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Moved away and DH is miserable.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

Well we are fairly settled in our new house at the beach 2 hours away from Sd and her kids. DH is cranky and miserable now. SD is angry and told us she won't be coming up to the area for a "while". A little emotional blackmail by her to Dh. Punishing him for moving forward in his life and trying to save his marriage.

I am just so tired still of the never ending cycle of DH's moods after he speaks with Sd. Not sure how long I can be patient, it's been years already. sigh Sad

oldone's picture

OMG - all of this over being 2 hours away from Daaaadeee? How utterly revolting.

I thought this was going to be a post about a father who is missing his small children by being a little further away.
Your life sounds wonderful with a new house on the beach. My only advice is to just try not to interact with him when he is in one of these moods. It's not your fault nor is it your responsibility to cheer him up.

I've found that for some reason my DH gets in a bad mood after a long car ride (8 hours or more). Maybe a remnant of traveling with his ex and her children and their friends over the years. Driving 900+ miles in a van with 4 teens would push me over the edge.

He drove back to see me a couple of weeks ago (had to go to our second home for some business). When he arrived quite frankly he was just "bitchy" rather than being overjoyed to see me. First time we'd been apart in two years. I just ignored him and he was fine the next morning. (but no nookie for him the night he got in)