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For the millionth time

lorlors's picture

I have said in no uncertain terms not to use the tumble drier unless it is full. We live in Australia. It is hot so clothes obviously dry quickly just by being hung out.

SD16 (almost17) I discover this morning has used the tumble drier for 5 pairs of knicker and 1 sock. Seriously???!!! 

Could stepchildren be any more wasteful, inconsiderate or annoying? 

Letti.R's picture

Many teenagers are generally stupid, unthinking and inconsiderate.
They only see things from their own perspective with you and yours be damned.
They don't consider costs either as most of them have no idea of how much money it takes to run a household and they pay for nothing.

If SD does not follow the house rules, let there be consequences for her.
I am shocked at how many people have to say the same thing multiple times to children who are not intellectually impaired.
Lay down the law with SD and if she doesn't comply, discipline her by taking away her privileges such as using the drier at all.
Her washing is hung out, whether she likes it or not.


TrueNorth77's picture

I would be completely exasperated by this. It can be a completely sunny day here, and I will walk past SS12's room to see his dark gray curtains pulled shut so it looks like a dungeon, and his closet light will be on to make it not so dark. Really??? Open the freaking curtains and stop using energy for no reason!!! He also has been told no less than 18 times to not start the dishwasher unless it is full. I probably shouldn't be complaining about this since at least he is doing his chore, but he continues to start it when it is not even 1/2 full. Today is his day to load/unload the dishwasher, and I made sure to have my SO tell SS NOT to start the dishwasher after he loads it, since there are only like 5 small dirty dishes. But if we didn't tell him, he would have started it. It's like no common sense, and how do you not remember the other 18 times I told you to only start it if it's full?? It seems so petty, but it's enough to drive a person insane.

lorlors's picture

Totally maddening isn’t it? It’s also the telling them the same things over and over and over and they don’t comply with basic commands such as ‘open your curtains’.

It’s enough to drive you to drink.

rozzann's picture

My SD has NO common sense either!  She will spill water from the sink, her cup, drop food or such on the floor and just leave it.  Even though she has been told umpteen zillion times to clean up after herself! She will even look at it, then walk off. 

 Exhausting.  Extremely exhausting.  And she will take a 35 minute shower, yet she didn't actually really wash her hair.  It is nappy and oily in the back because she refuses to put her head under the water and use her fingers.  And DH apparently doesn't care even after I have mentioned it to him.  So here I sit, looking at the back of her nappy gross.

For awhile she decided to also quit wiping after going to the bathroom.  And the only reason I knew is because numerous times she used the main bathroom and wouldn't flush after....and there was no toilet paper in the toilet.

I am resorting to the fact that BM has taught her nothing.  It is no longer my duty to try to teach SD to be responsible and hygienic (like the other kids in the house).  And DH doesn't seem to care then why should I?

Implimenting these ideals of disengagement, however, is a different story..... 

tog redux's picture

What's the big deal if they use the dryer or want their drapes closed and their lights on? Sorry, just not clear. These are not battles I'd have with a skid.

lorlors's picture

When DH is like ‘oh well, never mind!’ I just don’t get it.

The dryer is just a window into how sh1tty steplife really is. Death by 1000 different annoying cuts.....

lorlors's picture

Still ticking along thank God. Thanks for asking, due mid January so fingers crossed all will be well xx

rozzann's picture

Sounds awfully familiar.  Example of SK completely ignoring SM:  All 3 older kids, my DD and DS and the SD have to bring their laundry down and put it in the washer.  DH asks SD(6) to go put her laundry in the washer while he is upstairs working on cleaning her room.  I am standing 4 feet away at sink and ask her after she has 1/3 of basket into washer, if her ballet tights and leo were in that basket to go in wash (and I was extremely nice about it).  She says no.  I ask if she put them in the washer already. She says no. I then asked if she knew where they were and she said up in her room.  I said okay, just make sure to never put them in the washer with the other clothes because they need to be washed separately in cold wash so they don't shrink. So in the future just set them to the side or give them to me and I will wash them.  Few minutes later she gets done. I go over to start the washer and guess what I find?!  The leo and tights!!!!  I then wasn't so nice when I called her back and handed them to her and ask if she even heard a word I said?  Then I sent her with them upstairs back to her room.  DH then yelled from her room to me and said 'uncalled for!'  Well, that really angered me and I retorted back that she didn't listen to a word I said and I mine as well just talk to myself!  So yes, she won in creating me to be annoyed as well as having daddy stand up for her.  Just another example of blended family bliss......

Oh, and lorlors: when growing up my parents made us hang all laundry outside in spring/summer/fall and to make sure we did, they removed the fuse for the dryer.  Of course, we figured this out as teenagers....but you could also tell laundry that isn't hung up Wink

rozzann's picture

Hahaha....yes, I probably would get the blame if it got shrunk!  And then he would order the stebrat another one and make some excuse for her.  Same old shit, different day.  His reaction caused me to not speak to him for a couple of days.  It was an accumulation of a week's bs that caused me to blow up this past weekend.  Maybe I should just start saying things to myself outloud and he will get the hint?!  haha

shamds's picture

Once you’re done hanging everything on the clothes line its dry and ready to bring back in. The problem is you have a lazy arse stepchild who sees it such an inconvenience to go outside and hang clothes because that means they have to walk outside the house

my 20 yr old ss, too lazy to empty the trash full of his crap. He jams it more on top and when overflowing, no worried shove some more on top, then when its jam packed he dumps trash on the ground next to the bin. There are skewer sticks on the ground (i have 2 kids aged 1.5 & almost 3 and that is a hazard), but ss only cares about himself

1 time he went to make 2 minute noodles, went to drain the water in the sink. All the water poured onto the floor because he’s a bloody idiot. He actually just stared at the water streaming onto the floor then goes straight into his room. I stared in shock at the time “like is this idiot for real”, the next time i’d be shouting at him to clean the mess up... how is it parents can raise such idiots?? My husband is seeing how he has enabled this behaviour and attitude and hell no are any of my bios picking up this behaviour too