When will it be my turn??
So... My dh and I have been trying to get pregnant for a year now. We have had 2 miscarriages in this timeframe. I have been seeing a fertility specialist.
I have asked him repeatedly if he wants a child with me.. seeing as how he has his kids. He tells me over and over that he wants badly to have a child with me. GREAT!!! Yeah for me.. right??
The other day, I asked him, should we not be able to conceive a baby of our own, where would you want to adopt from?? Pretty normal question.. right???? Ummm.. his response. I wouldnt want to adopt! HUH??? Nope.. I dont think that I could adopt a child... that I could form that bond with them...
As you can imagine.. I was shocked and HURT.. he wants a child with me provided that I can provide the child. That unless a child is Biologically his, he isnt capable of loving that child. Well.. now.. isnt that just great.. I have always said to him, that if the tables were turned, and I was the one w/kids and he not, he would have never have dated me, much less married me. And I guess w/that one comment he proved it..
So.. it begs the question... why am I always expected to LOVE his kids??? is it because of my gender?
lets just keep our collective fingers crossed that I am able to have a baby of my own someday soon.
- frustratedinMA's blog
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I don't know what to say to ease this for you. Your H needs a wake up call and I would definitely go talk to a counselor. I can't believe he would even say it to you...
"You must love my kids, but I can't love one who isn't biologically mine."
That's just wrong.
My DH and I have kids- my two, his one, our one. And we have talked many times about adopting more if and when we can afford it. We are both nurturing people though. Is your H not?
Maybe he's just overwhelmed with the kids he has to a degree. Or maybe if you have expressed difficulty in loving your SK's on any level he thinks it's impossible.
I think you need to sit down and have a long honest talk. Because this is so important to be on the same page with each other. And you should not be forced to continue to endure loss and heartache of miscarriage as your only option. It's unfeeling of him to think so.
Peace, love, and red wine
Zen's right...
this is VERY important.
I know this is a horrible example, but did you watch Sex and the City....Charlotte and Tre(her first husband) couldn't come to an agreement on this very subject. But then when she married Harry, he loved her and when they couldn't conceive, they were able to adopt a little girl from China.
I think his response was a very immediate one and with a little discussion, he might have a different perspective.
Sorry, hon.....
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
One reason things went wrong with my ex is that he's sterile. Now I'm 40+ years and not sure if I ever will have any of my own. It was kinda heart breaking for me at that time. I really don't know what the future has in store for me, but I always wanted kids of my own.
We'll see. The clock's a ticking. I think if I were to have problems, I would not go that far as far as fertility specialists are concerned.
I think one reason I feel committed to my FSS is that he could be the closest thing I have to one.
What your DH said to you was just awful. He really oughta rethink what he said to you, no matter what the outcome, but good luck trying to have your own.
He is actually a great
He is actually a great father.. He adores his children and is totally guilty of being a guilty father.. He over compensates on everything for them including looking the other way at times when he should be parenting (in of course steps me to be the evil SM).
I dont know if his reluctance also has to do w/how he thinks his kids would perceive the situation.. and stuff... I dont know.
He was really kind of nice about how he said it.. he wasnt gruff or anything like that.. and at the end he said.. I just am being totally honest w/you.
In the beginning of our relationship I had a GREAT relationship w/his kids.. I loved them. Since our marriage.. the BM has become anti ME and (not that I can prove this, but...) has jaded them towards me.. and often times their dad. We both see a difference in how they act around us, and the things they say/do and expect. Just recently on a trip to my inlaws, my sd9 said how she didnt like me and didnt want to sit near me.
My relationship these days w/my skids is, i dont want to say as bad as mutual tolerance, but its something just above that. Occassionally they like me, and those weekends are great. But when they dont like me, or dont want me near them.. lets face it.. I am human and my feelings get hurt and I try to detach from the situation.
We are currently trying again for a baby. We will find out 2/5 if we were successful this time around. Due to my ins., I am not eligible for IVF or anything like that.. Its mainly medication and then the good old fashioned way.
