There aren't that many dots in Australia...
There aren't that many dots in Australia for the visitor locations for this website. Oddly enough, the U.S. looks like it has the chicken pox....Less skid drama there? Perhaps. I think I want to move to Australia.
- tofurkey's blog
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Cool. I'm going too!
Cool. I'm going too!
Well don't go to Tasmania. My
Well don't go to Tasmania. My ex moved there. PODUNKVILLE!
And Australia has 5 of the worlds 10 most deadliest snakes.
New Zealand is a LOT nicer. No snakes. Nothing that can attack you and eat you. Nothing bites. But then I am from NZ so I am biased.
Deadly snakes you say? Could
Deadly snakes you say? Could send the BM's there instead }:) .
Childless mute Chippendale
Childless mute Chippendale dancers!? Oh I missed that part
. Tell me when and where!
I guess Antarctica will be sufficient.
Lol I love this idea!
Lol I love this idea!
The world's most deadly snake
The world's most deadly snake lives right here in the US and she is BM.