first blog entry--background so long....
rather than telling it in drips and drops here in responding to posts made by others, i guess I'll draft my own story for anyone who cares to read it. I've already learned a lot from reading what you all have shared here, and in many ways, it has made me grateful for what I have with my family.
My fiance and I met 2 years ago and had a great connection. We talked on the phone and online for several months before we officially started dating. I knew from the outset he had an 11 yr old daughter, and that his biggest desire was to one day have her live with him again.
He was up front in telling me that, at 17, his girlfriend was afraid he'd leave her, so she deliberately got pregnant. He busted his butt working to support her and his daughter for two years, passing up college and other opportunities to work 2 jobs to afford to have a family at that young age, until one day his friend who worked at a motel called him to say the mother of his child just got a room with some dude. He got a copy of the receipt charged to the credit card he paid for, and confronted her with it. She punched him in the face, jumped out of the car, and ran away. That night he slept at a friend's house, and came back to his apartment having been cleaned out. No couch, no bed, no tv, nothing left, but most importantly, no child either. She hid from him for months, and finally started contacting him every few months and demanding money, would not let him know where she lived or with who, and would only meet him in public places and allow him to see his child at the "hand off" of child for cash.
Eventually she took him to court for custody and official child support. She denied he had given her any money up until that point, so not only was he obligated to pay from that point on, he owed her back child support b/c he had given her cash, and she took him to the cleaners.
Over the years any time he tried to exert his parental rights, she refused to allow him to see his daughter. "you have a problem with me bringing MY six year old to HOOTERS where I work? Too bad, and now you don't see your kid for a month." He had her arrested once, and she never let him live that down, and basically took it out on their child, poisoning her mind saying she wasn't seeing her father b/c her father doesn't love her, etc. it broke his heart, so he stopped trying. He capitulated to everything this evil troll wanted, and to this day, at least until I got involved, has continued that way.
Meanwhile, BM moved and uprooted the child at least 6 or 7 times. New schools, new relationships, got married, cheated on that husband, got divorced, but not before hooking up with a new husband, and gave birth to another child about 7 months after that new marriage.
At the same time, my fiance tried to constantly be involved in his daughter's life. He finished school, got a professional job, and a good income with benefits, so he could provide health insurance for his daughter and almost 1000 a month in child support. In the 12 years since the mother walked out on him, he introduced TWO women to his daughter, the second being me.
I had my own reservations about it, I dont' have children, and ended my marriage over the fact that my ex insisted we have them instead of dealing with our relationship issues. My fiance and I agreed to take things very slow with his daughter. At first I would only come down on Sunday mornings, allowing them to spend all day Saturday and Saturday night together, and not infringe on their time. As it became clear that his daughter accepted me and we all got along well, I started coming down later Saturday night, still allowing for their time together to have dinner alone. All this happened over the course of 6 months. Fiance asked daughter many times if she was okay with my being there, and she always said yes, and when we decided we wanted to move in together, again, she said it was okay.
Her father and I became responsible for taking her to all her school events, especially her cheerleading. Every Sunday we'd be up early to drive to some nearby town to not just drop her off for the cheerleading, but sit and watch every single game, take pictures, etc. Her father and I both work on Saturdays, and this was the one day we had off, but we were glad to go and support her because she cared about it.
Once all my stuff was moved in, I realized we needed a bigger apartment. Although SD was only with us on Saturday nights, she had celebrated her 12th birthday, and I felt that it was important she have her own space, not a room we also used as an office. I found a "unique fixer upper oppportunity" apartment and her father and I sunk HOURS of our time rehabing a huge yet affordable three bedroom apartment in a great neighborhood, that the previous tenant had absolutely destroyed.
