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How annoyed would you be?

lorlors's picture

DH and I had agreed that for birthdays and Christmas for the stepkids it would be $100 in a card (that is $100 Australian dollars if that makes any difference).

He took SS19 out for his birthday for a slap up lunch the other day and I just asked him how much money he gave him. It was $200 rather than the agreed $100.

I feel annoyed as this was not what was agreed and his kids have been absolute nightmares for years now. 

hereiam's picture

What was his reasoning for going behind your back and not sticking to what you had agreed on?

Harry's picture

It’s like have no agreement at all.  I would be more then upset. He purring SS above you.  He rather have SS happy then you.  This is how marriage explode.  By one partner not being able to do the simplest think. 

Thisisnotus's picture

Based on what you said....I would take it as lunch being a bonus and the kid still gets the $100 in the card? Or was the kids gift his meal? So his was $100.....and then DH spent $100 on his meal....

Would I be annoyed if DH took any skid to a $200 lunch just the two of them? Hell yes....then I'd take his credit card and go spend $500 on whatever the hell I wanted.

ESMOD's picture

What was his reason?  Can your dh afford to give more? Would you be equally mad if he went and spent 100 on shoes or a golf match without telling you?

I understand being upset about him not sticking to the plan... 

lorlors's picture

It’s not the amount that is the issue just that he went against an agreement as to what would be spent on the skids for birthdays and Christmas. If the pair of them (SD and SD) hadn’t been such nasty, selfish little meddling spies for mummy and not caused so much drama when I was doing IVF, having multiple procedures and 2 miscarriages maybe I would be more chilled about them. Fact is, they made the worst period of my life even worse! DH knows this and that I am all out of f**ks at this point where they are concerned.

Thumper's picture

Use your debit card and take 200 cash out today--stash it for your use :)

. Let HIM make up the difference until the next pay check.

Good for the Goose is very good for the gander.

I dont play anymore lololol----KIDDING


galyways's picture

This is one of the many reasons step relationships do not work out. It is understandable why you would feel hurt and slighted after this little sneaky act.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I would be upset if it affected MY finances. So. 

  • The agreement is now Null and Void.
  • If this affects YOUR finances, insist that he pay you back.
  • If your finances are not already separate, do so now.

My DH and I DO have separate finances. He has to decide what he can afford to gift the skids. On occasion, that has been $0.00.


MissTexas's picture

supposedly had an agreement. That means if one wants to change the agreement, then they go back to the negotiating table, and explain WHY they feel changes should be made. If the spouse is NOT ok with it, then it reverts back to the ORIGINAL agreement.

No reason constitutes telling your spouse ONE thing, then choosing to MAKE UNILATERAL DECISIONS without your spouse's approval.

My understanding is DH DOUBLED the amount given thatwas AGREED upon in advance, AND he took the son to lunch. This is two things not agree upon. The agreement was $100, and whether or not it is Australian currency, U.S., or wherever is irrelevant. DH broke the agreement, which sometimes is better known as an "appeasement" (I'll agree while I'm in your presence to shut you up, so I can then go do what I want to do). I'm not sure if that was his plan, or if he randomly felt generous. Either way, and whether or not he can afford to indulge, is irrelevant. The relevant point is, they had an ageement between the 2 of them. DH broke it, and his wife has the right to be irritated, especially since "...his kids have been absolute nightmares for years now" and apparently not deserving of the agreed upon $100 according to her.

Next year SS gets NOTHING, as he received a double portion this year.

Agreed. Separate finances. Or keep it as it is, so you can monitor what's being withdrawn. Maybe receipts can be shown when money is withdrawn for birthdays, or some other form of verification must be provided, as DH has to earn the trust back.

For the record, I would have to channel my inner "Towanda" (Fried Green Tomatoes) on this one.

Maxwell09's picture

If your DH can't stick to the mutual budget then separate finances. Give him half for utilities/household use but keep your extra money separate so he can't keep handing it over to his kids who most likely don't even bother to text you or send you anything during holidays or special days. Nope. 

24 years as a SM's picture

I have a written contract with my DAH (Dumb Ass Husband) that for every dollar he spent on SD38(Leech) I would remove 10 times that amount from his savings account. In less than a year, I removed over $30,000 from his savings. As of right now, Leech is not allowed anywhere near our home and DAH does not want any contact from her, until she gets her head screwed on straight,

notsobad's picture

So I guess this means that they won't get anything for Xmas?

Bahahahahaha, yeah I know that won't happen.

Ask him if he realizes that not only has he broken your agreement but he will now have to give his other kids $200 as well, because as we all know he can't give one kid $200, then give the others less. So he has screwed the agreement for more than just this $100.

lorlors's picture

As if SS wont't tell his sister (SD) how much he got from Daddy Big Bucks.... and on and on it goes!