I was the same way
I trully loved his kids but as soon as we walked down the aisle, everything changed. SS went back to live with BM and all hell broke loose. She always talked bad about us before we got married but he lived with us so he saw how we really were. But when he went back to live with her, he could no longer see through the shit she was poling on him. Well, it worked and now here we are. Miserable. Well, at least I am.
I'm sorry...
you're feeling miserable today...
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
Thanks CG
at least I know someone cares!
Cheer up...
When in the gutter, the only way to look is up...
Have a drink....I'm having one when I get home. No kids and an unopened bottle of wine....now there's a combo!!!!
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
A Different Way to Look At This
Hi, FrustratedinMA,
I read your post, I know that trying to conceive and not being able to is difficult. Right now trying to have a baby with my 2nd husband, I'm also 40+. I have one son from my previous marriage so I don't know exactly how you feel but I do sympathize.
When I think of loving step-children, I see it as the fruit of your love for husband. I have step-children and I do love them, but not exactly like I love my son.
Because I love my husband, I love his children. Not that they are always likable but because they are his children I care for their well being. The bond I've developed with them as grown over time. But he never told me I'm supposed to love his kids. And, I don't expect him to love mine just like that, he does care for my son a great deal and he is very good to him. I believe love will be the fruit of their time together but I don't expect him to love my son the way he loves his two kids.
I sort of understand his statement. It would be hard to love a child that is not your own overnight -- but there is geniune love for adopted children and as time goes by many adoptive parents love them as their own.
With men, I've learned to not overanalyze what they say and surely not to expect them to feel as I feel because they are different creatures altogether. Your husband does love you a lot. During this time don't dwell on the negative. Stay postive and stay stress free. I pray that you do have one of your own very soon or that he would open his mind to adopting should the need arise, especially if you want to.
Has your doctor suggested the pill Clomid? It's supposed to be very good. Going to my GYN to discuss this month.
That is the medication that i am on... and then on the 12th day of the cycle I had to give myself an injection to ensure that ovulation occurred w/in 24 - 48 hrs.. and they give you how many days that you should "try" and how often.
That is how we got pregnant the last time I m/c. I was 8 weeks along that time.
Clomid was a god sent for me
I had an ectopic pregnancy, lost my right tube & almost bled to death with my first pregnancy at 37. After trying for a while I still wasn't getting pregnant & had fertility testing done & was told by a dr that I would never concieve on my own. I was at the end of my reproductive cycle. I wanted to curl up in a ball & die. I went back to the out of network doc who did my emergency surgery & we did 1 round of clomid & I concieved on the first try. I turned 39 shortly after I gave birth to my absolutely gorgeous son. It cost $25.00 for 1 round of clomid.
I thank God every day because my son is perfect. He is so beautiful, people stop me all the time to comment on how good looking he is, he is social ( not afraid of strangers, my daycare provider has commented on how great he is as well in social situations) he is developementally exactly where he should be physically & mentally & he was 3 1/2 weeks early. His smile is dazzleing & his laugh contagious. Yes I know I am positively sickening with my love for this baby.
I never thought I could love anyone the way I love him.
Ask for the clomid, try a few rounds & don't give up. I guess I am telling this because I have been where you are & I feel your pain. It used to kill me to know that other women could just make babies & I couldn't.
In My Prayers
FrustratedinMA - you have a group of people who are standing in your corner too! Stay strong.
Thank you everybody.. Only
Thank you everybody.. Only time will tell if this round of clomid worked its magic. I know they said I had 2 viable eggs for this cycle. Crossing my fingers at least one took.
DH by the way has super sperm.. When we got his results back he was 3 times HIGHER than the minimum they wanted.. I joked w/him how we should have hung his results on the fridge w/A++ written at the top.
In about 2 weeks I'll see if it worked... and if it did.. hope for better results than last time.
My DH used to tell
me he had super sperm all the time when we were trying & not to worry.
I am hoping that you have some good news to share in two weeks.