What would you do?
I would like to get advice from all of you on what to do in this re-occurring situation. My SK's have birthday parties for their children with the BM and BF with current spouses invited. History has shown that the BM is very rude to us when we attend these events and after 9 years I'm just not going to put myself through this anymore. My husband is fine with it because after 20 years he has gotten used to this behavior and would like to spend time with his kids. I on the other hand do not want to be around it anymore and suggested that we do something separate to establish our own relationships with the kids. I know it doesn't make my SK's happy that we have gone to this; I'm not entirely sure they understand how uncomfortable it has made me. We have told them over and over again that we would like to do something separate on these occasion but they continue to invite us. This year we have done two events separate with the grandkids and again we have been asked to go to another event for a birthday for a grandchild that we again have to reiterate that we would like to do something separate. On two occasions I have opted out and he went alone. He doesn't like to go alone and I understand that, but I refuse to be around a person that makes us feel so unwelcome in a situation. What would you do in this situation and how would you try to make your husband understand the feelings you feel about this? I have been made to feel very weak and not be able to handle social situations with her.
Just don't go. Don't put
Just don't go. Don't put yourself through it. Let DH go and spend time with his kids. They are clearly happy with the set up so why would they do something separate?
I only once went to a grandkids party with BM, but she isn't a nasty person to my face. I get annoyed when DH isn't invited to the parties,and has to go on another occasion- when he's second best. It's a no win situation.
I wouldn't go and I wouldn't
I wouldn't go and I wouldn't bother with hosting separate events. I would continue to encourage husband to attend the parties.
This situation seems to
This situation seems to happen a lot with SMs. You did not mention how your relationship is with the skids but it appears they get some sort of charge out of placing DH and you in an awkward situation with BM. Otherwise they would respect your wishes. Continue to offer separate celebrations and stop going to events where BM is present.
If your DH wants to go let him but since he does not like to go without you it is a sure bet he will stop also. Do not accept blame if he stops. Make it clear he has a right to make his own choices and you have a right to make yours.
He doesn't like to go alone
He doesn't like to go alone but he thinks you should suck it up and hang out with BM? See if he would like to go hang out with one of your exes.
I have never had to deal with this, as my DH would rather set himself on fire than be around BM. She doesn't bother me (she is not rude to me) but he will not be around her.
If I were in your situation, I would stand my ground and not go. You are not weak for setting boundaries and refusing to be around someone who is rude to you.
This is easy........ Maybe
This is easy........
Maybe they are inviting you and dh to be polite??? Since they were told already?
But always respond to rsvp: tell them, "oh, thanks SOOOOOOOOOO much for the invite. we will not be attending but LET US KNOW when you want to come by and we will make plans. Please give us 2weeks notice so we are sure to be in town. LOVE YA's, cant wait to see everyone. It will be great. How does Monkey Joes sound??? OR a cookout (what ever YOU want OP) IF your free lets plan the week before your party???
PS: We will talk about the holidays too. I am cooking Turkey the Saturday before Thanksgiving if you want to bring the family. LOVE to have you then. Christmas I am also cooking the week before. The kids will be sooo excited to start Christmas early...LOVE TO have you IF you can come.
Learn to control your holidays and birthday events. Cant do it this time with the bday party.
not really.
infants are different,,,,always work around new parents and go to them.
Husband needs to put YOU 1st
Husband needs to put YOU 1st not his adult kids and their children.
Unfortunately, the water under my bridge turned to mud years ago. The deception and drama led my husband to draw the line in the sand. He engages with his adult kids / grandkid on his terms NOT his ex-wife or adult kids terms.
The ex even persuaded her adult kids and their spouses to pressure their Dad to attend when she wants him to be there. However, my hubby told the kids he's not going to "play the Happy Family" when they haven't been for nearly 25 years." Yet, ironically the BM would have had her wish but she didn't bother attending the grandkid's first or second birthday parties that were hosted by the Skids! Such irony.
Next, I was blamed for "keeping my husband from going." I remedied that by telling the Skids, in front of their father, that "their Dad's an adult and can make up his own mind. Moreover, if he wanted to attend, I would not stop him."
It's likely the BM and her cronies treat you and your husband disrespectfully because your husband hasn't drawn the line in the sand. He needs to step up.
Your husband needs to understand that YOU come first as well as your marriage. You can start your own celebrations / gatherings and the adult kids should respect his decision. In my situation, if I failed to attend with my husband, his ex and her clan will make ever attempt to break up my marriage and create more drama.
Thank you all for the sane
Thank you all for the sane advice! Sandye21 I have a very distant relationship with the SK's. They have never really wanted to get to know me. I sometimes think it's because they feel like they would betray their BM if they were to be friends with me. GoodLuck your comment made me think as you may have something there. And I really have to be better with planning bday events separately, but is that something I have to do, or does DH need to take an active role? I don't have this problem with my kids as I don't have grandkids as of yet and my kids wouldn't subject DH to that kind of situation. We haven't had to inner mingle on the Holidays, thank goodness! I do think though between the BM and DH they have this game they play with each other because I am often told if I don't attend that she will think she's "won". Which I find extremely concerning that I'm involved in a board game that I never elected to be a player on. Does anyone else get this kind of response from their DH? I feel like I'm a fly in a spider web sometimes.
"--I am often told if I don't
"--I am often told if I don't attend that she will think she's "won"." You are right - it IS a game. Many DHs get an 'ego thrill' out of knowing he has women fighting over him. This can be between SM and SD or SM and BM. It appears your DH and the skids are getting a kick out of using you as bait. All the more reason to stop going to any events where BM is present.
What do you think DH would say if the tables were turned and HE was expected to go to functions where your ex was present? Would he place himself in an uncomfortable situation for you?
A board game in which you
A board game in which you hadn't elected to play? I love that analogy and it sums up how we are 'played' by those 'other' people who we didn't ask into our lives, but who just seem to be part of the baggage. However, disengagement means you take that piece from their board and put it on your own. Say this- not my circus, not my monkeys.
Let DH go by himself, they're
Let DH go by himself, they're his kids, and his gkids, his ex wife, none of it really has anything to do w/you. Would you choose to hang out w/any of these people if you weren't married to DH? So what if SK's think they *won,* let them think whatever they want to. If DH really wanted you to accompany him then maybe he should have addressed the rude behavior 9 years ago.
You've done your time trying to please them/DH, now please yourself. Life is just too short to deal w/such nonsense.
I used to be like that, where
I used to be like that, where I wouldn't attend anything that BM was at because I didn't want to deal with her rude behavior. It truly bothered me for a long time and I always expected my husband to have my back but the reality is that hubby is not confrontational, he doesn't like to rock the boat and he believes I should just be the bigger person. It took years for me to adopt this mentality of the "bigger person" but I have to admit, it has given me back my power. Now I go the the SK's events and parties with a great attitude and I just chat it up with everyone. Even BM, I'm cordial and polite. The nicer and friendlier I am and the more unbothered I come off, the more BM feels uncomfortable. LOL! I just do my best to be the nicest, friendliest, loveliest and most pleasant person when this no good heffer is around. I love when her family pays me all the attention too LMAO! its great! It is a game and thru the years I've gotten better at playing it. Sad it has to come to game playing but it is what it is.
Sounds like a very healthy
Sounds like a very healthy attitude and I embrace this attitude also. I feel much better when I decide to let the water under the bridge pass on by.
DH enjoys seeing his kids, and while I am often uncomfortable around them, I make the effort for him.
Since moving out to the country, we no longer have drop-ins from relatives, but rather planned events. That helps.
Hi Everyone, well last night
Hi Everyone, well last night we had the big discussion with the oldest SK regarding not attending his brother's child's bday party. It all hit the fan! He was very upset when we told him we were not going and said he didn't agree with our action of doing celebrations separately. He was also in denial of how his BM treats us and said he has not seen her act rudely to either one of us. DH had to remind him of times in the past that she was extremely rude to me in particular and he was not going to stand for it anymore (Hooray!). The SK stated regardless of the situation we should be their for the grandkids. I voiced my concerns about the very unwelcome feeling to any event we attend and he dismissed it. He planted his feet a foot deep into the kitchen floor and would not come off his expectations of what we should do. He even made the comment to his Dad, "so you won't attend because of her?". I about collapsed. I guess I know now he they truly feel about me. The BM is remarried as well and still stays actively involved in my DH's family. I was made aware by the SK last night that all of the nieces and nephews of my DH's family still call her an Aunt. I'm not sure why he shared that information with me, he did that when his Dad went into the other room, but it again made me feel like an outcast which is what I think he is aiming to do. He is currently living with us as he is trying to get his life back on tract. So being in my home is rather stressful right now. I came home yesterday after going to the grocery store to a locked house while he was there. I never lock the house when there is someone there. I feel like that was a passive aggressive gesture.
I agree with you. SS, the
I agree with you. SS, the rest of the skids and BM ARE trying to make you feel like an outcast. Locking you the doors like that IS passive aggressive. Disengage immediately. Good for your DH for supporting you as his wife. You are lucky - many of us don't have that luxury.
Are you contributing to SS while he is staying with you? I would stop that right now. Locking you out of the house is only the beginning. With his words and actions, SS has declared war on you. Give him a very short time frame to be out of the house. Show him what it feels like to be an outcast.
Stick with it. Let SS react
Stick with it. Let SS react how he will- well done to DH for sticking up for you!
The SS living with you thing is a separate issue. I've been there with a SS moving in- I learned a lot about my DH from that experience and SS certainly did not get his life back but we stuck to the terms of his stay and he had to move out when we said. The passive aggression is something we all have to live with-not easy when it is under your own roof.
Sounds like now you have the birthday business sorted out now- get started on your SS!
at the point in my marriage i
at the point in my marriage i would not go. i just dont need the drama and all the fakeness.