*sigh* finances and responsibilities....
I am upset with FH today, and I'm trying to come around to a better place before he comes home from work. I already called him at work and left him a voicemail where I was basically on the verge of tears, yelling at him.
Like many of you, my FH is just not that financially responsible. The bad thing is, I'm not that great at it either. My last marriage that is one thing my exhusband always managed, our bills and money, because I'm a "spend now and figure it out later" kind of person, though I'm not TERRIBLY irresponsible, every once and a while I'll overdraw my account by 20 or so, that's the extent of it. Sometimes I'll miss paying a bill for a month, and then double pay the next month, but generally I'm on top of it, and I have decent credit.
So I met FH, and he didn't have a checking account. Paid everything in cash, even utilities, going down to one of those sketchy places. He was ALWAYS getting the shutoff notices, and having to go down with a wad of cash. Or pay the oil guy in cash when he showed up, stupid stuff like that. He also drove a POS car.
Part of this was the standard sob story, him paying out the a$$ to BM, living in a sh!t hole apt, working 3 jobs, etc. I came on the scene and things started to change. One of the first major changes I enacted was getting him a new used car. I had been schlepping all 3 of us around everywhere, because his car was a deathbox. I HATED him driving this piece of junk with basically no breaks, so even though I was commuting 3 hours round trip to work every day, I was also chauffeur and I had enough.
So to make a long story short, I found him a car, a decent used car that he could afford the payments on. I went in with him, and we got all the paperwork done, and he got denied for the loan. I ended up cosigning the loan, to get him the car.
Okay, so time passes. We move into a new apt. FH pays all the utilities, and we split the rent. I buy the groceries. He gets off cheap because of this, trust me. We CONTINUE to get shut off notices, not every month, but occasionally. I address this with him first nicely, then NOT so nicely. I don't understand why he can't just pay the damned bill when he gets it, it's not that hard. I told him that with SD living with us, I simply can't deal with this. I'm too old to be living in this catch up mode. he agrees and promises to do better.
In November he bought my engagement ring for me, and because we got it from Macys, we opened a charge account to put it on, which saved us a hefty sum on the ring to do it. I got the card in my name, b/c I shop there often, and FH never does. BIG mistake. Since that time, I have paid the bill twice out of 3 times. Oh he always gives me the money back later, but that's not the point. It's MY responsibility now, and although he paid off 2/3 of it at the getgo, it's still an issue I have to remember. This past month I reminded him about 2 weeks before it was do, and got okay thanks. Then he didn't pay it, and we got a late charge. >:( PLUS this is on my credit!
TODAY I get a call from the car company, I GET the snooty call saying I'm behind in my car payments! WTF? I just paid it yesterday! Oh no, this is FH's car, 23 days past due, basically he now owes a double payment, ALSO on my credit!
I am SO pissed at him right now. The worst part is, he just bought himself a new GUN on a credit card he just opened to improve HIS credit! His work is supposedly compensating him for part of that (long story on THAT one) but he will still need to shell out about 200 on that, and like another steptalker, he just took himself to the gun store on Sunday to buy ammo!
I can't believe he's slipping on his responsibilities, especially since SD has just moved in with us not a month ago! We're STILL paying BM the CS until we go to court a month from now, and so money is doubly tight, and I'm unemployed!!!
I have money in my savings that I could use to pay some of this. I would rather he admit he can't make the car payment, I'll freaking pay it rather than it damage both our credit.
Our money is not merged, so I can't take over all the bill paying, and I don't think I want to merge the finances at this point. I don't want to be angry at him, but he's GOT to get this together! I don't know how we can ever do the things we want, save for a house, a wedding, anything like that, if he can't learn some of these basic things.
I guess I'm writing this partially as "waah poor me" but also as a cautionary, DON'T get yourself into this like I did, I really thought FH would do better than this, I really did, but it was naive to think he'd be financially responsible when he's lived so hand to mouth in the past. DON'T make my mistake, no matter how much it seems like it will help in the long run to cosign, or get shared credit cards, or merge finances, DON'T!!!
feelin pretty sh!tty today, truth be told...
