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Just this quick vent...

goingcrazy00's picture

I am beyond livid. BM was blowing up SO's phone to call SKids. Ok fine, we finished what we were doing and he had them call back when we got home. SO gives the phone to SS6 for him to call his mom. SS runs up with the phone to his room upstairs and shuts the door. In my head, I'm thinking ok, he usually stays in the room with dad, this is weird. SO is unphased and after a while goes to our room for a while. About 30 min go calls with BM usually last <10 min. I heard him open the door after a while and moving around upstairs, then vaguely overhear something like "my face is over your eyes" over the phone which Skids always have on speaker when they talk to BM. I realize they're face timing and I immediately go into the biggest NOOOPE mode. I go to find SO laying down and tell him that I don't need his SS going around our house with a camera. He realized he fucked up right away but g**damn I am pissed. It's enough the kids give play-by-plays about what happens in our house...most likely from the interrogating they get when they get back to BM. I don't need a literal camera and microphone going around my house for a virtual tour. I can't believe how unaware SO was and allowed that to happen. Holy invasion of privacy. Like BM doesn't do that enough. Ughhhh

Maxwell09's picture

Men are just dense like that. It's annoying and if you try to prep them for something like this we're accused of "over-reacting"...yeah after the first couple of years of me calling out BM's moves before she did them, he finally believes me and takes my suggestions when it comes to this kind of stuff.

goingcrazy00's picture

Yes, thank you. I've called things out things before and really do try to prepare him but we still have a long way to go apparently. Dense is pretty appropriate adjective for my SO at times. I unleashed today with some names I shouldn't have called him and looking back, dense would've been a more sensitive word choice. Keeping that in mind for future reference.

goingcrazy00's picture

I can't imagine having to deal with the feelings I felt in that instant over and over again like you had to. I had to leave the house for a few minutes.

robin333's picture

I agree with Maxwell. Men are dense. And frequently, ignorant to the workings of female manipulation.

Step2Spoiledrotten's picture

My SS gives play-by-plays to his mom too and yesterday told us he wasn't suppose to share information about his mom at our house. It is annoying how much detail he gives.

goingcrazy00's picture

So why is it ok for them to give information about they're dads but it's not ok the other way around. I'd love to be a fly on the wall during BMs interrogation sessions where she's just "showing how much she cares for them and what goes on in their lives."

Acratopotes's picture

Well lesson learned, next time SS has a phone and runs off to his room, you simply follow him and get him back to the living room, he can talk to BM under supervision