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ex wife

new_to_this_28's picture

the ex wife calls and texts about the lamest things and he jumps to attention and answers straight away. today sd was sick and the ex contacted to say she needed a heater, he left work came home got a heater from our house and took it over !!
am i being unreasonable !? she constantly needs something !! and about once a month tells him in no uncertain terms what a shit dad he is !!!

Harry's picture

NO, he should not be going over there. They should NOT have that type of contract. You know it, I know it. He just didn't cut all ties with her or he would know it

strugglingSM's picture

Your DH is still psychologically married to his ex wife. Sounds like she is just contacting him to see if he'll respond and he does, so she gets her "narcissistic supply" for the month.

SugarSpice's picture

i think the same thing. he is still married in his mind. or he still feels obligated to her as the mother of his children.

either way he is wrong to act this way.

i agree that bm likes seeing him jump as proof that he still loves her or cares for her.

op, you need to nip this in the bud now or you will forever have the ex wife as a mistress.

husband is divorced from this woman. period.

Totalybogus's picture

I'm sure he didn't do that for the ex. I'm sure he was concerned about his daughter. Maybe the best way to combat that is to have him offer for the sick daughter to come to your house where there is heat.

101Stepmom101's picture

Where was BIO? I hear all the time.. "I'm not doing things for BIO ~ I'm doing it for my kids."

SORRY... I know how annoying and stressful this stuff is... "I'm not doing things for BIO ~ I'm doing it for my kids." Not how I see things... putting oil in Bio's car is a power trip for her. It's so see if DH will still "take care" of her and be at her beck and call. She has a new husband who she has had multiple babies with along with a father in town and who knows how many men she has on the side.

Why should my husband still be doing "Man" things for her?