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Good News/Bad News

Chel Bell's picture

Well it's been a busy couple of weeks, we are moving on the 30th to the Cape, I can't wait. Everything is falling into place with that and looking good. We will no longer be considered "the working homeless". The bad news is, $$ situation with DH's past CS, that he owes. As I posted before , we were telling them the amount was wrong , because we had only started falling behind recently, and how did they get that crazy figure of 6,000? Well now I see where they got it....and it's not good. When DH got custody of son, he was getting a credit against the past due support, AS LONG AS SS CONTINUED TO LIVE WITH US!! He did not live w/ us long enough, to make it all go away, and they still did not credit us for the last 6 months that he was with us after the court ordered this. It was a little over 1,000 $$. The reason DH was getting a credit was of course because of the custody change, but also because BM , was supposed to pay us a small amount of CS, for SS, but, because DH was behind, we agreed to just apply credit to the past due amount.WE did NOT want her $$, just cared about SS. What DH did not realize , is that stopped when we moved away and BM, after torturing us , got her son back. So now , when BM called this hearing, she demands this money , as well as the recent amount that DH owes her. BM flipped out when the income deduction order was issued, and the past due support was for the recent amount, we all forgot about the past amount, but not BM.....she remembered it afterwards. So now we have absolutly no tax $$ coming to us, and my DH has tp pay the court a "purge payment" of 1,000 on top of everything. The tax $$ covers more than half (my half included) but still leaves us 2,000 shy. I can't believe we got ourselves so f-d over. I mean, yeah, pay support, and don't fall behind, is easier said than done sometimes. Being homeless the past 3 months we could have put CS on hold, we were told by our case worker, but we did not , because we wanted to try to stay as current as possible, and keep DH out of jail....he still is trying to clear up the writ thats against him, but that will not go away until the past due support is all paid up. They are not hunting him down or anything, it would cost the state of FL more money to do that, than to have him working, and paying this off. Sooooo thats where we are now, and I can't wait to just get this all caught up, have DH save his own a--, so BM can get off of it, and never let this happen again. My DH is going to now have a really good paying position now so the future does indeed look brighter, but wow, what a mess. Sad


frustratedinMA's picture

wow.. at least you got an answer though.. too bad she is that vindictive that she didnt allow the CS coverage for her son that you paid to take care of for 6 mths.

Hang in there.. there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel!

bellacita's picture

thats an awful situation to be in...and he still paid CS during the time u didnt have a place to hopefully this (new house)is the start of better things to come

Chel Bell's picture

That's what keeps me sane right now, things are looking up, despite the money, as I have come to realize, is worth it to keep BM out of our lives. I'm not even looking at it as CS, anymore, as we know the kids don't see any of it, it's more like "BM-BE GONE" , like a repellant we need to buy once a month to rid us of the bug. ~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.

Chel Bell's picture

~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.

bellacita's picture

maybe thats how i'll start looking at it too!

Chel Bell's picture

that would be cool, I could use the money...hahaha. ~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.