Off step parenting topic...but I've had a really bad week and I'm going to vent!
First on Tuesday, bm doesn't show up to a meeting she agreed to so that we can discuss ss's future living arrangements. Next, day a person interested in working for our business cancels at the last minute for his interview, and then the next day, another person has arranged to interview with us.
This person was really impressive, and had really good skills. My dh is a very particular person, and was ready to hire this very young person on the spot. Then we find out he is a nondocumented alien. ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We need a person of this skill like yesterday. So I spent all day looking at various websites to find where to file an application for a business to petition to sponsor a foriegn national. I can find every form I need, and yet they list no address on where to send any of the forms! Is this our typical government? I am so freaking frustated I can literally spit nails!!!!
Why does everything have to be so complicated? I really feel like I need an escape from all this bullshit!
- Candice's blog
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Must be in the air...
because I've been feeling that way for the last couple of weeks! LOL.
I just feel like anything that can go wrong will go wrong and has gone wrong. I totally feel like I'm walking on egg shells all the time around my DH, and then SS just is ignoring me. Am I really invisible?!
So, I feel you're pain, it's in the air.
Bad week - me too!
I come in to work this morning and my beloved boss is loading her car with her personal belongings. I just burst into tears and couldn't stop when I realized she's leaving the company. It's all hush-hush and weird around here and HR came in and asked us to respect her privacy, so we're not even sure if she quit or was fired. No one will tell us anything.
I've been holding it together these past 2 weeks with all the madness about SD, and this just threw me over the edge. I can't take any more stress right now!! Argh!
It's definitely in the air.
I could not agree more with you ladies..
I think its the winter stress out blues..
I have been on edge too.. And really the only thing I can think is the fact that I am really hormonal right now.. But then I think no way. Woman in general especially now days..
1. work (most of us)
2. Keep our houses and may do outside work as well
3. Keep husbands and kids in check
Those 3 things alone are more then enough but then you add on "Driving here there and everywhere" and hair cuts, dentist, Dr. and cooking and everything we do. Our jobs never end. ITs full time day and night.. Its a bit over whelming at times..
Pat yourselves on the back ladies.. All of us.
Men may complain that we nag or "bitch" but in all actuality we are the glue that keeps everything together..
Now that would be nice..I use to have dinner made for me more often but now I pretty much do everything and always seem to be tired..oh well..i figure someday it will get better again..but i could always give out his number too if anyone wants to fill him in on this...lmao
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
You will get a kick out of this
The other day I was picking the boys up at Ycare. I was talking to 6 year old & I told him he needed to hurry up in getting dressed so we could get home so I could start dinner. ( he has a tendancy to get really into telling something & stops doing what he is supposed to be doing)He turns to me & says, girls sure do have a lot more work than boys.
I had to stop myself from laughing... Even though his dad is helpful, I tend to do more around the house, especially when the kids are there.
I told him, aren't you glad your a boy?
That is classic!
I love kids and their honesty. Is so true! Did you share this comment with his dad?
That is cute. sweetthing..
I bet after that he is glad he is a boy...
Think about all the things woman can do that a man does and now think of all the things woman can do that a man cannot do or will not do.. I should say..
I don't konw...
but can someone hand me the glue to keep me together please?!?!?!?!
My thoughts exactly!
I don't understand why my dh thinks I need to do all the work that I do. I do way too much, and he is dating me less and less. I need a girls night out!
Thanks so much!
And I'll take that virtual beer
and thanks for the flower. You are really thoughtful.
One day at a time right? LOL!