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My Life so far......

hangingin's picture

My husband retained custody after the divorce. EX had run off with another man and abandoned the family. After finding out abt me,(I came into the picture a few months later)she did everything in her power to get him back, when that did not work, she started poisoning her daughter, against us. She actually told me that I could have SS But she wanted SD back. It has been down hill ever since with SD, EX manipulated the girl into moving back with her (though she never has had anything that she actually bought herself, her parents "and anyone else she could sucker into helping her" will always bail her out of trouble) SD now has a baby, did not marry the father, because EX talked her out of it (She can not stand the father because she could not manipulate him after he told her he was NOT going to support HER FAT ASS TOO!, He's VERY blunt!) like all the other men she picked out for SD) She could not go out on dates unless EX went along, she was living her life through her daughter. She had controlled everything SD has done. With this latest husband, she would throw parties for SD , supply the booze and HAVE TO BE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PARTY. She has even "serviced" many of the teen boys in this area! And even instructed SD and her “friends” on how to "keep a man coming back" if you know what I mean!! Other people would tell me this who had been witness to these parties. And money? She and current hubby have had everything repossessed because she spends his money as quickly as he gets it!! And has nothing to show for it! She refuses to get a job! I heard she does like her dope!!! EX can not stand me because I stand in the way of her manipulating HD out of money. HD can and does see how his daughter is, but will not call her on her behavior. We have bought her a car, she has talked him into signing for a cell, (I quickly took control of that, and phone was eventually cut off, on my orders, because she would not live up to her word about paying the bills) my view on raising children is to be self-sufficient." I was basically on my own from the age of 16 (BUT BY GOD), I knew how to take care of myself and not rely on ANYONE to do it either) I told him that my family may not have been able to afford to give me money, but they sure did instill in me a deep rooted need NOT TO BE DEPENDENT ON ANYONE.They, meaning my Mother and Grandparents, taught me how to survive in this world. And our son knows how to take care of himself, if he is hungry, and I'm busy, he knows how to make a snack. EX knows not to call to the house. She has tried that a few times since the kids have grown up, and I have told her point blank, do not ever call this number again, or I will have her arrested for harassment. She tried to tell me she can talk to HD ANYTIME she wanted, because they have kids together, I told her NO, they are grown now, there is no reason to call, she kept trying to argue, I just told her "to try me, I'm just waiting for the chance to put your ass behind bars, but not before I kick that big target!! I had met HD when I was 17 but due to my shyness (believe it or not, most people who meet me now can't believe it, I do have very strong opinions, I guess I did grow into having strong traits!) But,at that time HD thought I wasn't "wild" enough for him and dumped me. I went on and dated, learned how to voice my opinions, speak up when needed..... Well, not too long after he dumped me he met a "true wild one" His future ex wife. She manipulated him into marrying her. Knowing the type of guy he was, honorable and not wanting to upset anyone,He has admitted that he really liked her family far more than HER. His Dad said he should have spoke up right before the wedding, because, HER Dad slapped him on the back, and said, Thank God I'm getting that monkey off my back!!! Well, the joke is on him, because she is always yo-yoing back to her parent’s house, she's living there now, with her 3rd? husband.(HD was her 1st) He had it planned that he was going to divorce her shortly after the wedding, knowing he had made a HUGE mistake, after finding out what she was truly like. (she can be very charming when she wants to be) but once that ring was on her finger, she morphed into a raging lunatic! But she somehow sensed he was making plans, (she is really good at picking just the right people to manipulate) and made sure to get pregnant, KNOWING the kind of man he is, that he would NEVER leave his children. I have actually had people come up to me and hug me, telling me thank you for giving us the old HD back. She always HAD to be the center of attention; He could not even talk to little old ladies without her cussing him out!!! At social functions, he had to stay right next to her or she would make scene like a 2 year old. So he learned to "not rock the boat" so to speak. But I will give BM credit for something; she forced him to grow up, simply because she refused to. He had to be both Mother and Father to those kids. She would lay her fat ass on the couch and do NOTHING! The kids would have to go through the dirty clothes pile to find something to wear to school. And these are things I learned from other people, not him.
Now that the kids are grown, we really don't have much contact, except every once in a while, it seems she just gets bored and has to make sure to stir up something, like what happened about a month ago, someone called the house asking for her, her married name and all, so I know it was not a mistake, I asked how they got this number, (you could tell they were a collection agency) he said that it was the contact number she gave them. Boy did that make me mad! I told him in no uncertain terms to never call this number again, and proceeded to give him her social security number, Driver's License #, the address where she was REALLY at, her actual home address, the phone number, cell number, where her husband worked and anything else I could think of...... then I called her and told her to never use my number again, that anytime someone calls looking for her, they were going to get her life history, every last bit of info on her that I can possibly supply.(and I have it ALL) She was one dumb Bitch to actually think I would protect her from bill collectors!, please!! After everything she's done I'll serve her up on a silver platter to Jeffery Dahmer if he asked!!!


Sasha's picture

...but Jeffery is dead Wink

Seriously, though...what a wing nut. I don't get these women, no morals, no sense of decency, no gumption to do anything but cause trouble. Seems she was successful in creating a Mini-Me as well. I don't know how you ladies put up with stuff like this for as long as you have. When I read posts like this I thank God my DH's kids aren't around. It was bad enough when we were dating and just got married, having his ex calling and screeching at him. I sent her a rather blunt email calling her on her BS and told her never to call and disrupt MY house unless one of the children were ill, injured, dying or dead. She got the message.

Your DH must be made of steel to have survived. Good for him.

Karma_'s picture

Too many similarities to my story!! DH's ex is a cruel, nasty headcase. I'm sad to say I can see SD13 going the same way as your SD. Her BM keeps feeding her doses of her poison which then spews from SD's mouth in the form of abuse towards her father and constant manipulation of his feelings and guilt. I hate them both for what they have done to DH.