We let SD pick out all her own colors and decor for her room, something she had never had before. We got her a new bed, a new desk, drapes, rugs, bedding, I rehabbed a computer for her, basically pimped out her room, even to this day it's the most "finished" room in our house! Best of all, the three of us had a great time doing it. She NEVER demanded anything, was grateful for everything, was reluctant to let us buy things for her, even when her father and I would get excited about something and want to get it, she'd be the one saying "I don't really need it", I know, an unusual teen ager indeed!
It was about this time that SD (now 14) started talking seriously about wanting to move in with us. We had told her from the getgo that our door was always open for her, she was always welcome, but it became more and more apparent that her mother was not using the child support money she is given monthly to support my fiance's daughter, but instead was using it to support HER new family.
Some examples:
SD without fail comes over and eats ANYTHING and everything I put on the table. Has never once complained about the food I make, in fact goes out of her way to say how good it is, have seconds on vegetables and especially my salads, which she loves. She doesn't get these things at home, home cooked meals, vegetables, salad, nothing like that. They get take out or microwave pizza, or since BM has gotten pregnant AGAIN and had to quit her part time job bagging groceries money is even tighter, the family now eats Ramen noodles. So a thousand dollars a month buys microwave pizza and ramen noodles. Wonderful.
SD posted pictures of her room at her mother's house online, and Fiance and I were horrified. It was a mess, and so different from her room at our house which is neat and clean at all times. Apparently she has no furniture in her room, including a bed, which she used to have, but when her mother moved out of living with her last husband, she left her child's bed behind. So a thousand dollars a month buys a mattress on the floor for a 14 year old girl.
We picked up SD one day for her visit and she immediately asked if we could go to the drug store. Apparently her asthma inhaler ran out at the beginning of the week, and she hadn't had one since b/c her mother said her father should have to pay for it. Her mother wouldn't even lend her the 10 dollars to pay for it, let alone actually pay for it out of her child support money, and didn't even bother to call my fiance to tell her she needed a refill.
SD got nothing, not even a card, for her birthday from her mother and step father. For christmas, they gave her a hair straightener in the portable DVD player box, the portable DVD player was the gift for the 2 year old.
SD asked her father to buy her a halloween costume for a party she was allowed to go to. Her father and I love halloween, and were excited and made her promise to have pictures taken of her in her costume. But her mother took SD's digital camera (which we bought her) and used up all the batteries taking pictures of her baby in the costume, so not one picture of her older daughter in the costume we bought her, not one.
Has insisted that my fiance pay for every additional expense that comes up. Every field trip, every dentist appointment, school supplies, extracurricular activities, clothes (although she mostly dresses her in hand-me-downs), everything, and still calls him a deadbeat dad to anyone who will listen to her.
Has refused to let SD come over because she's being punished, or she needs her to assist with some chore or task at her house.
Is often not home when we try to drop off SD at her mother's house, despite the fact we told her what time we would be there, and won't allow SD to have a key, we have killed HOURS of time driving around waiting for them to come home, and mother's response is that we should just leave her there, to sit on the door step like a dog. Once we drove to her mother's work at the grocery store, and the mother refused to let SD take her key so we could drive her home at 8:30 on a school night. Instead her solution was SD was to sit at the grocery store and wait for the mother to get out of work for an hour and a half, no books, nothing to entertain herself, just sit there.
She used her small child as an excuse to not attend SD's 8th grade graduation, getting a baby sitter for 2 hours, was apparently not an option. We went, along with her mother's parents.
Last summer, without asking my fiance, she sent ST away to stay with her relatives for 2 weeks, then decided to add another week on with a different relative, so my fiance didn't see his daughter for almost a month last summer. The first two weeks she was brought to work with the relatives, plopped at a cubicle, and left to play on the internet all day. She mostly emailed her father and me...
She had a fit over the 2 inch heels her father and I bought her for her graduation dance, but sent her daughter to graduation in a skin tight black dress that was absolutely as innappropriate as it gets. I was so embarrassed for her, all the other girls were wearing cute sundresses and sandals,and she's wearing a skin tight dress with ruuching up the back that made her butt look so inappropriate.
