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Did I do the right thing??? (sorry so long)

proud mom's picture

The Dr figured out it was the ADD medication BS6 was on causing his fits so about a month and a half ago they took him off of it for 2 weeks and wow what a difference. He was unable to focus and was pretty hyper put no fits. So we go back after 2 weeks and they start him on a new med.
It started out ok he was a little calmer and no fits until he had been on it for 2 weeks he went into a fit when he was with his dad (kinda funny since he sat at the dr and tried to say that bs6 didn't have fits when he was with him)The med seemed to be wearing off in the early afternoon so on Friday they switched him from a time release to a short release med and he had to take it twice a day instead of once. We started it on Sat. Well on Monday BS10 had and eye apt at 10:30 and then a Dr apt for his yearly check up at 1:30 so we had some time to kill in between so I took them to the mall for lunch and I told BS6 he could have a small treat for being so good at eye Dr and if he is good at the Dr. Well when we were in Target he asked if he could get a new car I said yes but you can't open it until you behave at the Dr office if you are not good then the car gets put up for next time. He was ok with that. BS10 didn't want anything from there he wanted to go to Toys R Us, so I told him we could stop there on the way home from Dr he said ok. Well BS6 decided he would wait until we go to the toy store so we put the car back and headed out of the store. Well we got to the front of the store and BS6 changed his mind and wanted the car I told him no we don't have to time to go all the way back the the back of the store and check out we had to get BS10 to the Dr he would have to wait until we got to the toy store. Well that just set him off he began screaming and kicking and hitting it was awful. He pulled a handful of my hair out and bit me so hard it almost broke the skin (it left a horrible bruise) It took me almost 20 min to get him out of the store and into my truck. BS10 was so embarrassed he was almost in tears (so not like him). I was so upset I didn't know what to do I knew I had to get BS10 to the Dr. but could n't take BS6 into the office like this so DH was out of town for work, I tried to call my sisters, my Mom my best friend and couldn't get a hold of any of them. So I swallowed my pride and called his Dad he left work and met me at the office and took BS6 kicking and screaming with him until I was done with BS10.

Did I do the right thing should I have tried and dealt with it on my own or was calling his dad the right move?

The dr has now taken him off this med now too. It is like what do you do when your child can't focus and learn with out medicine but acts like this on the medicine??? It is like I am damned if I do and damned if I don't. Sad

I have never been so confused on what to do or help him Sad


Nymh's picture

And kudos to the Dad for leaving work to help you. I think you absolutely did the right thing.

It must be difficult to be stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to your kids. I can't imagine that BS6 would act like this on every medicine. How many different meds have they tried?

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

proud mom's picture

two different medicnes but a short and a time release form of the one so a total of three. The Dr just called and wea re going to try another one starting later today. Wish me luck.

Thanks I have been second guessing the whole thing for 2 days.

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Given the situation, I think that you did the right thing. Don't worry about it.
I'm sure you will find the right meds to work for him.


Anne 8102's picture

That's why kids get TWO parents. Why should moms get to have all the, um, fun?! I hope this med works out for you. My SS had to try a zillion different things and it was a nightmare for his mom. Hang in there. You'll find the right combo of meds and/or therapies for him.

~ Anne ~

"The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there." ...Anonymous

Anonymous's picture

Since the meds are not working, if you try and google high functioning autism and do the check list for your son.
Having similar situations happen it was not add. But autism. he is now 17 and been diagnosed correctly from the age of nine. You just handle them differently, apparently there is a short wire (lol) in their brain, where they don't know and can't recognize consequences for their actions.
I hope this helps.

proud mom's picture

all for the help and support. They have switched his med to Strattera and he takes it at night so far so good but it has only been a few days.

Anonymous, thanks for that idea I will check it out. He was tested for Autism a few years ago and instead of Autism they diagnosied him with global developmental delay so who knows. But thanks for the advice.

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow

Dawn-Moderator's picture

My ss was on Strattera. He didn't have any side affects with it. He just couldn't swallow the pill. You weren't supposed to open the pill up but that was the only way he would take it. So he hated taking it. We took him off of it this summer. He is turning 12. We are going to talk to his teachers this year and let him try starting school without the meds and see what happens. I hope he does well but we shall see. I really don't want to have to fight him with him over pills anymore.


proud mom's picture

the first medicine he was on we had to open the capsule and put it in pudding finally after time and patience and some help from my baby sitter we got him to swallow it and it si now so much easier. Did you try placing the pill kinda in the back of his mouth and letting him drink through a straw? We started by using a wide like water bottle staw and now use just a regular straw and he can now take any pill. So far so good on the Strattera and we began using Melatonin nightly to help him rest and it seems to be working let pray it continues.

I hope yours is able to go without. I hate having to give him the medicine all the time.

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow