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WTH does this mean!

StayorGo's picture

So BF says to me "why cant you be more like a woman?"... and just WTF does that mean!!!... so I ask and he says, you always act like you can do it all and that I am not what he thinks a woman should be like!!! ARE YOU FCKNG KIDDING ME!!! I want to punch him in the face and show him just how much more of a MAN I am than he is!!!

I am thinking, is this it... does his lack of "attention" in the bedroom have more to do with me not being woman enough for him and has nothing to do with his daughter being here!

I want to literally vomit right now, I am so hurt and angry and confused. I was really considering not moving out and this is just changing my whole perspective!

StayorGo's picture

Yes, Yes and Yes! I am all of that and will never change that for anyone or anything! I love who I am and how I CAN take care of everything and will refuse to make myself into some sub-species fragile wilting flower for HIS ego!

Screw that!

I told him if you asked 100 men what they would want, they would pick the type of woman I am over the kind that has to have a man to do everything for them.

Pantera's picture

My DH has said something along those lines to me in the past. I am very independent and he knows that I don't NEED him. While he admits to loving this about me, he has also asked if I will let him take care of things sometimes. Let him think you are the dansel in distress sometimes. For example, we got one hell of a snowstorm this weekend, I would have cleaned my car off and helped shovel, but I let him do that and thanked him and told him how much I appreciated it. Sometimes men just need that "Im the man and Im taking care of things" thing. I don't know if Im explaining this right, lol. Im not saying become the a woman of the 50's, Im just saying let him think he's taking care of things sometimes.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

truelightbeing's picture

I think you hit a lot of things right on the mark here.
He seems to be feeling insecure in the relationship, or he is an ass. We can't know what all is going on behind the doors but maybe you both need to take a close look at the relationship.
I married a woman years ago because I was looking for someone "to need me". That got old after our second kid was born because she was helpless and not common sense, she was late 30 something going on 15. I deemed the marriage over and then found my ideal woman.
So my "onehappygirl" is everything ex wasn't. She can do most anything I can do, independent as we both are, it is sooooo comforting to know the other person can think and fend for themselves.
Maybe this isn't helpful and more of a boast on my lady.
However "WTH does this mean", I will tell you what I think it means. You two need to sit down and seriously thinnk about what you want in a relationship and roles. It may best to say it is over if you both are unmoveable in your positions, sorry. Daily stress is not worth carring to save a breakup, trust me.

"Love is harmony and harmony is the vibration of the music that binds the universe."

truelightbeing's picture

Right on, well said.

"Love is harmony and harmony is the vibration of the music that binds the universe."

truelightbeing's picture

Yes you are right it is finding the right person to balance with. Its a great thing.

"Love is harmony and harmony is the vibration of the music that binds the universe."

StayorGo's picture

So does this mean that men should act like a gentleman and think like a woman?

Unless it is going to be equal, I do not see the point. I think a man that cannot accept that there are women in this world just like me that do not need to be the damsel in distress and find it demeaning and beneath them to do so in order to stroke a mans weak ego... that is not what I was born to do and never will be.

StayorGo's picture

Like your ex, his ex is the same helpless little thing... if she didn't have a migraine, she was having some other illness that prevented her from cleaning, cooking, and in general doing things in the house and yard! Unlike her... I can mow the yard, change a tire, change the oil in my car and install a ceiling fan and toilet if needed.

He always complained about how he had to do everything in the house with his ex and all she ever wanted to do was shop... well that is another thing I do not care for so she and I are polar opposites.

I can give a bit when it comes to certain tasks in the home, but I will never stop being the person I am. I learned when I was with my exhusband that waiting for someone else to do things I can do on my own doesn't pay!

stepmom008's picture

You should get a strap on and poke him in the ass then ask "Who's a woman now, bitch?"

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Pantera's picture


"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

stepmom008's picture

Thank you - every once in a while I come up with a good one Wink

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

stepmom008's picture

Costanza... I'm out!

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

soverysad's picture

ROFL!! I burst out laughing. DH is giving me the cockeyed look.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

StayorGo's picture

He would be begging for mercy... I would jack him up if I was the man in this relationship! teehee

belleboudeuse's picture

I think that's code for "You have too many opinions of your own and refuse to cave in."

Research shows that MOST (not all) guys want their women to be just a little stupider than they are, make a little less money than they do, and give them the reins in the relationship. Most men want to feel like they are #1 in the relationship and that when push comes to shove, they are in control.

