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Me time, stepmom shop therapy

glitzgirl1988's picture

Well, as many of you know, I too suffer from the drama, manipulation and mannerless weekends that most of us seem to share. This weekend, after resigning myself to a hopeless situation, for the time being...I took myself shopping! Nothing big, just a small treat. A pair of shoes. Nice Smile Tonight, after SD departed with my husband (he drives her both ways for visitation) I again...went out for a treat...I got 2 adorable blouses. Likely, we are able to support this type of shop-therapy. I feel a slight bit less scarred with this me-time after another arduous weekend.

This, and I have taking up scheduling my work appointments for custody weekends when possible, rather than weeknight appointments. Much better. Although this arrangement came from a few teary conversations around needing my time away on the weekends to relax. I have 2 jobs and cannot feel that my only free time is resigned to family activities. My biological kiddos are 19 and 25 and moved into their adult lives. This is ME time. As some of you know I have given ALL of me selflessly only to be lied to, manipulated, disregarded unless being used for shopping trips. Often this has been met by a resounding "she's only 11" husband's therapist seems to have him now believing that this justifies very contrived lies, manipulation, refusals to call her father---ever, etc. Well, no. It does not. This was not tolerated with my own 11 year olds, so not about to start now.

Sigh, but yay on the new clothing items! I feel a small victory and count the days left to the 6 more years of visitation weekends. Hopefully a change in behavior will take place soon.

Goodnight all.

glitzgirl1988's picture

Lol, yes...I will need a new closet soon!!! It really makes me feel like after-all I give with no thanks, a thank you have been given. Albeit by my own hand.

Let me know if you get the same therapeutic relief as I do!

Take care

glitzgirl1988's picture

Love, love, love that idea!!!! Too immature to tell the truth and be accountable, too immature to do much....