Neverending it is...
DH and I are just never really going to be on the same page. We are desperately trying to at least be in the same chapter I think.
My friend and I were discussing just how blind my husband is. I think he is quite content turning the other cheek and shrugging his shoulders and letting BM act as inappropriate as she wants which in the end allows her behavior to throw my life out of balance. He's at peace. BM is self proclaimed to never be. In all my glory, I just don't think I have it in me to embrace her in all of hers.
Maybe it's me.
DH doesn't understand that in BM's codependent existence, in order for her to maintain sanity, she NEEDS,I mean like an addict, physically needs a man in her life. Sometimes for extra fun she'll have two. So when her relationships inevitably fail, she turns to DH to fulfill the penial requirement. So, to simplify...when she has a boyfriend DH is worthless, when she is without, DH is set upon a pedastal. The problem? I think he likes it up there... and I, personally, think it's ridiculous.
My friend responded to me the other day, "I just don't know how you do it...." when I was explaining yet ANOTHER invasion of BM's and her need to inject her presence right smack into the middle of our own personal business. I began to answer with a profound speech on acceptance and not letting her bipolar mood swings define my life. "But you always say what 'cycle' she's in and YOUR mood shifts to adapt to that cycle...she may not define your life, but she sure as hell defines your mood" :?
And by golly, I think my friend was right on and I realized that I've adapted my life to fit the two of THEM. So where do they end and I begin? When do I have to stop sacrificing myself to ensure that THEY are at peace?
So I guess my answer to how do I do it?....I don't. I'm failing miserably.
- Colorado Girl's blog
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Wow CG
I guess even though we both have bipolar BM's in our lives that really they are quite different. I guess I am lucky in that my DH despised BM and the feeling was MORE than mutual, so I never really had any of the buttinsky stuff you do. Plus, BM lived 500 miles away. It would just manifest itself in other ways though. PAS for example, I could go on. Unfortunately, it has only been recently that i have let it all go. I have NO idea how I got to this point, and I dont think I am being much help to you, but maybe to understand the bipolar is to understand your situation? I dunno. I tried that too, just didn't work well for me. You are much more loving towards your situation than I ever was, so I think you will make it through just fine.
Do you meditate? Yoga? Maybe try those? They would likely help you! Hugs to you ya!
Quit trying to be so
Quit trying to be so accepting of 2 people that do not do the same for you. Stand up for how you feel. The only one that can watch out for you is YOU. You can't let other peole walk all over you just so you can be the "bigger" person, when in fact its making you miserable. DON'T DISREGARD YOUR OWN FEELINGS. I don't know any specifics so I'm trying to be general.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
You hit on something I've been thinking about
There are A LOT of people on here who have serious problems with the BM. Obviously, you are one of them. I am trying to figure out WHY this happens.
I totally agree dealing with someone who is bipolar can be very difficult. My ex-sister-in-law, mother of my four nieces, now living again with my brother, is bipolar. Their behaviors can be very disruptive. However, because she is not part of my "immediate" family, I do not let it get to me. If she wants to go of on one of her tangents, I am there for her children. But I do not participate in her problem.
I COULD have a lot of problems with my BM. But, the fact of the matter is, what she does isn't my concern. If she wants to let SD15 stay out all night and get pregnant, that's not my concern. If she wants to throw money at all problems and keep SD from seeing DH, that's not my concern. It's his concern. And, I will say that over the years DH has gotten better at keeping me out of this type of situation. But only because I've forced him to.
Let me give you an example. Several years ago DH had a job that required a lot of travel. During his visitations (50/50 custody), SD would be at our house. But she and I fought constantly, and it wasn't worth the hassle. So I told him that when he was traveling SD needed to stay with BM. He wasn't happy, but he did it.
Obviously, your problem here is more with your DH than the BM. Although BM tries to invade your lives, she wouldn't succeed without help from your DH. If he wants to participate in her drama, fine. But he shouldn't be bringing you along for the ride.
Does this make any sense at all?
It does make sense.
Most of what she does, doesn't concern me. I learned the whole disengagement thing a long time ago.
Here's the thing.
