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Skids are the easy part, why does DW put BD first?

c-dub's picture

Coming up on one and a half years of marriage with dw, and the frustration level is getting out of control. I have 3 skids that I love and enjoy being around. We have a 50/50 schedule with bd and for the most part we all get along. The frustration is with dw who constantly putting bd first. I understand normal communication (at the right time) pickups, drop-offs, sports times, etc... The part that gets to me is when dw will give bd play-by-play texts during a skids baseball games cause bd couldn't make it, I feel like a recap after the game would be sufficient. Another instance is when during school events dw seems to be overly concerned with bd whereabouts cause bd can't seem to make it places on time. And the last example is the day to day grind, I work my butt off in mornings getting skids fed and ready for school on our weeks and dw can't seem to set her phone down long enough from texting bd, friends or sending bd pics of the skids to give me 5 minutes before I have to get ready and leave for work.

Am I just being petty here?


Glassslipper's picture

Hey, you might be married to my BM! lol (except for the 3 skids)
Has BD said "leave me alone" at all???
Does BD text back just as much???

c-dub's picture

Yeah, it seems like he does txt just as much. Though I don't feel like he is quite as concerned with dw as much.

doglady's picture

I am sorry above poster was right that is very disrespectful to your relationship. I am also sure she fails to mention to ex that you are the one doing all of the work to get them ready and claiming to him that she does it all. Possibly it is for attention or a more sinister see I told you I could do it without you and I am, just please don't notice that I am actually not.

confused86's picture

That would drive me crazy! I see no reason why she would need to talk to bd that much... if you haven't already, bring it up to her. How old are the skids? If they are old enough to tell him about their own stuff, there is no reason she should be having that kind of communication with him! Very disrespectful to you!

c-dub's picture

The skids are 12ss, 10ss, 6sd, I brought it up last and just doesn't get it which makes it even worse.

Glassslipper's picture

I really hope for your sake c-dub that she listens to your concerns you brought up last and stops texting BD.
Now that you two are partners, she should be sharing her children's moments with you! Their children are old enough to tell their daddy about their baseball games and how they did after the game.
Its hard to feel like a partner when yout with someone who is always busy with their ex Sad

Ljcapp1's picture

BD = BIODAD I'm guessing? And This topic gets me fired up. There is no reason for that much communication. For god's sake - you are being disrespected.

You sound like a good StedDad - she's lucky, and is going to Fu&k it up by being buddy buddy with her ex...

You're way nicer than I would be, I think if biodad can't be at the game too damn bad.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Stop getting the skids ready and stop going to their games. Tell her you asked her for help in this matter and she "didn't get the big deal" so now you have to take care of it on your own.

It's very unpleasant for you to be sitting next to a woman texting her ex-lover so you will be doing so no longer.

It's very unpleasant for you to be scurrying around with someone's kids in the morning so she can be free to text her ex-lover right in YOUR home. So you won't be doing it any longer. You're gonna leave the house earlier, have coffee at the diner, read the paper, get to work early, so she can have the house to herself and text ex-lover to her heart's content.

She has the power to fix this problem a different way, but so far she has chosen not to so you are going to fix your own problem.

There's nothing else you can do. Soon you will be so resentful of this issue that things will get a whole lot worse anyway, so fix it now and let her see the consequences of her dismissing your feelings. Do not be the third wheel in your own marriage.

Glassslipper's picture

^^^^^ SO agree!^^^^^^
MY BM texts/emails/calls DH non-stop...not just kid issues either.
I would agree with the emotional affair! I told my DH "BM is looking for an emotional affair and your the target!"
That might be the situation you have on your hands...