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Need to Track Computer Activity

toomuch's picture

Good morning everyone, can someone please recommend a computer surveillance software. I found some disturbing searches on my SS12 side that I would like to investigate. I have a sinking feeling that he was molested because he has some classic signs of it but I can't go to H without concrete evidence (see previous post) and really feel SS needs counseling as well as anger management counseling. Pls advise.


sarahbernheart's picture

I think if you go to Best Buy they can tell you how or what kind fo software to buy.
there is a way to look into the history of an account but I am not sure how.
good luck!

“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”

happysomeday's picture

I used a program called "Golden Eye" to check my ex husband's pornography problem(and found a lot of things out about him)

This was a few years ago, but you should see if it's still around because you get a free trial period- you get a secret key combination and every time you push those keys together, it will come up and show you everything that's been done on that computer, including whatever has been typed into search engines and passwords, websites visited, and it takes "snapshots" of the pages..
no on can even see an icon or anything that shows you have it on the computer- only you know because it only comes up when you enter your code. and then when you're finished looking, you just click "hide" and it goes away until the next time you want it.

evilsm's picture

I got this last year, very easy to download right on the PC and will send you e-mail to whatever address you choose with all the information about websites visited, keystrokes, programs executed, windows opened, its great! Never shows up on the computer unless you open the program with a code. When I am at work I can get e-mails from home telling me what the kids are doing. This program has really helped us see what the kids are up to. Here is the website. Good luck!


If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren

no validation's picture

Was something called eblaster. you can find it at
It really worked well for us. It sends everything that is done on the computer to your email address. This includes all blogs, chats, well as the key strokes including their passwords! If you have any other questions about it, let me know.

Nothing comes easy thats worth fighting for.....thats what they tell me!

Learning the Ropes's picture

I used one called all in one keylogger. It sounds like GoldenEye. Captures every keystroke, including passwords, takes screenshots, shows both sides of chats, and can email it all to you at another computer. Totally invisible. You enter a code to bring it up. It has a 7-day free trial, but I think is pricey after that.