Signed her daughter up for a car wash to support the cheerleading squad on OUR day to have her, insisting we get up and take her there. SD didn't even want to go. We dropped her off, and showed up early to pick her up, only to find these girls wearing string bikinis and washing cars with dirty old men sitting inside them, oggling the girls, no adult supervision whatsoever. Thank god our girl was the one who had the sense to keep her shorts on.
Signed her daughter up for a cheer leading trip on our day to have her that required us to get up at 8:00 am, drive her to the school so she could get on a bus, then drive BEHIND the bus an hour and a half away so the girls could then sit and watch a cheer leading team perform, (we're not even sitting with her) only to FOLLOW the bus home, to pick her up. SD did not even want to go, and this caused a huge fight with her mother.
Mother has stated that she doesn't want her daughter home alone with me, despite the fact she's always been nice to my face, and I have done NOTHING other than care about her daughter and try to be a positive influence in her life, helping her with her homework, teaching her how to research, use computers, etc.
Has told daughter she will not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities due to her behavior at home.
The list goes on and on, I could be here for hours. Suffice to say, it wasn't really a surprise that a couple of hours after dropping her off back in March, her mother called my fiance and said she couldn't deal with SD anymore, and she had to come and live with us. He talked to her at length, trying to determine if this was happening as a result of a fight or disagreement, or was in fact something that was talked through and real. BM insisted it was what they both wanted and agreed on, so my fiance told her to call the case worker and figure out what it would take to have the custody agreement changed, and the child support revoked.
I spent the next two weeks researching how to get her school changed, making phone calls, the whole thing, and BM never followed up. I guess the last part about losing her monthly income really made her rethink the whole thing, b/c when my fiance followed up with her, she said it wasn't going to happen, ever.
But SD has become more and more unhappy living with her mother, and now with another child on the way into their already cramped home, she's sick of being a maid and free babysitter for her mother, and wants out. We talked to her numerous times about whether or not she had thought this through. We explained there would be rules and ramifications for breaking them, and in our house our #1 priority would be school, and she would have many opportunities to do things, social, extracurricular, etc as long as she kept her grades up, and she says she understands. She has said she doesn't want to grow up to be like her mother, and understand that she needs an education to succeed. We've asked her why she wants to live with us, and she said that she doesnt' feel like she gets the support or attention she needs at her moms, her mom is more interested in having more kids than taking care of the ones that she has, and that we support her and help her achieve the things she wants, and have the time and desire to pay attention to her and be a part of her life, so she'd rather be with us.
So after the car wash incident, my fiance called BM and said he wanted custody, and she refused. So now we're at the frustrating point of having to file papers with the court, and take her to court, where she's going to fight us tooth and nail, the sad part being she's going to fight for the paycheck, and not for her child. For my part, I just want this resolved.
SD NEEDS to be with us. It makes me so sad to see her become withdrawn and unhappy when we drive her to her mother's at the end of her visit. She and I have a great relationship, and she goes out of her way to talk to me and spend time with ME, not just her dad. She has many options for entertaining herself at our house, movies, books, her computer, and still she chooses to spend time with her father and I. She has asked to use the phone to call a friend once during the time I've known her, and is hungry to learn about the world and life through us, politics,current events, religion, science all especially interest her, and we have brought her to see political speeches, to museums, I give her books to read and to use as references for her papers, and she always remarks on how much she learns when she's with us, and how she takes that learning into her classes, and with her friends. I discuss her books she reads for school with her, suggest others she might find interesting, and basically CHALLENGE her to think critically. Both of my parents were teachers, and I'm an only child, so in my world, this is what you do for your child. At her mother's she is subjected to Barnie, disney princesses, and NASCAR, not to mention screaming toddlers who destroy her things and are allowed to have no bed time, no rules, no structure, so SD basically tries to do all her homework in the short time she has at our quiet, peaceful home.