- northernsiren's blog
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Debt Do Us Part
Sounds like BF needs "Gail" to the rescue!!
She is the Nanny 911 of finance in Canada-fantastic show!
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
if he'd listen
that would be great, he's very proud and doesn't even like to DISCUSS the possibility of him needing financial advice or assistance. I'm guilty because I always throw it up in his face "JUST TELL ME I'LL PAY IT!" because I get pissed and I know he does NOT want to lean on me for money like that, and he usually finds a way to pay it after that.
I think after I get a job, I will make it a priority to set a household budget, under the auspices of saving for the wedding. If I can make it a positive thing, maybe he won't be so defensive. He is going to have to let me into the inner sanctum of his finances though, it took me over a year and a half to find out how much the man made, whereas I leave my paycheck stubs all over the house, so it's no big secret...
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
I'll bet she's going to be coming to America!
Or someone just like her on a sister show. I have already noticed the recession changing credit card commercials- I think it's Citibank that's saying "Spend responsibly". Sorta like the beer commercials of the 90's showing everyone partying at a bar with "drink responsibly- have a DD" as a side note. I am so hoping that the credit card cos who have taken advantage of people for over 2 decades (I'm pretty smart and I get confused trying to figure all that fine print out) get hit the worst of all by this.
I know that might not help everyone out, but lenders who gave loans irresponsibly and led people on that they were financially able to handle them, or baited and switched us by changing terms etc... are well past due to feel the consequences!
Can't wait for Gail or her US version to hit TLC or BRAVO!
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert
Financial 911
My DH (who manages money ok)-CRINGES when "Gail" comes on TV-her no nonsense approach to finance is so doable for the average person and she takes no guff or excuses-in the end you get $5000.00 if you execute her budget and ideas for one month (and she comes and checks up on you!).
She says that stats point to the fact that finances are the number 1 reason couples split up! (don't know if that is fact)-but I am sure financial trouble does not help!
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
Dave Ramsey
He's a talk radio show host here in the states that's all about finance and my mom introduced me to him.
Funny thing though, tips I had given my mom fell on deaf ears until Dave Ramsey said them.
Nevertheless, he's pretty great. He's got books, videos, seminars as well, though I've never participated in them and he has a religious slant which isn't particularly my cuppa, but he still has very sound advice.
thanks Arianna, it helps to just hear you understand
and know where I'm coming from. I know one of the main reasons for argument and strife in a relationship is money and this I guess is no exception. It's so frustrating though that he HAS the money, and just doesn't PAY the bills! ugh! And then on top of it this new credit card. I really thought it was a bad idea, but he kept talking about wanting to improve his credit, so I grudgingly agreed. Now I think the only way this is going to work is me keeping track of everything, EVERYTHING and I honestly hate it!
I just had our bank accounts restructured to better allow us to pay bills. Mainly I did this for rent, because every month he was handing me like 500 in cash and I had to get to the bank and write the check. :S So now we each have our own accounts, and one account shared we can move money into and write checks from. I wanted him to start paying all the bills out of this account too, so he doesn't go to the check cashing sketchy place anymore, but he hasn't done that either.
I know it could be SOOO much worse, 20K in credit card debt, it makes me want to scream to even think about. We're only talking about a couple of late payments here. What he doesn't realize though is that when you go to the bank and sit down for a mortgage, they pull up that credit report and it's ALL there, what you didn't do years back, and it bites you in the ass!
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
When I met DH he had
Over twice that.
I think he's forgotten about that now, b/c the other night we talked finances again and I told him I was credit card debt free when we met (it's now about 25K AFTER me paying off one of his large interest rate ones when I sold my house, and consolidating some more into a once 0% now I don't know what it is credit card.) Anyway during the conversation he said his credit rating was 740 when we met.
I can't figure THAT out. When we met, he went down from 2 incomes to report to only his, the house he lived in had negative equity due to buying it in '02, BM going behind his back to refinance for lower interest rate while was deployed in '03, then refinancing to remove her from the loan and deed in '04. He had several high balance/high interest rate credit cards.