My husband is the constant in her life. He is the only stability she's got...he is always the first phone call when crisis hits. The crisis usually involving the children...anywhere from money for a school event to domestic violence. Superman will fly in and save the day because that's who he is.
He doesn't hate her and I don't expect him to. Like many of the posters here, he did hate her at one point. Then in the best interest of the girls, all parties involved dedided to stop the madness. Stop the constant bickering. It took a lot for him to forgive her for all that she had done and I ended up in counseling to learn how to deal with a woman who had so much influence in my life but who also suffered from a mental illness. I learned much about her behavior and wonderful tactics in dealing with her when she's manic. DH learned about boundaries when she is being completely irrational.
So, now, I enjoy the other end of the spectrum. She no longer despises DH...she idolizes him. And DH is so thankful not to be on the receiving end of her wrath that he plays right into it. He is enjoying his ignorant bliss. Neither one of them seems to mind...only me. Hence, I must be the one with the problem...
I guess I'm just tired of the enmeshment.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I feel
just like you do about my Dh and Bm's interacting. In fact, after I typed my other response to you, I emailed Dh and asked him why he does what he does when he knows it bothers me and would be so easy for him to say "NO" to her.
Dh's answer was, Guilt. He said that if he would tell Bm "NO" and then she bought a computer that wouldn't play ss's games, he would feel bad. I told him that it really wasn't his problem to solve. It's hers. That isn't a problem that is going to cause ss harm.
It's all about intentions...
if I thought for one minute that BM's intentions were anything but totally self-righteous and self-serving, I wouldn't mind the OCCASIONAL phone call for assistance.
Not EVERY time her car breaks down, or lawn mower doesn't work, can't make rent and needs her child support early, or whatever blown-out-of-proportion crisis is at hand. Hell, I don't know half the time of why she calls...I usually am so disgusted, I walk out of the room.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
And like you said, when there's no man for her then it gets worse. That's why I'm really afraid of what's going to happen because Bm is supposedly getting ready to move away from her live in ex. Like I said though, she's trying to keep him on a string but we'll see what happens when they start arguing over custody of their 4 yr old. If that happens, she won't have any man around and the next best thing will be to call Dh. If that starts happening, Dh is going to have to do something from the get go.
to me
there is a difference between having a friendly, non confrontational relationship w the ex for the sake of the kids, and being johnny on the spot when she needs something, kid related or not. he needs to stop making himself available for being her go-to guy and then maybe she will slowly learn that he is NOT a constant in her life. i understand she is bipolar and i cant begin to comprehend what dealing w her means, but from ur post, it seems that he gives her and does more for her that really needed. maybe its just easier to give in and do when dealing w someone w a mental illness BUT for me, the only way she will learn how NOT to rely on him is to stop being around for her so much. are these really "crises" invloving the kids?? money for a school event is not an emergency situation. it sounds like DH never set boundaries w BM, and now youre the one to suffer for it.
i am sorry u are dealing w this and i wish there was a way to make it better. a year ago my life was dependent upon BM and what she would do next. and when she wasnt, i was constantly worrying about what she would do next. it was a vicious cycle. i know that ur situation extends much further beyond that, my point is that to a small extent i understand how it feels to someone and her mood dictate u, ur emotions and ur life in general.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
While I don't know that my ss's Bm is bipolar, she is definitely co-dependent. That's why she keeps living with her ex-boyfriend and goes places with him and buys him stuff. To keep him as the resident go to man. However, since she has no "boyfriend" right now, she also uses my Dh.
She has been calling Dh persistently about what kind of computer she should get with her new found riches(from the lawsuit). I keep asking Dh why he is even helping her. He tells me that he isn't her friend and doesn't want anything to do with her unless it involves ss. I think he can somehow fit this into this category because Bm is acting like she's wants to make sure that her new computer will support ss's games. Whatever! I wish he would have just told her to go to the store and ask the salesman. Why, why, why can't he just tell her NO!
I don't see it getting any better as long as Dh plays nicey nice with Bm. Whenever she does this kind of thing it causes a fight between me and Dh. He can't understand. He just needs to keep telling her that he isn't her friend and to stop calling unless there is a problem with ss. Otherwise, she needs to figure things out on her own.
Someone who understands!
I just don't get why certain boundaries can't be followed ALL the time.