Our environment is just so much more suited for a teenager who is about to enter a critical point in her life. Her father and I are alternative people. We are unconventional in our appearances and I believe we set a good example of being yourself and not conforming to the crowd. SD is proud of us, and loves to be out and about with us. Her father and I are also EDUCATED people, with good jobs, who have a good life that we happily share with her. We are not FORCING her into a cookie cutter world about a new family, we are able to give her the room to have her own wants and needs expressed and respected and make a life with her having a say.
For many of the kids I've read about on this site, this wouldn't be possible. Spoiled brats who take advantage and for granted all they have. Perhaps because her mother puts her at such a low priority in her world, SD truly appreciates everything she has with us, and her reaction when something that we commit to her actually happens is one of delighted surpise, having been let down so many times by her mother, she takes little to heart that adults say, but she's learning with us that if we commit to her we're going to do everything we can to make it happen.
I'm scared for this legal battle. I wish her mother would just let it go, but she never will. I don't know if we need to hire a lawyer or not, since I guess here the mother gets one, and the SD gets one to represent her interests, but we're on our own. I think we should, but it will be hard for us to afford, and while I can't see HOW we wouldn't win, especially given the fact that SD wants it so much, my fiance's biggest fear is that he'll lose and be worse off than now. He's expressed maybe it would be better to let it get to the point where SD is so unhappy she insists and tells mother she refuses to stay, or refuses to go along with mother anymore, and eventually mother wants her gone. But I know what happens to unhappy, bitter teenagers, and I don't want her to slip and have her grades drop, start doing drugs, or anything really to act out against the situation. It's not fair to have her screw up to get what she wants, and it's a bad lesson to teach.
But on the other hand, it's not like she's being physically abused where she is, though I would say she's neglected. I don't know if that's enough though, and it's just my opinion, I know many kids have it far far worse, as I point out often to those in my life who know this situation, at least she has her father and I to care, many kids don't even have that...
And ultimately, I'm frustrated by my own powerlessness in this situation. I have ZERO say in any of it, and I'm the one in our family who handles legal/contract type things, basically at any point where you have to manage within a system, I'm the one who does it, but I can't do anything now, it's all up to my fiance, and that makes me nuts.
I guess that's enough for now, if you've read this far, thank you!
- northernsiren's blog
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If you play your cards right this could be the easiest thing on earth. Since the child is 12/13 she can make her own decisions about where she wants to live. Get an attorney and pay him by the hour or at least get legal advice about how to proceed. All you have to do is get a conference with the judge and if she is willing to tell him face to face that she wants to live with her father and why she will be living with him in the blink of an eye. Congratulations on having a one in a million soon to be SD. She probably appreciates everything because she had nothing at home.
thank you for reading my
thank you for reading my lengthy story, and for yuor advice, she's now 14, and truly, a great kid. I will tell my fiance what you have said about the lawyer, hopefully we can swing it, the emotional payoff in the long run is more than worth it to me!
Make an offer BM cant refuse. She never pays CS and you never ask her for anything.
Not sure Sparky
My SD, turned 12 during the custody case, and said to many a professional that she wanted us to have full custody because BM would not consider any of SD's request regarding schools, sports, etc.
In Ohio anyway, a child saying they want to be with one parent over another, even with good reason, is not enough.
My best advice is to consult a child psychologist. If you can't arrange to take SD there, go for your own consult (they will work with parents.) But definitely do what you can to get her therapy. If BM refuses to get her therapy, that will not look good in court.
We did therapy for a full year, tried mediation to get BM to at least modify the schedule to reflect SD's wishes (like having some weekends with BM- BM never wanted her for any weekends.) BM would not listen to anything or anyone, dug her heals in and would not entertain any opinions counter to her own. During the time we were in mediation, BM said SD could sign up for basketball at school, then refused to take her to practices claiming SD was too sick to go. Then they would go to a movie instead. When SD's small Catholic school held a mandatory parent/student meeting for mean girl behavior in SD's class, BM promised SD they would not need to go. The principal heard SD bragging about it and told SD's teacher to call and let BM know she needed to bring her. BM said she'd try. They didn't show. SD was one of the girls provoking the problem and the principal was very upset. Another incident during the time they were trying mediation, BM told SD if she chose the school in BM's district for high school, BM would buy her a car. SD would tell us everything to see if we would up the ante.