I am pretty sure that was NOT his credit rating, unless they had 20 more accts open with 0 balances.
Oh- and when we got rid of all his credit cards, mine had run up a balance b/c we had started only using it due to it's low interest rate. I always paid on time and never had a problem. Then mysteriously after we paid off all the other cards, my credit card co informed me they were raising my rate. Why? Because they COULD. It had been at that rate for years they said, and it was time to raise it. I did all those things Oprah, Jean, Suzie say to do- to no avail. The first lady said FINE, they wouldn't change it. Then the next month I got another letter saying the same thing. I called again. They said that per my conversation the month before I had denied their offer, but since I wasn't closing the acct I was now again subject to the new terms.
I never understood it, and of course having just paid off and re-distributed everything else, I couldn't do anything about it.
NOW....since all this recession/stimulus/etc happening. I just got another change of terms from them. Once again, not for any reason other than they CAN raise it if they feel like it. But this time they have explained my options more clearly. I can close the acct, keep the current interest rate, and pay it off but never use it again, and not have the open line to benefit my credit score.
NOW...I'm thinking, that was what they should have told me last time but didn't. I would have done it then if they had. I just can't believe how they take advantage of fine print to keep us chained in credit when we are trying like hell to get OUT of debt!
Ok...there's that vent I said I wouldn't post!
Thanks for the topic NS. I have been getting more and more committed to this and you have me fired up today! }:-)
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert
My H was/is the same
My situation sounds just like yours, now looking back I call them red flags I ignored.
When I met my H he was living on a friends couch (in a disgusting 1 bedroom dump) and driving a car he bought for $100. He was laid off and had been for nearly a year. He was paying ALL his money to CS/daycare expenses (which BM didn't have and was pocketing). He was a raging alchoholic with no prospects, no nothing except the clothes on his back.
I actually was dating his roommate first. But after he got arrested I was done with him, although we still were all friends and partied a lot (I was 21 then). My H kept bugging me for a date, kept saying he wanted to come home with me, didn't want to be in the situation he was in yada yada. Although he never mentioned SD, she was not really in the picture till later.
So I stupidly though I could help him, and he was pretty cute (I know now that doesn't matter AT ALL in relationships). He drank a lot less, he got a job from my uncle, I got him to catch BM lying about daycare payments, so that lessened his load finanically. Eventually he moved in with me, paying half expenses--the rest is history.
Periodically he would make such stupid decisions financially. Every few months since I meet him we are contacted about money he owes from before I meet him. It is so frustrating, I wish I had made the decision not to help him--keep him as a friend.
These stupid mistakes that will put us in the hole, like $180 on ammo, are killing us. He makes them every few months it really puts a tight budget beyond its limits.
I feel for you, I was/am in your position. Really think about this before you get married. He will likely get worse than better. Once you are married the credit is brought up together--whether or not you keep your finances together.
Brings back painful memories of my first husband
which is one of the reasons he is my EX HUSBAND.
Northern, I can totally relate to your frustration. When finances are limited, it is all the more reasons you have to be on budget and even more responsible with your money.
This was something that my ex NEVER understood. We were married too young (both 22) and found out right after our wedding shower that I was pregnant. So 7-1/2 months after we got married, we had our son, who was born with a disability. I now needed to stay at home and care for him, meaning we were a one-income family... and his income was not much!
Time for some belt-tightening, you'd think? Nope, not in his mind! He'd go out drinking and partying with his buddies, buying useless crap (new golf clubs, electronics, etc), and other risky behaviors; meanwhile we didn't have enough money to pay the bills or buy formula for our baby.
But it never seemed to bother him.
Then he got this "brilliant" idea with his drinking buddy to quit his job and go into business for themselves! BOOM!!!
Now we had no insurance and a disabled child.
Oh it got worse...ten LONG years of stupid, reckless decisions which put me and my two sons continually at risk. But it NEVER seemed to phase him.
Finally I wised up. And now, he's someone else's problem.
And from what I hear- he's STILL making the same reckless, stupid decisions when it comes to finances.
