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Joint decison making

proud mom's picture

That is what hubby and his ex are suppose to have but yet we never know when sd has a Dr apt or anything that is going on. She just called to say oh by the way while you have sd this coming week she has a check up OMG she didn't change it I am amazed now the question will be as I have said in my last post who is taking her the ex says that hubby can drop her off to her on his way to work why on earth get her up so early when she doesn't have to I can drop her off or even take her arghhhhhhhh.

Now to put the icing on the cake SD calls she had Kindergarten graduation last Thursday and we knew nothing about it ( my sons school doesn't have graduations so I never even thought about her having one I thought they were a thing of the past guess I was wron) WTF is wrong with this woman does she not relize the only person she is really hurting is SD. Well SD comes this evening for her first week with us this summer. Wish us luck!!!



laughterandtears's picture

As far as the doctors visits went, we called them and arranged for them to call us when BM set up appts. Same with schools, dental appts. anything that could be set up w/o our knowledge. It sure pissed BM off, but hey, what right does she have scheduling our life around whatever decisions she makes?

She doesn't and as for the check up, I would have to call her back and let her know that she can either reschedule for her time or come take her this time.