When she is in her venom spewing mania of her bipolar swing and screaming her head off, DH won't answer the phone and let's it go to voicemail. He won't enable that behavior. So when she's in her kissing his ass, telling him he's the greatest dad ever (and wearing one of his sweatshirts to my house), part of her manic behavior, why can't the phone just go to voicemail? She calls JUST as much no matter which mood she's displaying.
I really, really can't decide which I despise more...when she's being a complete beast or playing the SuperEx-wife.
Both make me want to scream, but DH's reaction to the latter is the one that makes me want to rip BOTH their heads off.
Will they ever get it?????
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I don't know
I keep trying to get him to get it, but so far no luck.
What really, really gets me is that he can get off of the phone from being all nice to her and then totally chew my head off if I say anything about why he's doing that for her.
Trust me...
DH bit my head off this morning. Over BM. As usual.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I cant answer your
question exactly but I do know exactly what your saying. My DH was married to his ex for 7 years. The last few years of their marriage was when she started to show signs of her bipolar. He did not know how to handle her or her disease. He reached out to his family and they did not know how to handle it. It took them years after the divorce and many counselors later to say that they fully understand the toll the disease as on someone. And they cope with it or her as she comes in and out of their lives.
When I entered his life my contact with her was very minimal. I have her children but the ex is rarely existant unless it is during her good and happy times which is normally warm and sunny weather (summer months).
I work with social security disability and I deal with bipolar people every day but not to the extent that I am now. So I never had to learn the disease like I have now.
My situation is differ in that the BM has not called or been seen since May of this year and that was at a funeral. And when she is around, her spells are short and poof she is gone again. But she is like a tornado when she comes through.
My DH caters to her only because he knows she is in and out. I do get angry with him and I explain that to him and he tries to explain to me that she is not normal and I need to find a way to cope with these situations as they occur.
One morning she called at like 630 on a Saturday and I asked her to stop calling that early. We dont get up that early on Saturday and her 15 year old daughter sure doesnt get up that early. And she continued to apoligize but called again the next morning. So we finally had to cut the phone off at night. My concept was she was doing it to piss me off,,, my DH's concept was she had just been up all night and wants to talk to her daughters and doesnt care what time it is.
Its sad, really sad. I know you are doing the best you can. I try not to cause conflict because it would only make it worse on the SD's and my contact with the BM is very limited so I suck it up alot, maybe we shouldnt do that. I dont know
I think it's hardest for us as Stepmom's...
I never loved her. Hell, I barely like her.
All these people that "embrace" the neurosis actually love the person who suffers from the mental illness. My SDs love their mom and will find it in their own right to love her even though she will probably never be capable of loving them the way they deserve.
I respect the fact that she is who she is. I really do.
It's just so unfair that not only does the illness mandate HER life, it rules mine with an iron fist.
So SM's are expected to embrace BM for who she is...but never got to experience the goodness that she possesses. I only see the ramifications of her complete lack of judgement and self-control. I see it in my SD's confused faces all the time.
So they love her right now, SDs are enjoying the euphoric stage when she isn't disparging DH and baking cookies promising them the world. DH is more than happy to get his ego stroked and I get to watch in disbelief.
Then there I'll be to help pick up the pieces when she shatters all their hopes....again.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Lawdy, I wish..
I do wish. No more of BS12's biodad and no more BM. I would just have to convince my exH as to why he needed to move away too.
Texas sounds nice. Everything's bigger in Texas, right?
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
here is my 2 cents...
I think both bm and dh uses her diagnoses to their advantage. I mean as an excuse for both of their behavior.. I know you are a great person and I know you will always be there for your whole family, because you are one who actually include your stepkids as yours...
Until dh decides to stop using bm as a crutch, then you are going to keep these feelings. You said that it took a long time for your dh to forgive her, but I'm not too sure that he has forgiven himself. And that imo is where the problem lies. Just as Dawn pointed out - guilt.
That was my two cents....I think you should be no 1 regardless of whatever cycle bm is in. WAKE UP DH, your not in Kansas anymore.......