Notice I say most, not all. I know there are guys who aren't that way. My DH is one of them. But frankly, he's the first guy I've ever been with who isn't that way.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

belleboudeuse's picture

Yeah, totally. That's the story of my ENTIRE relationship life, until I met DH. One version of that or another broke up every one of my relationships before him.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

belleboudeuse's picture

"Research shows..." LOL!

I'm a teacher, so I think most of my job involves doing my best to show I'm 100% right! Smile

But I should have been more clear and less definite: I've read about a couple of studies in the past few years where men were asked to agree or disagree with a number of statements about what made a woman attractive to them and what they were looking for in a partner. The statements were phrased in many different ways to suss out the nuances in what they said. For example, if the statement said "I value intelligence in a woman," almost all guys agreed with it. However, when the statements started getting more specific, like "I am comfortable with a woman who is more intelligent than I am", etc., most men indicated that they were uncomfortable with women who were more intelligent, more successful, more independent, or made more money.

Sorry for being too lazy to write all of that out the first time.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

Smonster's picture

My mother once told me that I would never find a man because I was too damned independent. And she was right about the independent part. My DH is always preaching how the MAN is in control of the homestead yadayadayada WHY we married I will never know - lotta lust there.

StayorGo's picture

Do you laugh in his face when he starts to spew that 1950's propaganda? Like hell a man is in control... no more so than a woman being in control, it should be as close to 50/50 as possible... no one person controlling more than the other.

Now I know why some women go lesbo after being with men... they are such a bunch whining bitches... why cant I wear the pants in the family, why cant I leave the toilet seat up so you can fall in at night, why cant I have steak and potatoes every night of the week... whaaaa whaaaa whaaaa... my mommy always told me I am so perfect this and so manly that... barf!

StepChicka's picture

Men feel important when they can help a in distress. He gets to play the hero.

I'd love to get a man's input on this. SBS? Rags? Yoohoo! Smile

Milomom's picture

I agree with everyone above. Sounds like code for him saying that he wants a "damsel in distress", which you sound completely the opposite of. Good for you! His comments were insensitive, hurtful and he's an idiot for not realizing how lucky he is to have an independent woman like you. I can't stand men like that. You can let him do some things for you (if you want to), but PLEASE don't change/morph into one of those women like most of our BM's are that can't find their way out of a paper bag....ugh.... Never change who you are - if he can't handle your independence (which he should be embracing, not effing complaining about), that's his loss, IMO.

We need some "guy opinion" from SBS & Rags on this...

Nemo's picture


Now that made me crack up.... You sound like my SO and my dad...

StayorGo's picture

After it all cooled off later last night... I had to tell him since I am not woman enough for you... the next time you ask me to come look at a spider to see what species it is so you can kill it... I am going to tell him to go ask a female that is more of a woman than me.

And yes, I did capture the little spider and take it outside so he didn't have to kill it. What a JOKE!

Wants me to need him but then has to ask me about a spider... nice!

StayorGo's picture

I NEVER told him I wanted to punch him in the nose... so where you gleaned that from I have no idea. Read my post again if you need to... but I never said that TO him... I thought it in my head... big difference!

Stick's picture

StayorGo - DH is in the shower, but when he read your post, he said the exact same thing that SBS said, before he got to that part of the blog. It wasn't that you said it, it's that you obviously feel you are more masculine than him and that he could be picking up that vibe. That's what these guys are trying to tell you. You don't have to say the words...somehow your actions are conveying the thoughts.

And you have spent this entire blog tearing down your BF's manhood. Understandable, since you are hurt and he obviously said something that got you to this point.

There was another poster on here (SBS?) that said that you and your DH should sit down and talk about what he said.... that might be the best idea you get from here.

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

desperately seeking for answers's picture

lol first of all I wanna thank stepmom for making me lmao. you are hilarious. and to give my opinion I think she's got the right to be pretty damn pist about her man telling her to be more like a woman. that sounds to me like he wants her to be miss betty crocker. men need to understand we are not in the 50's anymore and that we "WOMAN" are very independant and can take care of ourselves and a household at the same time. My man has also said something to that effect in one or a couple of our arguments of course not exactly those same words but more like "why dont you ever let me take care of things" or why do you always rush to do everything by yourself" which means in a man's code. "WHY CANT YOU BE MORE LIKE A WOMAN". LOL
He loves that i'm independent but he also fears that I can be 10 times better than him at everything that I do.

To Mr. Steve's comment: why is everyone surprised about what he had to say, did you ladies forget he's a MAN?