DH decided enough was enough.
The court case took almost a full year (filed June 06 and after 4 or 5 "pretrial dates" where we all had to go, sit, and wait while a judge heard from our attys and the GAL (you need one of these too.) Then the atty would come out to the waiting room, tell us "GAL suggestion high conflict parent coordination" and set another pretrial date. Then we'd try that, BM would quit, we'd call the GAL, she'd interview SD or us again. Another pre-trial, another suggestion, cycle repeated over and over.
FINALLY, BM moved without contacting the GAL (didn't tell SD either because she wanted to "surprise" her by pulling up to their new city home, and not giving her the chance to say goodbye to friends and neighbors because, "Goodbyes are too hard." BM also told SD that the GAL and psychologist were not to be trusted because they tell BM everything SD says about her.
SD clammed up. But not before relaying to the psychologist that BM did tell her that.
Which the psych promptly shared with the GAL.
The GAL was NOT happy.
We had, as DH likes to say, a very cooperative enemy.
We also had joint/shared parenting. Our atty told us that is a much easier leap for a judge to take. If you look at it like a scale, my DH and BM were equals with rights. So all you have to do to change that to FC is tip the scale and demonstrate the child would be better in that environment.
When a parent (let's face it a BM in particular) has FC, you have to prove them unfit. And that is much more difficult to do as the court is very lenient when psychological neglect/abuse is concerned. Physical bruises show up. Broken bones are xrayed.
No self worth is hard to measure, especially in a highly intelligent child who keeps their grades up and doesn't get into legal trouble.
At least in Ohio this is true.
So I recommend attempting to modify this agreement first, through a mediator, so that SD can have more time with you two. And that you are concerned for SD's anxiety level, and would like her to receive counseling and would like to be involved in that process. Also state you would like to clarify some of the financial terms. Then if BM refuses to cooperate in mediation, you have set the stage for the beginning steps to a custody switch.
This is a long drawn out and tedious process. The courts seem to take the hands off approach and wait the two of you out to see who gives in, runs out of money first.
We were lucky. BM moved because she had overspent and had to sell her brand new home (compulsive buyer). She was running out of atty funds. She caved when the GAL reported the findings of SD's shrink, that
BM had a self centered approach to relationships
BM had rigid thought processes
BM had difficulty understand things from the child's perspective
BM was not collaborative with BF, OR SD regarding decisions
That SD and SM have a very good level of communication
SM and BF have a very collaborative relationship and set
age appropriate rules and activities for SD
Collaboration is essential in raising a healthy adolescent
Finding for the defendant (don't even get me started on THAT term- DH is the defendant because in a custody case they re-open the divorce case, and use whatever terms each party was called then. So even though DH filed for the moderation or termination of the shared parenting agreement, HE's still considered the "defendant" because BM filed for divorce. That's what Ohio does in divorce law, whoever files for the divorce is the plaintiff and the other spouse is automatically the defendant. I would like to see THAT changed due to the stigma it insinuates in the non-legal world.)
Finding for the defendant
Music to my ears at the time.
But the real trying times, were only just beginning with SD.
Good luck. And remember-
"Slow and steady wins the race."
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
We've already tried that
We've already tried that route, to no avail, she just said "I don't work, so it's not like you're going to get anything from me anyway". She plans on homeschooling her two new children (and I shudder to think what that will be like) so she has NO intent of ever going back to work.
My understanding is that my fiance has 49% custody, and BM has 51%, and custodial custody. He sees her every weekend by the agreement. Any more than that will disrupt her schooling, which is what we wanted to avoid by going for custody. We wanted to start her in a new school this fall, it'll be high school and the perfect time to make the change, but her mother refused, and now, if it happens, it will be in the middle of the school year.
He called for weeks trying to get a handle on how to proceed, leaving messages for the case worker that were never returned. Finally I got mad and started some inquiries of my own. In discussion with the department of children and families in the state, I was told that we needed to file for temporary custody in probate court, and at the same time, file for removal of custodial parent. We pay for those two things, then a sheriff's fee, then the mother gets served with papers, and the hearing will be within 2 weeks regarding the temporary custody. BM will get a court appointed lawyer, and SD will get one to represent her interests, we don't have to get one, but it's probably in our best interests.
I printed out all the forms and looked at them, and I have a hard time filling out the reason. There isn't a "child's preference" option or a "better off with us" option, so we're going to have to accuse her mother of neglect. I don't WANT it to be that way, even though I feel it's true, it's a bit of an overstatement. REALLY all of this stems from SD wanting to move in with us, and being unhappy where she is, SHE feels emotionally neglected at her mother's house, and we want to help her.
Is this not the right approach to take? Would it be better to try to hire a mediator? I hired one for my divorce, and never ended up hiring a lawyer at all....
couple things...
REALLY try to get SD to a therapist.
If BM says no, THIS WILL BE NEGLECT in the eyes of the court.
If you feel it's a "bit of an overstatement" and I know what you mean because we had the same situation, then the court will never bite because they have a very high tolerance.
Start by the counseling stuff
then the extra curricular stuff
document BM's resistance to all of the above
As a matter of fact, do you know any? If you do, start asking who the guy they would want. Not who's a friend or theirs, or a good colleague. I called the number one mediator in our county and asked him who to pick. When we met the atty, he said he wanted to try to get us in with that mediator when the court ordered it. I said, "No can do, he's my friend." Atty was bummed.
I have several local atty friends and I asked all of them their opinion on the guy the mediator friend suggested. They all kept referring to him as the bulldog. He is in his fifties, old school all the way, a Step parent himself, who ended up adopting his Skids because they had a deadbeat dad.
He knew his stuff.
I still did most the leg work. This is because the atty in custody cases mostly just counsels you and you make the choices how to proceed. He was there for each pre-trial. He made calls to the GAL to ask her a few things for us. We were slightly bummed to never get to see him go after BM in court because she would start babbling and making a fool of herself with her strange realities.
But we won. So can't be too picky.
Goodluck. Ask around. Find Bulldog who takes this step parent thing personally.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I never cease to be amazed at what some parents are capable of!
You have an incredible SD with such a zest for life and learning and her BM treats her like a piece of dog s**t! UN-F**ING-BELIEVABLE.
My suggestion would be to hire a lawyer, or at least a mediator immediately. If money is a concern then, at the very least, beginning at this very moment, begin journalling everything! Whenever possible communicate with the BM by e-mail, text msg, or some other form of "recordable" communication. If you are communicating by phone, start recording the conversations. (Tell her you are doing so). Carry a small pocket recorder for face to face conversations (again telling her you are recording and letting her see recorder). I have seen these "battles" fizzle almost immediately when others know that they are being held accountable for their actions, words, etc.
I wish you so much luck and keep us informed!!!
Get copies of those pics off the internet and any other evidence that you can get.
From experience, document, document,
document! We tried for years to get custody of the skids b/c BM was only in it for the money. eventually she HAD to give us custody (long story) but the end result was that she was pissed that she didn't have $$ to blow anymore. I wish you the best of luck with the courts. In Kentucky, a child only has to be 14 to decide where to live, and unless that parent is a complete gutter waste, they can move. Oh, by the way, welcome! And cherish that SD, she sounds great, unlike most of them here.
no advice really BUT
i just wanted to say GOOD LUCK!! i hope it works out bc ur SD really needs u, and i think youre wonderful for helping ur DH and trying SO hard to do whats obviously best for her. welcome!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
There's no box...
because you can't get custody relinguished from a custodial parent for being inadequate.
I would really recommend hiring an attorney.
Like Sita Tara, my skids BM caved at the very end and conceded to 50/50 custody losing more than half of her child support. I think just the threat of a custody battle and pysch eval scared ours away.
We ALSO had a bulldog of a lawyer who knew exactly how to put her in her place.
When can we ever afford that which we think is frivolous? I threw away three thousand dollars the last go 'round and BM got less than what DH originally offered.
At one point BM called our lawyer on a Fridayscreaming over a late cs payment, that in fact was not late (long story). BM stated that in order for her to live within her means she NEEDS that check EVERY Friday. Our lawyer simply stated "Sounds to me like you need to lower your means..." BM proceeded to hang up on her.
That comment right there was worth three thousand dollars.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
psych eval
We asked for one of those too. When that loaded GAL report came out, I'm pretty sure the call BM got from her atty was, "Well, it's not looking good for court tomorrow. The next step will likely be allowing the psych eval- what? Go ahead and quit then? After all this and the day before the trial date? Well...ok then."
I will never forget the atty, the Bulldog as we like to call him, calling me because he couldn't reach DH at work. I answered and he said, "'s Atty. She's CAVING." It was 4:30 pm, only minutes before everyone went home for the day, on the night before court.
It was my Lifetime Movie moment!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
There was no looming pysch eval. I told DH your story specifically so in an argument, DH threw the 'pysch eval' threat out there. She's diagnosed I think this made her nervous. Not only that, she's paranoid...thinks the world is against her...all plotting...
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Strike one for the sisterhood of the struggling SMs!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
And CG...
BM stated...for her to live within her means she NEEDS that check EVERY Friday. Our lawyer simply stated "Sounds to me like you need to lower your means..." BM proceeded to hang up on her.That comment right there was worth three thousand dollars."
THAT is one of those "Priceless" commercials!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I actually started a log on
I actually started a log on my live journal of all of BMs BS. Luckily I've been lamenting this situation for about a year and a half to my mother, so I can actually date most of this stuff happening from my monday emails to my mother saying "you're never going to believe what happened this weekend with SD" yup, this is one of the ONLY things I can do to have some control or influence, so you're damned right I'm going to do the best job I can.
Sita Tara I WISH I had an attorney friend! Believe me, I'd have made them dinner 10x at this point trying to figure out how to approach this and what to do. I moved down here a little over a year ago when I moved in with my fiance, and I really don't know anyone who could help here, or even back there. Most of my friends are educators, artists, and IT gurus, I don't know anyone in law at all. I will talk to him tomorrow (he works late tonight) about the therapy angle. I don't know how he'll react, or how she'll react, and it will take some doing for her to see it not as punishment and more as support, but maybe if we introduce it as soon as we file papers, she'll understand it'll be to support her through a potentially rough time.
Sia thank you for the welcome, and believe me, after reading so much of your sad, MADDENING stories, I can't wait to hug my awesome SD. Part of the reason I'm taking all this so seriously is her reaction to me, how eager she is to share with me, to talk to me about things that happen, to ask me questions, to LISTEN to the adult things her father and I talk about, it just illustrates to me how she's not getting these things at home, and how much more important it is for me to strive to be there for her.
She came over actually and her father and I were talking about the presidential candidates, and she casually mentioned that her mother said if a woman or a black man ended up president of this country, they'd leave and go to Canada. Whatever your politics, how WRONG to say to a young girl! In our house we do NOT teach bigotry, sexism or racism, and she being the smart girl that she is, embraces our positions wholeheartedly...
I got her tickets to see Barack Obama speak at the commencement event at an Ivy league college. I felt it was important to personalize the political experience for her, to actually SEE perhaps the next president of the united states in person, here his message, and evaluate it herself for it's value. I also thought having her see a commencement ceremony was very important, to let her see what hard work will attain, and the future she can have, if she works hard. She was so excited through the whole thing, and after, took so many pictures, told us how she talked about it in school, her teachers asked her questions about it, etc. We talked about it afterward too, what she liked about his message, what she was skeptical about, etc.
This is the life she'd have with us, learning experiences and life enriching, challenging people. She deserves this, and it just breaks my heart her mom would rather limit her....
WOW, if all parents were
like you guys, we'd have a whole lot less crap in the world! You sound VERY committed to her and I am glad to hear that. I once was committed to my SD's, but time changes everything. I hope it only changes thing for the better for you. Too bad you dont live near, I have a great attorney!![Smile](
Couple MORE things ;)
Therapy and SD's perspective.
I would definitely tell SD that we need to try this first and see what the therapist says. We told SD that too, but didn't mention the therapist as a part of the custody puzzle. Be very careful on this one. Most therapists (we saw a child psychologist and I recommend that over a family counselor -we tried that first.) Anyway, the therapists are hesitant to get involved. Many will even ask you if you are doing this with expectation they will testify. Ours was not very willing to do that, because she hoped she could reach and help BM. But when BM pulled the last straw out, attempting to alienate SD from the therapist and GAL (guardian ad litem-the atty who represents the child's best interest) that's when the shrink FINALLY stepped up. She didn't testify but did talk to the GAL and was very supportive that SD needed to be with us.
Made the GAL's case very easy to support us as well.
I am hear as a resource if you need me. CG has been through this gruelingly slow process too, as have many on this site.
Oh- and by the way- if you have artist friends, any actors? Because every single one of my atty friends I met because I did a play with them. They are extroverts after all! Ask around the art district. Someone will know who to introduce you to, who can in turn recommend someone they know is a bulldog/insider in your local court system.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Watch the online journaling
Once you start the court case, be careful what you share on any blog that could be connected to you.
I have heard tale of writing online swaying the judge.
And never go to the press no matter what. My DH knew a BF who fathered a child during an affair. He ended the affair before knowing she was pregnant. That BM has made his life a living hell, then set about suing him that their BS had rights to form a relationship with his BDs from the marriage that he cheated on to be with BM! THAT was a strain on the marriage for sure.
That woman told all to the local press the night before the trial, and the judge was so disgusted he took two seconds to rule. AGAINST her. And told her that her railroading this man in the media was a great deal part of why he was ruling against her.
In that case I was pleased.
But I always worry about a blogger or live journal. If SD reads it or BM finds it, it could be bad news.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
thank you for the good luck
thank you for the good luck wishes, I guess I was naive to think that we wouldn't need it, since the obvious benefits to SD are with us, but from all I'm reading, it's going to be harder than it should be :(...
Sia that's too kind of you to say, thank you. It's one of the reasons I didn't have children with my ex, b/c I'd rather not have them at all than not do it absolutely right and give them not just the material things but the things they need to become strong, intelligent people with free will. But now that I'm with a man who has a daughter, I will do everything I can to give her the things I wish every child had.
The funny thing is that her father and I are alternative people who many would just assume to be criminals and drug addicts, yet nothing could be further from truth! We work professional jobs, make a decent living, provide for his child in every possible way, and are responsible adults. I work as an assistant director at that ivy league college I mentioned, and my fiance is a molecular biologist for the cancer nutrition center of America! My fiance fears that our appearance will work against us, and after reading how blind the courts are to so many situations expressed on this website, I fear he may be right![Sad](
If your attorney has any professional affiliations in CT, let me know, that's another thing I'm concerned about, hiring someone, how? Out of the yellow pages? I'd think not, but I don't know many people around here, at least people with kids that have gone through custody problems, and I don't even know where to begin...
I truly appreciate all the support, it's good to be able to talk about these things to those that understand...