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The REST of the weekend!!!

frustratedinMA's picture

About 9pm on Friday night, my neighbor across the street's son19 had a party in front of the house on the sidewalk and street. This party involved alcohol. They were obnoxious and loud and urinating all over the place (mind you, we live in a NICE area.. not the slums, and not the inner city!) As I have respect for my neighbors (not the 19 yr old), I let it go. I didnt call the cops. I did my best to ignore all this. We eventually went to bed.

My bedroom window faces out to the street. This is directly by my side of the bed. I had a front row street to the party. I kept an eye out all night, not so much to be a snoop or a busy body, but to make sure the 19 yr olds didnt get to out of control, seeing as how his parents were no where to be found.

About 2 am, all that were left was the neighbor's son19, his girlfriend and 5 of his male friends. This girl was BEYOND drunk... All of a sudden, I hear chants and cheers from the street, I glance back out, the gf is blowing the neighbor's son... IN FRONT OF HIS 5 BUDDIES, and he isnt stopping her.. he is high fiving his buddies OVER his gf's head. I get up and get ready to go outside, as THIS is unacceptable. I notice him push her off of him, and start to walk away. She gets up and is clearly upset by the snub, and lifts her shirt to the 5 guys... she then lies down on the sidewalk on her back!!

At this point I am waking my dh up to "get my back", as I am running down the stairs and out of the house. I announce in the best ADULT voice that I can, that I have seen enough, the party is over, and that he needs to take better care of his gf if he is going to feed her that much booze. The little sh*t then proceeds to tell me to mind my business and that he is on private property and I am invading his privacy and that I am disrespecting him, and that I have only just moved in (ummm.. 4 yrs ago.. not JUST) I then tell him that the sidewalk is PUBLIC property, and that if he wants privacy to go into his home... That he is disrespecting his gf, so why should I respect him? 4 of his friends take off, w/o a word.. the 5th, turns out its his cousin, and feels he too can be mouthy. I told him to get in his car and slither home before I call the cops.. and then I informed my neighbor's son that next time I was going to just call the cops. That he was drunk and needed to stop back talking to me. I then asked the girl if she needed a ride home, that I could take her. He yelled that she was going no where w/me and to get her @ss into the house.

I have to say, this is NOT a side of my neighbor's son that I have ever seen.... The next morning, I had my dh go over and speak to his father. His father seemed to blow DH off. I am sure that the events of the evening were portrayed differently to him... DH said that I spoke up when I felt the saftey and well being of the gf were in question. I was thinking, Jody Foster in the Accused.

I have been receiving prank calls all yesterday. This is the thanks I get for NOT calling the police and deciding to handle it myself, so that my neighbor's kid, his friends and the gf wouldnt have to register as sex offenders for the rest of their freakin lives. Next time, it WILL be a different story.

Would you have done anything different?


BabygotBack1988's picture

a little earlyer but i get cranky if there is noise after 9 hahahaha

life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you ) Blum 3

frustratedinMA's picture

I like this family, my skids play well w/the 7 yr old, and I didnt want to make waves over the drinking. I just didnt realize it was going to lead to that.. Ya know?!

BabygotBack1988's picture

my neighbours are all very understanding of me medical condition tho so when i moan they just cool it hahahaha

at that age if i where single would probly have turned out that way when i met my bf i was sort of going down that road so i guess he saved me but im not sure im ready to settle down well i am but im not willing ot give up partying neither soon as im well enough again any way.

they probly would have gone of the handle at you any way beer has that effect on people. so i dont think no matter what you did it would not have been right to them.

life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you ) Blum 3

doglover1's picture

thats a crazy story. I probably would have done something similar. kids!!!

ColorMeGone2's picture

I had to do that twice when we were living on base, because the kids across the street were having loud parties and they migrated over into OUR yard and were waking up the baby by screaming right outside her window. The MPs busted up the first party and just sent everyone home, but they discovered underage drinking the second time and I'm not sure what resulted from that, but it stopped being a problem. If you have to phone it in, the cops won't tell them which neighbor complained, only that they received a complaint from their neighbors.



GreenTeaTime's picture

I would have not bothered trying to reason with a drunk 19yr old who is committing sexual acts in public. I understand not wanting to cause a commotion, but you can lodge an anonymous complaint. We deal with college kids that like to smoke pot and be noisy in our court yard, and I would rather call the cops then chance going out there and getting shot or something. Not to mention that most teenagers in that state of mind tend to think they are invincible. ha.

Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart.-Erma Bombeck:

Chel Bell's picture

comes out when I read your story. I know this sounds like a weird thing to do, but I would have reached for the video cam, got them on tape, then call the cops & bust them.!! That little s--t deserves it, god knows what els he makes his GF do, or , how he will treat her after that episode. That's date rape if you ask me. I don't think in her right mind she would have preformed that stunt, and now she has to live w/ it. I guess you could still try to get him, the other boys are witnesses, even if they don't want to admit to what they saw, the chance is good that one will crack during a sit down w/ an officer......If it is safe for you to persue this, I don't want to suggest you bring on more trouble for you and your family."~waiting on the world to change~"

frustratedinMA's picture

Next time I will grab the video camera. I wasnt even thinking clearly.. I just knew she would be in trouble if I didnt go out there and intervene.

