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Can Anybody help me with this?

southernshellgirl's picture

BM is planning to get Sd from us tomorrow, her attorney sent ours what is supposed to be her occupational driver's license. Our attorney noticed the license was first faxed at 11p.m. Monday night to her attorney by AUSTIN BAIL BONDS.

Question is, does anyone know a reason a bail bonds place would have someone's occupational drivers license?????

My understanding was she had to send the order from the judge that granted her occupational license to the main DPS office in Austin to process, then they would mail it to her if approved.

DH and I know we can't protect SD and keep her here forever, but we at least want her here until after this rediculous hearing BM has set for Friday.

My thought is that BM got cought driving outside her allotted driving time and county, or even driving a vehicle without her interlock device and got arrested in Austin and they kept her license.

Our attorney told us not to release SD to her until he okay's it. And if she does try to get her DH is going to demand to see the license in her possession, and she had better have her car with the interlock device installed before she can have her.

Am I thinking right here??? This woman has lied so many times, I'm loosing my mind trying to find the truth. THank you to all who read this, sorry to take up your time. Sad


sparky's picture

"Our attorney told us not to release SD to her until he okay's it. "
You've got your answer. If he okays it let her go if not she doesn't go.

littlegrlzx4's picture

Keep listening to your attorney but in terms of bail bondsmen- maybe they are keeping her license to keep track of her? Unfortunately, my ex dh had several run ins with the law requiring use of their services times during our marriage. Could be that its the only old copy that she has that she provided the last time she posted bail or they are keeping it for some reason.

Your attny will get to the bottom of it. Hang in there!

southernshellgirl's picture

Our current custody battle started when BM's mom beat her up and they called us to take SD. Then she wanted SD back over there, then she moved in with her ex-fiancee's mom. Then she tried to get DH arrested because we found out about her slutty pics on myspace and she lied trying to get him arrested saying he assaulted her. It didn't work, but when she left the scene she had someone drive her and left her car. We did a background check and found she had been arrested for DWI and Assault and had been driving while her license was suspended.(hence the police officers not allowing her to drive from the scene) When we had a hearing to change temp orders the judge agreed with us and made DH sole managing conservator and restricting BM to visits with SD in our home three times a week until she completes the requiurements of her bond and obtains an occupational license. She lied to us in November that she had it by showing me a reciept, turns out she only had the order from the judge that served as a temp license for 30 days. When DH confronted her on it she couldn't produce it and finally admitted she was waiting for it to arrive from DPS.
My researh shows when all requirements are sent to DPS they MAIL you your license. I just don't understand why it would be faxed from a bail bonds place. I think you are right about it being held by them for the last time she posted bail. Our attorney said the bondsman prob won't tell him anything if he calls there, so he sent a fax to her attny saying he could not read the license because it was far too dark, and he also needs to see proof she is attending her required alcohol counseling to maintain her license. He also wants to set her deposition so he can question her under oath and find out what Austin Bail bonds has to do with this.

I'm going to head downtown here and get what I can from her criminal dockett. Our attny can do it, but then he'd have to charge us and he says I've done a great job at my detective work so far. the last thing we saw on the dockett was that her bond had been revoked and a warrent was issued on August 30 because she failed to complete the work detail for time served. I can't wait to see what it says now.

Thank you again eveyone. Smile

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that made all the difference. -Robert Frost-

sweetthing's picture

like a real piece of work! I wonder what this interlock device costs & who pays for it? I would have a hard time with anyone driving a breathilizer mobile with my kid in it.

southernshellgirl's picture

My poor SD is only 3!

She's required to pay for the device, she did show us a rental agreement and it says she pays $70 a month and she has to check in with the place that installed it so they can see that she hasn't tried to start it with alcohol on her breath or been driving outside of her allotted time. she has Mon-Sat 7:30-8am, 12:30-1:30pm, and 5-7:30pm. and I know of one day already she messed up on the time.

And our hearing Friday is because she is going to ask the same judge that took away all of her unsupervised time with SD and her joint decision making status to punish DH for keeping SD from her when her mom beat her and then agian when we found out she was driving SD around illegally without her license and interlock.

We are terrified she will take SD and run. She has nothing keeping her here. We just found out she lost her job in November, now she is cliaming the woman she lives with is paying her to do odd jobs. And she just found out we are having a baby. When I look back, BM and I have gotten along very well when she has a man in her life, then when she doesn't she is evil to me. Right now she has no man, no job, a suspended license and a jacked up relationship with her family since her mom and stepdad beat her. I also think she is prob off her antidepressants now that she has no health ins.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that made all the difference. -Robert Frost-