The point is, Northern, unfortunately, this is usually something that does not change in a person. Your FH is who he is when it comes to money the way he handles finances. I would think LONG and HARD before making him your DH and putting yourself at greater risk, financially speaking.
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"
thanks ladies, it's the responsibility more than the money
that concerns me. There's another issue that we tend to fight over, and that is his health. He is the typical male, and hates the dr, the dentist, all these things. Difference being, he was born with a heart problem, and SHOULD be seeing a Dr. regularly even to just check. I have already said I will not actually marry him until he resolves to commit to being on this earth long enough to raise the child we want to have together to adulthood. The night he proposed to me I made him promise to commit to this, for me, and for SD, and any other children we have together, AND he must get life insurance, no matter how much it costs. I do not have him as the beneficiary of any of my policies or investments as it stands now, nor will I ever until he makes these commitments.
The money is truly small potatoes. Our shared debt (aka his) is less than 7K) I owe about 4 myself, the bulk being on a car and some on a credit card I used to pay off some dental work. What I am more worried about is the responsibility issue. I know he would fight tooth and nail to protect me from any threat, but when it comes to protecting me in less tangible ways, I just don't think he sees it....
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
Your talking about being an "adult"
My H does finally get regular check ups, this took time for us too. It seems silly, so many arguements we had just to get his butt to the doctor. He still will not go to the dentist!!
Life insurance.....yeah he thinks it is SOOO important to have it on me and kids. So we have $250,000 on me and $20,000 per child. We provide no finacially help to this family at all--and he would get SS benefits for me and kids.
Does he have life insurance..the guy that full supports us, NO. He does not and says he will call about it. We will see! No only will me and kids be without our breedwinner but I will have to split the SS money with BM.
So he will make out finanically if I go but if he goes me and the kids are screwed!
Stick to your guns, but if he isn't making his payments on everyday expenses you may have to take care of this yourself.
It all goes hand-in-hand
When my ex made those horrible decisions (quitting his job, spending the money on frivolous things, going out and partying with his friends), it was more than just the financial aspect which got to me.
It was like he was saying to me, "Our family is NOT important to me. I choose to put other things ahead of my wife and my children."
And it was exactly his lack of responsibility, his immaturuty, and his impulsivity which ultimately doomed our marriage.
So I can appreciate why you would add to it the health issues as well. Not taking care of himself certainly adds to the mix the feeling that he is not serious about "putting your family first" and making your relationship a priority.
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"
getting by and 5teens
I can even accept that he doesn't feel like he needs to provide for me. As it stands now, I'm a grown woman. I financially cared for myself before I met him, and if we parted, I'd do it again. I'd LIKE to think if something happened to him he'd want to help me some, at the very least, help me pay for his damned funeral. But that all changes if I have a baby with this man. He said all along he admired my strength, and if something did happen, our baby would be okay with me. That is true, it would break my heart, but I would be there. But I never in a million yrs thought that would also include dealing with his debts too!
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
You are not asking to much
I forgot about the debt my H is going to leave me with as well.
He should want to make sure things will be ok for you and your future kids. My H used to say "when we get married" well that never happened.
You are a strong person and I am sure you would make it just fine, but it isn't about that to me. It is him being sure that the people he loves are taken care of and not in financially stress if something were to happen, god forbid.
Great point, Gettingby
Could you imagine having a young child a being saddled with an enormous debt as well by this man, Northern?
Is this fair to you or a future child?
Again, I would say think LONG and HARD about turning FH into a DH...
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"
No I can't and I won't
Although my fiscal house was in order in my last marriage, I made the mistake of thinking love would make all the rest of it not matter. It didn't.
After I get my new job we will buckle down. I honestly don't think he is incapable of this, I just don't think he's ever been exposed to it (or seen a credit report!)
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
H and I have seperate accounts
but I pay the bills from both. I pay his bills from his account and my bills from mine. The only problem I have with this is if something happen to me he would be lost...also if he wants to get me something he has to ask does he have money in his account. It is not that H is not responsible financially ... truth be told he is tighter with money than I... but I do it because he works physical labor - earth mover - so it is easier for me to pay bills on my break than have him do them at night or weekends. Perhaps I should start doing it on weekends together... that way he is in the loop.
