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HI everyone! kinda long sorry!

MOMMYOFTWO's picture

Hello to you all! I am new here! I have been looking at this site for a while now and finally got past the "security word" thing! LOL it took a while!
Just a little background on me. I have 2 girls. 6yrs (SD) and 20 months (BD). Have been married to DH for 2.5 years and together for 3.5.

SD calls me mom and lives with us most of the time! She sees BM weekend visit during school and a few weeks in summer. Things are really good between us now but were not always that way! DH and I went rounds about her behavior, guilt parenting, manners and all those things most of you are dealing with! I must say though...I WON THE WAR!! She is now a FABULOUS little girls who loves me and I love her as my own!

BM and I have a pretty good relationship...she learned the hard way that crossing me gets her a big fat no where! She is always nice and amicable to my face and loves to talk sh** behind my back, although it really doesnt bother me because anyone that she talks to is not anyone I would associate with anyhow! I learned a long time ago that envy drives women to do and say these things so as far as I'M concerned KEEP TALKING ABOUT ME...YOUR MY BIGGEST FAN SWEETIE!. She lies left and right and is always doing kooky things. Most of my blogs will prob be about all her weird stuff! LOL She gets on my nerves occasionally but really more like a small annoyance than anything! Most of the time I dont let her get to me cuz really when she is all drama and annoying she is the one that looks like an idiot and she cant do anything to me anyways!

I am here to give advice from my own experiences and get advice when I need it! Also just to vent cuz thats always nice! Looking forward to hearing from all you and getting to know everyone!!!


Catch22's picture

Hello and welcome!! Sounds like you have come along way...good on you for the hard work you have obviously put into your SD. I am a manners freak also and stuck to my guns. We still have the odd problem, but my SS knows around me to use his manners!!

Good luck to you and hope to read your posts or your replies soon!!

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

SerendipitySM's picture

Welcome - your advice will be much appreciated believe me. I am all about learning from women who have won this war!!

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

StepG's picture

you will love this site. I love to read others posts it makes me feel better and they give good advice too. Happy posting!

sarahbernheart's picture

free advice is always welcomed!
this site has saved my sanity many times.
we should have a contest called "the craziest thing a BM has ever done"

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."