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Things are going so good it is scarey

proud mom's picture

I just can't beleive it mut BM called me Wed night yea I said that right she calledme not DH but me!! She wanted our mailing address for school paper work (school started on Monday)ok no problem, she was nice actually told me what SD6 was doing at the moment (she was practing something new she had learned in gym class) and how funny it was and to just wait until she does it at our house this weekend. OMG did i just have an actual conversation with her. I ask her if she had talked to DH she said No I asked what time she needed us to pick up SD6 (last year it was strickly by the paper work time location and everything) she said she had somewhere to be that is about 2 hrs away, at 6pm so I offered to pick SD up at school she said she would let us know on Thursday. So DH not relizing I had already talked with her (he is out of town) called her to see what the plan would be and she said it would be fine that I pick SD up from school. She went on to tell him that she put him, me and his parents on the pick up/emergancy form. OMG I about fell over last year he wasn't even on the list I can't believe she put both of us on there and his parents. She even apologized for all the stuff she has said and done in the last year. So did hell freeze over and someone forgot to tell me, is the world coming to an end????

Well wish me luck on picking up SD I have never been to her school other than to drop her off but never inside.....


everythinghappens4areason's picture

doesn't mean she won't change at a second's notice! We have had this happen with BM thinking....OMG, has she become a human being after all this time? Then when you least expect it, the bitch from hell has arrived again.

By all means be civil to her, but PLEASE be guarded on what you say and how you say it. Or it may turn around to bite you in the ass.

Sorry, don't mean to rain on your good news, but that is what has happened to us in the past again and again. I am sure there are several out there that can agree with me.


Frog44's picture

Enjoy it while it lasts. Must be she really needs you to do stuff for her. Like she said, she had somewhere else to go. I agree with Corie, be careful. Be civil, and I agree with watch what you say. Could be she's looking for ammo?

We have delt with the same thing time and time again. My husband and I scratch our heads wondering, "Did she finally grow up?" Then WHAM, something doesn't go our way and all heck breaks loose and once again we are the terrible parents that don't care, don't love the kids, only care about ourselves....blah blah blah.

We were going through a tough time with ex, then she realized that if we didn't take the kids, she had them all the time. Lo and behold her tune changed in a hurry. But we still have those moments, and I hate them.

So enjoy the calm, and enjoy your SD!

luvdagirl's picture

I am hopeful for you that BM just decided to be the best parent possible and does realize that she wasn't acting in SDs best interest. Enjoy the moment no matter what, a break in pace is a beautiful thing. We have been through this alot- I can't count probably hundreds of times w/ BM over ten years and it is almost nice- even lasted a month once, but unfortunately we found these were times when BM was trying to get back DH- or atleast remind him there was a almost human quality there, or when BM needed something but as soon as DH wasn't giving her attention, did something crazy nice for me,or could not accomodate her wants she flipped into crazy overdrive with telling everyone who isn't deaf about how awful we are. We did still enjoy the peace when it came but learned to just take it for the moment and that was all.

There is no reaon where logic does not exist

proud mom's picture

Oh believe me my gaurd is up when it comes to her I will never let my guard down. I will be as alway civil but will be watching my every move so not to give her any ammo to use against us!!

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow

Colorado Girl's picture

We are all probably right. BM for me is bi-polar. Either that or she is getting ready to ask for money or something. That's THE only time she is EVER nice to me. (I used to be such a sucker to her little pity speeches.) When she comes to pick up the skids you never know who you are going open the door to. Her bad days always outweigh the good and the worst part is that when she is nice it is such a false hope.

"To the ass, or the sow, their own offspring appears the fairest in creation."

Cruella's picture

We all have our own personal terrorists who can attack at anytime. Hard to relax when things are quiet.