Maybe if men would stop trying to be so god damn powerful and enter a 50/50 relationship then maybe us woman wouldnt be here trying to figure them out, and havent we learned our lesson yet. we will never, i mean never understand a man.... we think with our heart they think with their asssss

stickman's picture

I usually think that I am a pretty forward thinking, modern guy. My beautiful wife is very independent, self sufficient, and all around wonderful! I am secure in my masculinity, and Stick and I each know which of us is the man, and which is the woman, it having nothing to do with what task we are performing at that moment. Having said that, I know for myself, that if a woman said that she wanted to punch me, to show who was manlier, I would seriously start to consider my options. As men, we are taught that violence is never an option where women are concerned, maybe it is time for that lesson to become universal.

Stick's picture

I am sorry Cruella that your husband showed this time to be an ass, or a dependent. I have to say though that I am not sure about your DH, but I am wondering if he is just one of those guys who don't know how to react to illness.

My father had both colon and lung cancer. He hated being sick and forced himself to be up and about as soon as he could. He had the colon cancer first. When they diagnosed the lung cancer, he had said that he was not going to go through Chemo again. His attitude was "screw it, I'm not doing that again"... and he was going to take his chances. He is smoking again, and none of us can dissuade him from doing so.

My mom had lymphoma. They put her through radiation, and even though she was super tough and strong, it was a different way of handling it than my dad. She did everything exactly the way the doctors told her to. She rested and took care of her body. She took her meds on her own on time. She was the one that had to remind my dad to take his meds. She is one tough lady. She couldn't necessarily rely on him because he froze when it came to giving real support. It was very hard for me to watch, but I understood it because he didn't want that kind of support that she needed when he was sick. He got angry at us for hovering. So he wasn't going to hover over my mom.

Both of them are strong. It was a real lesson for me in that I know they love each other, but they have very very different ways of showing it... and especially in how they deal with illness.

(hugs) to you.

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Silver's picture


Nemo's picture

I tell my SO all the time, I'm going to kick his ass... You know what he tells me? I'd like to see you try.... SHRIMP!

StayorGo's picture

Again... I never said I wanted to harm him physically... it was a THOUGHT after he made his statement.

Is it me or is ever male posting on this not comprehending what I posted?

Stick's picture

GoForIt - Do you really think you are helping StayorGo in this situation? Really?

Truelight gave both her and her BF the benefit of the doubt by saying that either he is an ass OR he could be feeling insecure in the relationship. Wow... poor guy. I guess women have the market cornered on feeling insecure in the relationship.

SBS and Stickman both read it the same way.

StayorGo - Do you want to take a man's thought process from a bunch of women? Or do you want to read what the men on here have to say? And then discount it because it may make you actually take some responsibility for your part in the fight?

I'm not saying that StayorGo's BF was right in saying something hurtful to her. But NONE OF US - You included as far as I know GoForIt - know where that sentence came from.

It IS rude and insensitive of him to say that. BUT I am not positive that SOG did not in some way precipitate that outburst. And that truly is the message of these guys. Especially Truelight who told SOG that she needs to talk to her BF instead of getting angrier and angrier by having a bunch of women tell her that he is a jerk.

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

StayorGo's picture

I dont believe in the vibe crap either... and truth be told I am more physically masculine than he is... its a fact, and that is the way it is. He knew it from the beginning, I am more muscular and stronger physically than he is... so why now does he think I need to be "more like a woman" I have no clue. Genetically I am built like a female body builder but I dont work out, its just the way the good Lord made me.

Now reading all the post about how I am tearing down his manhood and how he got the vibe... makes me laugh.

The way I feel now is he can deal with how I am built physically and mentally or he can hit the bricks. He has it damn good with me compared to how it was with his ex, I do everything so he doesn't have to and this is based on all the complaining he did about his ex and how she didn't do anything for him or their household.

StayorGo's picture

I asked him if he expected me to over eat and get as big as his ex wife for which he said Hell No... so I think he is confused as to what he considers what a woman is supposed to be.

I even went so far as to ask if I should be like his mother that cannot hold a conversation unless it revolves around sports. He didn't like that very much but really if he is going to hit below the belt, he should expect it in return.