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I have an idea
Since your DH and BM obviously can't establish boundaries of their own, why don't you do it for them. Seriously think long and hard about what rules you'd like to see happen in order for you to have happiness in YOUR OWN HOME! You deserve that!
Biggest thing I think is they talk entirely too much. DH doesn't see it because he's used to it and obviously they have emeshment issues. I think calls should almost be non-existant between the ex spouses. Text about the kids or email. Calls should be limited to serious kid issues only. That's what works for me in my house and it really is nice. When she calls, we hand SD11 or SD7 the phone. Now she only calls for them, she's gotten used to it and all of our lives have improved because of it.
Also no combining things like Halloween ever again!! I know the ex did it but DH should say "no way" next time. There's a time and a place for all of you to gather together and that's at graduations, daughter's weddings etc.. long time from now.
Figure out what would make you happy and calmly communicate it with your DH - write a loving note with your suggestions. Then discuss it. Men are more visual anyway - maybe it will sink in.
You are a great SM and deserve more peace. Figure out how to get it then ask for it!!![Wink](
Hang in there
Texas is awesome!-At least on the coast
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
I loved living there-sunshine, flowers, beaches...even the bugs didn't bother me much!![Smile](
Right now it's like 25 degrees out, and the wind is blowing like a madman.
Hurricanes??? Oh well. At least there's a warning before they hit landfall. Unlike our lovely tornadoes.
Dear CG
I don't remember if you saw it or not, but I did some huge posts on boundaries regarding SD, BM, DH, MIL.
On the way back from the retreat I bought a book called Boundaries- Where You Stop and I Begin
Something akin to that anyway.
I started reading it, and some of it's the usual psychobabble. But I think it's helpful. Remember the big tough talk we had in Nashville? About my big insecurity with groups of women? Well....I realized on the way home that is my boundary issue. The reason I react to other people reacting toward me in what I at times perceive as negative, is because I am allowing that reaction, inviting it perhaps to a great degree, allowing myself to perceive it negatively, especially the more I try to focus on changing it. Anyway...
The book is helpful. Kind of like the Eggshells book it seems so far to be focusing on how to establish your boundaries so that others don't just continue violating them. Like you, I couldn't stand how much influence BM had over us and SD. Then we got FC, and now it's SD who influences the mood of our home. And it does really suck when the BP/BPD person lives in your house and you can't get away no matter what, but it also does in your case, because BM may not live their, but she is forcing herself inside your home. And like you I was starting to ask myself, "Is it ME? Am I doing something to deserve this? Am I over sensitive to something and fixating on it?????"
And the answer is yes. Well sort of. Because I had allowed it to be so for so long.
Now you are not going to control BM, and I know you have come to grips with that. But I get a sense for how you feel about DH using a rationalization because he is "choosing his battles" so to speak. Because his number one concern SHOULD be YOUR happiness, NOT keeping BM happy. And you have every right as his wife to feel what you are feeling. But because you are agreeable and rational, he feels it's ok not to worry about your feelings as much as hers. In my case it spills over into more than BM/SD issues. For instance, DH and I had a blow up ourselves a few weeks ago. One of our first real ones. Know why? He tried to make me feel like crap because I bitched about everyone (including him) leaving their crap lay around the house for days to weeks until I finally picked it up and put it away- he reacted as though I were BM bitching every day all day. I said NO. UH-UH. If SD provokes me and it's valid and I think it needs addressed, then I need to be able to tell him. It's not like I'm not open minded to my part in the scenario due to my SD irritation threshold being high all the time with no break from her.
I AM allowed to vent or complain or share how I feel DAMMIT. And since yes it is HIS daughter/HIS ex, who bring me so much stress, then HE must listen and show some compassion for it! So I told him I resented the fact that he went out of his way all those years to attempt to appease BM, but cannot afford me a vent once in a great while.
This is my second marriage to a man who was married to a self centered bitch the first time, and they BOTH have at times taken my calm rational demeanor for granted.
But...he did apologize (much) later. I was still irritated with him the rest of the evening though. Then we talked more calmly about it all the next evening.
I don't know if I'm helping or not, but check out that book. I think all of us on here have our own boundary issues- I know I do. I am independent. I am better than that BM about putting others first. I am always concerned with what's best for those I love. And sometimes CG I think that sets us up to be slighted in the interest of not making waves, because our disagreements pale in comparison to the wrath that is BM (or SD or MIL in my case.)
