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MOMMYOFTWO's picture

Hi again everyone! Ok so today BM really outdid herself! She makes is so obvious just how insecure and jealous she is when it comes to me! It is just unreal! So yesterday she texted me asking when we would be picking up SD. I told her tomorrow afternoon. She gets mad and calls my house phone. DH was cooking dinner so I answered and told her we had forgot that we kept SD an extra day last week and we would come get her wednesday. She starts trying to argue with me about it so I told her she needed to get a calender and look at it and then talk to my DH cuz I was not going to listen to her drama. So DH tells her he will call her back. He calls back and HER BF answers the phone. The conversation went as follows:
DH: hello is BM there?
BF:She doesnt want to talk to you cuz you were mean.
DH:She needs to get a calender so she actually knows what is going on and I will explain it to her.
BF: She doesnt wanna talk to you
DH: Fine then YOU get a calender and we can work this out.
BF: Ok thats fine.
DH: K,We kept SD XXX days, then BM had XXX days, so therefore we pick SD up Wednesday making everything even and then everybody lives happily ever after. Sound good?
BF: yeah that sounds good.
DH: ok see you guys wednesday then good bye. hangs up.

So BM calls back not 10 seconds later

BM: "So how do you like it having to talk to BF. That is what I feel like having to talk to MOMMYOFTWO all the time about all this stuff"
DH: Actually I really didnt mind talking to BF we got it all worked out and if you have such a problem with talking to MOMMYOFTWO why do you text her 10 times a day about stuff. If it is that big of an issue to you then dont text and call HER PHONE, She has plenty of other things to do than answer your calls and texts.

So that didnt work out like she had planned so then BM starts going on and on about how SD spends more time with me than her and she hates how much she talks about me blah blah blah. Dh just told her to stop being insecure and she doesnt get to decide how SD spends her time at our house.

So then come to find out after she had such a fit about SD being at her house an extra day she sent SD to her aunts house for the last two days she was supposed to have her! I will never understand that! The aunt lives in the same town as us and BM lives over an hour away! As much as she complains about the time she is supposed to have she sure doesnt take advantage of it! Its not even that SHE wants SD she just doesnt want her spending time with ME! Oh boy! Unfortunately for her SD picks up on that kinda crap and resents her for it! How can these mothers do that to their kids!?


anabihibik's picture

I find it reassuring that your SD picks up on it, both for her sake and for mine. BM won't let me see the 7month old twins until I "learn my place." "They will not call her (me) mom because she (me) will just be their STEPMOTHER!" One of my big apprehensions going into this is that they will be like her and not at all sane, reasonable, or rational. I hope they pick up on her games so they don't hate me and so they live a normal, happy life and don't cause their own drama. I love it when people post stories like yours because they help remind me of the true purpose behind crazy people's behaviors.

To every thing there is a season.

MOMMYOFTWO's picture

my SD's BM said that same "she will not call HER mom" speech all the time! From the time Dh and I got married SD expressed wanting to call me mom and never did because BM would have such a fit and pounded it into her head that she was not to do it! Eventually we realized that some of SD's behavioral problems were from her wanting ME to be her mom and not BM. We told her she could call me whatever she wanted at our house and BM could not control what was done said etc in our home! It made all the difference! She calls me mom now all the time. Dont let BM have the control! If your establish clear boundries from the begining the results are much better! Your DH should be the one to tell her that his time is his time and it WILL NOT be governed by her! These situations really can turn out great! My SD loves me as her mother and I love her as my daughter! We have a great relationship that BM cant touch!

MOMMYOFTWO's picture

my SD's BM said that same "she will not call HER mom" speech all the time! From the time Dh and I got married SD expressed wanting to call me mom and never did because BM would have such a fit and pounded it into her head that she was not to do it! Eventually we realized that some of SD's behavioral problems were from her wanting ME to be her mom and not BM. We told her she could call me whatever she wanted at our house and BM could not control what was done said etc in our home! It made all the difference! She calls me mom now all the time. Dont let BM have the control! If your establish clear boundries from the begining the results are much better! Your DH should be the one to tell her that his time is his time and it WILL NOT be governed by her! These situations really can turn out great! My SD loves me as her mother and I love her as my daughter! We have a great relationship that BM cant touch!

northernsiren's picture

we had one of those backfires last night ourselves. Chalk up another "come get your kid" to BM. Apparently SD wasn't cleaning under the radiators properly while playing maid for lazy ass, and mouthed off about having to redo it, so BM calls "come get your kid" expecting F to not be able to, or refuse. Instead, he says "I'll be there in 10 minutes!"

"Good" she snaps, and hangs up.

He's putting his shoes on and not a minute later she calls back "forget it, I decided to GIVE HER ANOTHER CHANCE"

LOL like SD LOVES being with BM so much, I'm SURE she was begging not to have to come to our house. LOL, that woman is in for a rude awakening when we come back from vacation and serve her with custody papers....