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Dragon76's picture

Someone please tell me what these two mean:

Schikdrenwhuch: Hansel and Gretel Blue Plate Special. -- Taushalove

I could smell the GUBM sulfur spewing from her cloven hooves eons ago. -- Ladyface

twoviewpoints's picture

"Schikdrenwhuch" was hilarious . One of those, 'you had to have been there' moments.

But no, just sigs that some use and some don't. You can add and change sigs yourself that will appear each time automatically when you post, yourself.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i'm sure my sig. lines (last two) probably have OP scratching her head too... definitely "you had to be there" moments!!!

Acratopotes's picture

Dragon76 - relax woman - here we do not mock any one....

we might come down on you harsh, we might support you, you might tell you to suck it up butter cup.... but it's all in good faith my dear....

we are for support and telling you our perspective of what we believe you are going through.... sometimes it helps you and sometimes it drives you to tears.... but read everything, ignore the ones you do not like and thinks about the comments that you do like...

sometimes we go off topic and talk about other nonsense being funny and sarcastic, do not take anything personal, you don't know any one here and none of us knows you, it's virtual bantering and friendship that grows through the years

ChiefGrownup's picture

Dragon, that appears every time I post. Others have different taglines like directly above me Acratopotes has a tagline about gluing fingers together.

Some of these taglines are taken from old conversations here. A poster may have said something we found particularly hilarious or cogent.

In my case, in the original conversation a poster (no longer here by a long shot) suddenly started attacking me (wish I could put italics there, to emphasize I was the object of the original ridicule, certainly not you). Lovely people here came to my defense.

The attacking poster became increasingly incoherent (drunk) in her typing and thoughts. Some very witty posters began giving funny definitions to the garbled words. From the context of the conversation, these comments were knee-slappingly funny.

I use the comments in my tagline because it is a reminder of how much support I got that one night. Plus, you know, for the giggles. Wink Now you know the story maybe you can see it is a signal of what kind of support you yourself can get here for a situation almost no one in your real life can understand.

ChiefGrownup's picture

And now you've made me laugh out loud AGAIN! Your place in my tagline is, well, I'm honored to have you there!

Major Blunder's picture

If you get attacked or something directed at you here Dragon, you won't have to question if it was an attack, it's never that subtle, you will know it, but that is few and far between. Only the occasional harpy will fly in spew venom and fly off again.

ChiefGrownup's picture

"Only the occasional harpy will fly in spew venom and fly off again."

Are you angling for a place in my tagline, Major? Hahahaha!!!