I made more money than he did at the job I left in October 09'... I got really sick of commuting 4 hours a day, so I took a pay cut and work 30 minutes away now. And you can believe ol' boy is quick to point out that he NOW makes more money than me, even though I NEVER once said anything when I made more money.

stickman's picture

I understand that she is probably not really considering punching her husband, at least I am hoping that she isn't. But still, if I came on here, or any website, and said that I wanted to punch my wife in the face to show her that I am the man, how many people would be up in arms?, and rightfully so! There are woman who can do things that a man can do, and there are men that can do what women can do, but we cannot replace each other, life does not work that way.

Stick's picture

My husband is much more politically correct than I am. I actually told him to check this post out because I thought it was an interesting reflection on the differences between men and women and how they perceived the situation.

In this one StayOrGo - I agreed with the guys, and again, it's part of the reason I pointed out the blog to DH.

Sure, there are things that we can do that men cannot. But you know what? There are LOTS of things that men can do that we cannot. It's a fact of life, of nature.

This whole "I am woman, hear me roar" stuff is annoying. The reality is, it is not a sign of weakness or fraility to ask for help or to admit what you cannot do. At least that's my take on it.

I think the feminists got it wrong. I like being strong and independent and fully capable of running my own home and taking care of my own business. Don't forget that I work in a male dominated industry. Having said that... I really appreciate and enjoy having a man "make me feel like a woman"... Treating me special and letting my show my feminine side.

It's up to you StayorGo. Do you really need to prove how strong you are? Or are you not strong enough to let your softer side show?

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Stick's picture

Also StayorGo - My husband is 6'1" 190 pounds. I'm 5'5" 125 pounds. I'd like to think I can take him in a fight, but the truth is sometimes he can (and does!) hold me down!! And you know what else? Sometimes I LIKE IT!

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Silver's picture


I just wanted to say that this is an amazing post. Cheers to you my dear. Biggrin

"I have always loved the time before dawn because there is no one around to remind me who I am suppose to be, so it is easier to remember who I am." - unknown

Stick's picture

Woo hooo go violence! Except they get to wear tight pants and a lot of pads. Now, maybe we could settle some marital disputes with tight pants and knee pads. Ummm... or maybe that's because I'm a woman?

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

StayorGo's picture

Too bad I dont have it like that with BF... he never does anything to show me he thinks I am feminine... NEVER... he is so used to me handling everything and being the stronger one and taking care of business, he has never even taken the time to treat me like a "woman"... but now he wants me to be more like a woman... how the hell does that make any sense?

He bitched because his ex was so needy and not self sufficient... and then I come along and he loves my strength and high self esteem and that I get things done and now the very thing that attracted him to me... he wants me to change.

Yep, makes perfect sense to me.

Stick's picture

StayOrGo - To have this you have to be open to it as well. I can see where you think your husband lacks, but really.... do you ever let him take the lead? Do you LET him be the man?

I can tell you that when I met my husband I was very used to living the way I wanted to live, and doing things the way I wanted them done. I had to let go of some control a little bit. I had to accept what he was trying to offer me.

It was very hard for me to do because I didn't want to get hurt (again) and I also didn't want to appear weak or needy.

But when I did... was how we found balance. It wasn't always easy. There were times I wanted him to take over and he just let me and it was a progression of work and growing together.

But you have to let him in. I know that you don't believe in the "vibe" and I can understand how hurt and angry you are. But I am just asking you if there is any possibility at all that maybe, just maybe, you have hurt him regarding his masculinity, the same way he has hurt you regarding your femininity.

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Most Evil's picture

I have accused my DH of wanting me to be both the 'man' and the 'woman' in the relationship. I confess my dad was like this also - he never 'helped' my mom, and that was just how it was.

Like Cruella, he doesn't mind that I work my ass off and get paid, yes more than he does at the moment, but then complains because I am not very domestic.

I am very active, love to read and talk current events or politics but for instance do not know how to prepare hot dogs and their buns to his satisfaction? because I don't want to eat those, we are just broke.

I have never thought it was fair for a man to carry the entire burden of paying the bills, just like I don't think it is fair for the woman to do all the housework or childcare. I got married because I wanted a partner, not to do everything myself! which I explained before the wedding.

I told him 'you can't have it both ways', but in an ideal relationship I think we could both be 'both', in a manner of speaking.!
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

Most Evil's picture

You are clearly a wise man SBS!! and in fairness I should say, I think my DH is a little sensitive at the moment because of being unemployed - he is afraid that makes him 'the woman', who does all the drudge work, hot dog making. Really it is because he is a better cook.

I told him that is his own (understandable) insecurity and not what I think at all. I am really glad he is a man!! lol
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

Silver's picture