Look into some boundary books and start setting them. I think you probably will get some serious resistance from DH, just like the Eggshells book said about setting healthy boundaries when you have a BPD person in your life. But you MUST MUST MUST stick to what is healthy for YOU baby!!!!!!
Good luck.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Thanks MamaSita
I just don't understand the two of them and their ridiculous relationship.
I brought it up to him on Friday (very calmly BTW, not in the throws of an argument) about their constant enmeshment and got SCREAMED at. That all I ever focus on is BM. Then I ended up apologizing because I just wasn't interested in arguing.
Maybe he's right. I don't know.
She is just all consuming. I took SD11 and BS12 to get their haircuts and BM was texting SD11 to take a picture of it and text it to her even though she was going to see her in a couple of hours. There is rarely a day that goes by that she isn't on the phone or brought up in a conversation.
I just fear that I will only be able to endure so much...then I will want out. It's was the demise of my first marriage, me feeling like I didn't have a voice and no one was interested in listening to how I felt...
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I have the same fear
I find myself waxing poetic about my strong independent single years, where I only had to contend with BS 14's need to be right all the time (his dad suffers this affliction big time, but at 46 is finally trying to improve himself on it.) Otherwise I had every other week to myself, a clean house 90 percent of the time, and quite a busy productive social life. Those have all fallen by the wayside. I simply don't have the energy to invest in me anymore.
If it helps at all, my sons' SM has moments of feeling like I overstep by asking for extra time with the kids on a holiday, or calling my ex if one of the boys gets into big trouble. OR even telling him about it when he picks them up. She isn't used to her exs having much to do with her kids, so she never really did shared parenting, never had to try to have that consistency between homes. And honestly sometimes I probably do (nobody's perfect!) But so does she, telling me things like my exH has poor parenting skills which I try to drag into my issues with my son. Once she told me DH was a non-nurturing parent, because she thought we were exaggerating regarding SD having mental issues. And there have been times she felt BS 14 needed a talking to, that she called demanding I do something about it, rather than letting my ex tell me, and then said, "If you NEED ME to DO IT I WILL." Sorta like "If you don't think you can handle it," so that was rather contradictory and confuses me about her at times.
Anyway, what I'm saying is that those boundaries are tricky enough, even in the best case scenerio. So throw your SK's BP/BPD BM in the mix (and my SD's BM)and it becomes extremes that are impossible to balance- total enmeshment, or no communication.
And zero is just as bad I think, no matter how much you wish for it. That just allows the kids to learn amazing manipulative skills. And it also leaves you with a very angry, abandonment issue filled kid throwing their anger darts directly at your heart. The only thing that is a ton better for me, is that my DH always and forever will despise BM for her illness and all the horrible things she did to him and his parents in particular.
For some reason your DH acts as though he feels somewhat responsible for his ex. And he seems to have taken on her BPD coping mechanism, of being all or nothing with her (they mentioned that in Eggshells - that living with them makes you adapt by mirroring some of their poor coping techniques. Like you said, he either hates her or tries to be her friend, rationalizing either depending on her current mood/ and behavior. But you know...that's likely confusing to her as well since she seems to always be testing the boundaries- maybe she wishes he would set them for her and he only does when she turns ugly.
I feel for you there. And he needs to realize what he has with you in the PRESENT moment, instead of take your rational relational skills for granted.
At nearly five years in, I am starting to understand why so many second marriages fail. I bet that almost all of them involve SK/ BM issues.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Failed second marriages.
Gosh...I just don't want to be THAT woman. It makes the world wonder.."what's wrong with her???".
I mourn my balanced life. I really do.
I don't know what it is that she craves. Controlled chaos. Which is an impossibility and a complete contradiction.
There are moments when she is still trying to befriend me (like at the Halloween party) and I have to covertly lead her in another direction. I think she wants the companionship and thinks that I am the ultimate solution. If she could embrace me, then her troubles with resentment would be over. But then when I grab the olive branch, she becomes jealous and bitter. Inquiring about inappropriate subjects that her and I have no business discussing (like the SM in your life discussing DH's parenting skills). I know that her and I will always have to enjoy the distance...for both our sakes.
