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Happy to have found this site

Homewrecker's picture

Hello to everyone out there in step parent land.. I am so happy to have found this site. I was feeling so alone in my situation and really have no one else to vent to who really understands what I'm going thru or dealing with. Oh sure, I can tell someone that my husbands ex is crazy but I always get this look of "yeah..right"..then I go into "no..I mean she's reeaaalllyy crazy" they just don't understand how bad ex's can be. She really is crazy by the way. Anyway, we are in the middle of having to take my husbands ex to court because she would not let my ss come to visit because of some false accusations she was making against me. Those false accusations have been proven to be false by a social worker and the case closed. I don't think I have ever been so angry at anyone my entire life, but I kept my cool and never once let her know that how mad I was. I will never understand how people like her get thru life blaming everyone else for the miserable situation they put themselves in. This woman has a degree in child development and her own child has no social skills and is very withdrawn and does not know how to express his own feelings. We have tried to get him help but she does not see a we feel like our hands are tied since we only get to see him every other weekend. We even contacted the childs school and they just shut us down completely because the mother took him out of public school and put him in private and she won't give the teacher/staff permission to deal with my husband. They were so cold to us that I'm sure she has filled their minds with all kinds of lies about us. The ex and the school principle are church friends so we don't have a chance with them I'm afraid. Most of the really bad stuff with the ex is resent. We were just thinking that things would probably be better with her since she just go married but it seems to have made her worse. She had always said she wanted to find a father for my SS, even though he already has a wonderful father in my husband, she treats us like non-people it's really bizarre. Anyway, said enough for now. Thanks for being here. Be back soon to vent some more gunna help my husband with dinner.