I think it is a great idea to do bills
together. My H refuses and makes me handle it. I think he is just to scared to know the truth! Otherwise he might feel a bit guilt about his spending. I am sure he doesn't want that!!
I understand why you do it now, but yeah do it together on the weekends then he will have a better understanding--might love you more for everything you have done for him in the shadows
Don't get mad, but my honest opinion is to not marry this man or have a child with him until he learns proper financial management. If this is an issue now it will be an even bigger issue later.
If FH keeps money in his account, why don't you sign up for bill pay. Most places have it set up so that you can pay your bills online. You can even set it up for automatic deduction when the bills are due. Check to see if even the car payment can be automatically deducted from his checking account. That will save both of you a lot of aggravation.
My exH handled all the bills and he was good at it. My current H...not so well. He used to get calls from creditors about his truck payment and other stuff but he now has it set up on an auto deduct and it is working out well. I used to stay on top of everything too but I've kind of slipped a little myself over the past few months. That is going to change. I don't mind being responsible for making sure the bills are paid. As it is now, H pays the rent and his personal bills and I pay utilities and usually groceries. At least he is good about making sure the rent is paid on time.
I have started a little
small steps, I make him write the rent checks now. He has no experience writing checks, so it's a new development for him. I KNOW this stuff makes him uncomfortable, but I do think one person sitting on all the finances breeds an unhealthy resentment (unless money is a nonissue anyway) and we both need to be involved in the finances.
I also want him to get a copy of his credit report. He needs to get on top of things. I absolutely appreciate your honesty, there is always an excuse, we've been in crisis mode with SD, and my surgery, and my job loss, all these things, it feels like the best we can do is REACT, and it needs to be more proactive. As soon as I get a job, it will be.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
well...it IS true....
when yur NOT the one paying the bills, or I should say writing the bills, every month...there's no pressure to worry about what needs to be paid when. So if yur just handing over $$$ to someone to pay yur bills for u...why should u worry???...I made my DH's life too easy in the beginning and took care of everything, but when skids came to live with us full time, I said...no...we have to sit down and do bills together from now on....so far so good...so there's hope
"Sooner or later, everyone's bill comes due"
me too
Every time I've typed a response here it turns into a vent of biblical proportions. So this is it in the best nutshell I can give ya.
Maybe you and FH can set up an appt for financial advising as part of your pre-wedding agenda. I know it's hard to rationalize a fee when things are tight. But I have been through this with both the men I married as well. It's not all their fault, a lot of it was exwife debt, but I also have seen DH very unaware of what we spend and on what. He often thinks it's me, and groceries, eating out, stuff for the house and kids. It is part of it. But he impulsively shops TOO.
I have stopped using credit cards, except for rare online purchases because I think a credit card is less risky than giving out my banking info. If I do use it for an online purchase (like a 20 book purchase or such) I at least pay that extra the next month's payment so it's like I didn't even use it. But DH will see we're low in our checking acct, and rather than just say let's stop buying til next week, he uses his credit card (for gas, for dinner, etc) thinking he's going to pay extra on the payment, then make the minimum payment. Then when we get taxes back, he's saying, "Well, we have to pay this 2500 buck cc off first." We have a couple larger balanced cards we need to pay off and at this rate it just never happens.
UGH. I think like you it's a bad combo. I'm no good at budgeting, but can contain myself to only spending what's in the bank, but seem to always manage to spend what's in the bank and never save. And my DH has the mindset that he makes good money, so if he wants a new gadget he deserves it. If there's no extra money in the bank that month then use a credit card and pay later (or forget to!) I could share a million tales of woe myself!
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert
Thanks Sita :)
I'm sorry to hear you share my frustration with this, and believe me, I understand. I do buy things, frivolous things, I eat out, but I use my debit card. If I see I'm down to a few hundred, I panic and stop everything. I try very hard not to touch my savings account, and when I'm employed I make a deposit out of each paycheck to it. This is my "oh sh!t" money. I even have ANOTHER account for my "oh fun" money, like for vacations, things like that. I need to split my money up this way, for my sanity's sake.