I know that based on what went on that evening, they could have all been in jail for several illegal acts.. Underage drinking, lewd and Lasivious behavior (public urination), and lewd and lasivious behavior (public sexual acts).. then there was the driving after I broke up the party by the drunk children.

I was thinking more about that girl and this kids' family.. next time I am just going to call the cops and he can be a sex offender for the rest of his life.

I agree, I dont think this girl would have done the things she did, had she not been so blitz on booze. Chances are, she is probably younger than him, I am not so sure she is over 18.. but she is definitely over 16.

And again, I live in a NICE neighborhood. I couldnt believe my eyes.

Chel Bell's picture

are now getting prank calls?? Tell 'em you DO have them on tape, and they are just digging a deeper hole if they keep it up,and phone calls are documented, and then tell them that their next"party" will also be taped"~waiting on the world to change~"

frustratedinMA's picture

The calls are hang ups. They are blocking the number. So while I cant prove its them, I know it is, because I dont normally get hang ups from a Restricted number.

I think I might have a talk w/the mom. I think their entire house is avoiding me.. OH.. except for the arrogant teen.

SerendipitySM's picture

Frustrated, I would go back over there with your H and talk to both of his parents and explain to them from your point of view everything that happened and that you were trying to be a good neighbor by not calling the cops and that if the prank calls continue you will be contacting the authorities.

frustratedinMA's picture

That is a good idea. I am just so nervous. I just want peace in the neighborhood. I feel that I have enough drama in my life.. If I get more calls today, I plan on walking over and knocking on their door.

SerendipitySM's picture

I understand that too, no ones likes to "make waves". I can't believe this girl was blowing him right there where anyone could see - what if your children were awake and saw this??

Chel Bell's picture

I agree as well, going over and trying to communicate w/ both parents is a good idea/start. Be diplomatic, and bring a witness...don't go alone. I hope it goes well, and you all are able to communicate."~waiting on the world to change~"

frustratedinMA's picture

I can only stand to reason that if the skids were up for this weekend that sd9 would have seen it, as her window looks out onto the same street.. same house. SS9's room does not..

I told dh that perhaps the skids shouldnt be allowed to visit over there w/the 7 yr old, that the 7 yr old can come play at our house.. I dont want DH to lose visitation rights over another family's lack of discipline.

He hasnt even been made to come over an apologize for his actions OR his commentary towards me.

Chel Bell's picture

A ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That is the last thing you need to deal with is BM getting wind of this, and rightfuly so, being pissed because skids go over there. It makes you wonder just how this kids parents are, it seems not to be a big deal to them, or they could be very mortified (hopefully)."~waiting on the world to change~"

frustratedinMA's picture

I bet they didnt tell the wife. She seems like the type that would be upset. I think the guys (father and son) have corraled this. Not even sure how much the father understands went on. DH was adamant that I felt that girl's saftey and well being were in jeopardy.

I dont understand why they let that kid drink.. I do know that they let that go. I am starting to think the kid is an alcoholic. I just found his myspace page and he hasnt been on there since he was 18.. and he mentions one of his hobbies is DRINKING.. hello!!! Its not a hobby A hole. Its called a problem if you use that to describe yourself.

It wouldnt affect me if dh lost his rights, but I know that he would be devastated. He agreed the skids will not go over there unless one of us is going to sit over there w/them. I dont want them witnessing something they shouldnt. I dont think he would diddle little kids, but I dont think he has the scrupples to be descreet. CLEARLY!

northernsiren's picture

I am a huge jerk and a major party pooper. If the noise is bothering me after 11:00, I call the cops. I don't feel bad about it in the least. I live next to a fraternity (I know sounds dumb, but the last tenant AND the landlord assured me they were not a problem, haha, very funny) so it DOES happen and I WILL NOT put up with snot nosed entitled brats raging it up with their throbbing bass music when I, a responsible adult, have to get up in the morning to go to WORK!

The town has a noise ordinance. They are in violation. It is bothering me. End of discussion. Don't feel bad at ALL!

And that's just the purely self serving piece of this, in terms of the girl, you probably did her the biggest favor of her life!

from my SD, the reason we're going through it all....:
o, btw, my dad and *northernsiren* are the best family a girl(and boy) could ever hope for. Thank you for helpping me through these hard times.

Most Evil's picture

I can't believe I missed this! Go MA!!!!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

frustratedinMA's picture

Oh yes, and an update, there is a strained relationship at best w/that family now. The kid, who used to say hi and everything, now barely looks at me, as if I trampled on HIS rights, vs the other way around.

And yes, I think I saved that girl from a night she would never forget... My dh TRIED to emphasize that to the father of the boy. That I thought her life and well being were in danger when I stepped in.

As for the cops. They will be my first call from now on. Recently, we were away, and I found out the parents were going away the same weekend, leaving the 18 yr old alone at home. Found out from neighbors that he had a raging party going on and the cops were called and broke it up. NOW.. I was in FL, not in MA when that happened, its nice to know that I am not the ONLY person on the street that cares. I still couldnt believe that after all the parents know about this kids parties, that they left him home alone. STUPID.