out a gift. But did she? Of course not! Instead, she sent an email two days before the party stating that she was sending former SD11 with $10 to pick up a gift that weekend for the party. And she had the gall to say "Two days is plenty of time for you guys to go get a gift". I wanted to hit her! Can you say RUDE?! She had an entire week & "didn't have time" to take her to the store, yet we have less than 2 days & that was supposed to be enough?! And come on, $10 for a gift?! What a cheapskate! We ended up spending around $20 because it's hard to find something for less than that.

And oh yeah, we heard the "Mommy doesn't have any money" line repeatedly. I always wanted to say, "Really?!" and then list all the things Mommy DOES have money for...bars, concerts, several vacations a year, throwing parties at her house, etc. She just doesn't have money when it comes to her kids.

Catlover's picture

that BM knew about these things in advance, yet gives us zero time to respond. If I hear another.."oh by the way....SS has a boy scout meeting tonight, totally forgot" I'm going to scream!

It's like that saying "poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part"

"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get me"