Like I said, FH didn't even have a checking account when we met, and had always bought his cars outright, so I have made progress there. I just DON'T like him having CCs without fully understanding the ramifications of defaulting on payments. It's my fault, I thought at 32 he'd know about this, but apparently not... I think he can learn, he just needs to understand why it's important, not just me harping on him....
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
I think the fact that he has lived on a cash basis
Is incredibly cool and highly promising.
I am still thinking of the financial adviser for us. When I try to talk to DH about the things I've learned he is so stuck on how he thinks the system works and how much money he makes, etc. We both obviously need some education on it, but he's convinced we are capable of figuring it out on our own. Ummm...isn't that what we've done so far?
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert
thanks Sita
and I can't emphasize enough the guilt he feels when these things happen, and he is EMBARRASSED. he never ever tries to tell me it's not a big deal, or make it my fault. So I DO think he can do it, he's just got to understand he needs to REMEMBER to do it not just to avoid me coming down on him like a ton of bricks, but for his own good...
I don't think a financial advisor is a bad idea. I have done those calculator things online, and god it's so discouraging. I don't even like to think about how much we're supposed to be saving for retirement.... :?
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
I don't want
to be married to a teenager.
Don't help the man out. Just don't do it. Watch how he handles things financially & if you don't like it DON'T MARRY HIM. When you are looking for a man, you're really looking for a lifestyle. You cannot change a man, you cannot teach a man AND remain sane.
Count how many times he makes life easier for YOU! Subtract ten for each time you have to help him. Do the math.
Hey, NS....why do we (you) worry so much about these guys?
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
They (he) can't take the time to be an adult and be mature about finances...a telling personality trait. I think it was Suze Orman (sp), but not certain, who said people handle their finances the same way they handle relationships.
Boy, have I found that out to be true of H. He is a bully. He is lazy. He wants it all for him and his darlings and the hell with everyone else (even his wife, even the people-my parents) who are providing the roof over his head.
So yep. He's irresponsible-to put it mildly-in all aspects of his life. Because anything else requires effort, which he is too lazy to expend unless its for gambling.
If your bf truly felt guilty, he'd do something about it. Guilt is one of the greatest motivators...sorry to say. But honestly, ask yourself this-if you feel guilty about something, don't you stop doing it????
Tell ya what-I raised 2 sons. good men. I am not going to finish my life trying to raise a 44 year old 250 lb. baby who won't change his own diaper (referring here to his tax mess).
Hey Girl!
The way that I read your post is not that he is doing anything to get one over on you in regards to money - it's just that he has created this pattern in his life with money and the way that he has handled it up until he met you. Obviously we all see that that is not the correct way to handle your finances. He isn't a kid and he needs to learn to handle paying bills as an adult. Someone above suggested bill pay which is something that I strongly urge you to teach him. Help him set up the bills and show him how to pay them online once a month. It is the easiest thing in the world and will make life a lot easier for both of you. He can also pay the accounts that have your name on them from his account. For example I have a cc with a dept store that my FH uses for tools and such but he pays that bill through his bill pay account. My Fh and I have seperate accounts. He transfer to my account the first of every month X amount to cover his share of the mortgage and utilities and groceries. Then he pays his own cc bills, cell phone bills, etc., and I do the same. It is so much easier this way. Good luck with your situation and I hope you can get him straightened out so you do not have to get these harassing phone calls. I actually used to go out with someone that had a cash lifestyle and it drove me up the wall. Once I got him to see the light and do things in an easier and more productive way he was thankful to me for the help. It did take some work on my part not to kill him though til he "got it".
My best friend has this
My best friend has this exact same problem with her husband, minus the kid. She has their accounts separate & she manages both of them, and gives him an allowance. She pays his bills with his money as soon as he gets paid and keep track of all of it. Any extra after everything is paid she gives him in cash. He doesn't keep the atm card or checkbook, she does. Mor work for her, but she realized after 5 years that he was never gong to "get it" and she didn't want either of their credit messed up, so she does what she has to do. Thats the only way it works fo them.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"