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Off topic..But people!!!

windee's picture

I just had a bit** come in and I had to help her. I asked her for her info (address etc.. required and NORMAL)and she was snoty. Asked her for an emerg. contact/next of kin....she said that the hm # she gave me was all she ans her husband had! Very loudly said...THEY DON'T HAVE ANY CELL PHONES, NO ONE LIVES HERE? And was pounding on the counter with her pointer finger at the paper saying THIS IS THE ONLY NUMBER, THIS ONE RIGHT HERE, THE HM NUMBER!!!!!!!! LET ME TELL YOU!!! iT TOOK EVERYTHING IN me to NOT jump over the counter and bitch slap that witch!! My body went cold and MAN!!!! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with people! I asked her very nicely! REALLY? BIT**!!!
But I will smile and NOT let her ruin MY DAMNED day!!!!

hippiegirl's picture

I'm so glad I work in shipping & receiving. All I have to deal with is UPS, FedEx, and freight drivers....all of which are pretty nice.