She is intelligent and medicated enough to process when I am telling her no without any outbursts.
DH is just blissfully ignorant to it all. He thinks he's Superman and here's his exwife telling him just how great he why not be friends? What's the harm in that?
I'm the one with the issues. My need to understand what BM is doing and thinking to be proactive in my own reactions has become an accusation of obsession from DH. When my intention was only that of progression.
So like you, I'm the one with the problem...not the person who is causing the conflict.
So I just think to myself of the easy solution. I'll stop giving a shit. I'm starting to go into survival mode and I am beginning to wonder if my only chance at happiness would be my complete disengagement...of BM and DH.
No one else would put up with it like me...or sacrifice as much.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Oh my kindred spirit, you can stop giving a shit...
As much as I can! But...I tried for a whole YEAR, and you may have to try as well, before moving onto the inevitable next step of re-engagement.
Ugh. What a draining and continually shifting process this stuff is, isn't it???
I did that total engagement from everyone. I didn't start out that way, but that's where it led. Because when you shut down one part, other good ones have no choice but to shut down too. Because unlike my SD/your BM we CAN'T compartmentalize ourselves into boxes of black and white. Because we do care or we wouldn't be on places like ST.
This is such a deep and dreary process CG. But being on our own isn't the answer because we love these men and (in spite of myself) their kids with all our hearts. I think why I liked those years on my own was that they were very progressive spiritually, and emotionally, while being stable and consistent personally and professionally. (job/college, sons EW week) that all my ducks were usually in a row. The worst things happening were totally my car (which did suck but no one was injured) and having some poor health due to the physical demands I was putting on myself doing it all alone. But I dont' think it was a balanced life- more like the scales tipped from being a stay at home mom with only my exH and BSs, and some plays now and then to fill my plate. The whole time I was single and so self-fulfilled, it was because I didn't have to try and work on a real relationship with a SO. I had no compromises save my other responsibilities- kids, job, school, friends. And those things are far easier to juggle when you are the ALPHA QUEEN WOLF of your own little pack. Add a male of the species and it just ain't ever gonna be simple. And sometimes I now think if something happened to DH I would be alone even longer than I was after my exH. I'm a hopeless romantic and eventually someone would show up to change my mind about that (as long as he doesn't have any KIDS!!!! ha ha ha...)
Anyway...balance wasn't there for me then. I was not in a real relationship for most of that time, and the one I was in for 2 of those years was with a MM, so he was inaccessible and though I wished for them, I really had no real responsibilities their either.
So now my life has flip flopped to the opposite. Different house, husband, and kids, but here I am at home doing three loads of laundry a day, grocery shopping, cooking for 4-6 depending on the week. DH makes so much more money than exH and I did, but we are still pay check to pay check with all SD's court, medical, extracurricular fees, and only a small amount of CS from BM to contribute. But...the same in that I am back to all emotional/relational responsibilities, and no physical, professional, or personal pursuits.
I have GOT to change that.
Because I DO feel I'm obsessed with SD. I also feel that consciously or not, she strives to keep it so.
And though I feel from what you've shared of your life in our talks or on here, that you do better to have balance in the other areas of your life than I have the past several years. But I wonder if like my SD, the BM in your situation strives to keep not only your DH's attention, but yours as well, since she's always trying to keep you engaged too. That she is trying to triangulate the two of you, so your relationship does become all about her. And then you do have to obsess in a way, because it's hard not to when they are in your face, a presence in your house all the time. You can try to ignore it, but it's just right there, larger than the proverbial elephant in your room. Men can ignore a raging stampede. Not most women. I could hear a long ago fossilized pachyderm buried a 1000 feet below my house.
For me, I am really making strides lately. It's why I haven't posted much. My teacher's death really brought me back into focus and purpose. I wish for once I would get that lesson BEFORE losing people I love, but it seems death and loss always catapult me out of a rut- just like losing my friend to cancer inspired me to leave MM behind me for good and find my own happiness.
don't give a shit for as long as you can stand it. There's nothing wrong with that, and actually, it may be what needs to happen next on your path toward happiness.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra