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Sigh... I'm free!

Dreamer's picture

I'm free till next Friday! No skids! Their BM ACUALLY! showed up! Can you beleave it? SD11 asked if I would tell her BM her feeding schedule. I said "Do what?" She said if I don't tell her BM then BM won't cook for her and she'll have to feed herself. I laughed. For a week know SD11 has been a pain in the butt complaining about my home, my cooking, and everything else. I told her it's one week you'll survive.

I'm looking forward to sleeping in and not cooking every night. When it's just DH and I we tand to fend for ourselves. And no screaming! I feel so relaxed right now I could go to sleep.


laurels4u's picture

Oh gasp! An 11 y.o. who might have to make herself a PBJ or a bowl of cereal! Like you said, she'll survive at BM's. She has for this long.

Dreamer's picture

It's ok keeping whining. We all have those days.

~Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns~

luvdagirl's picture

And some of us are having that type of week!, I can't remember the last time I had no kids.

There is no reason where logic does not exist

Sia's picture

I dont have any skids right now, but I do have noisy boys. Would love some time off.!