Adult stepdaughter acts innocent
My 20 year old stepdaughter said on thanksgiving that she feels that she is pretty holy and that a focus retreat to Texas wouldn't be beneficial to her. It was something she brought up doing and her dad and I supported her in going as it would be a wonderful experience and this is her response.
She also asked us after overhearing us one night in bed if it was a sin to be having sex if we didn't conceive.
Her birthday gift was left in the bathroom downstairs when she went back to college.
Now we are planning on taking a trip my husband myself and my two boys to see his sister over Christmas. My husband asked her to go and of course she wants to go.
Is it too much to ask that she start to have her own life?
Dreading the holidays
Tell her in some cases the
Tell her in some cases the sin turns out to be the conception. }:)
I agree ANY WOMAN who meets a
I agree
ANY WOMAN who meets a man with DAUGHTERS
firstly you will always come AFTER THEM
They will always be believed no matter what Ridiculous hair brained scheme they come up with
After 3 years of this Tennis Match I am in I finally figured out that they learnt it from THE GREAT CHIEF I fell in love with
I think the only think for Step moms is to learn to cope with the lies, chananigans and ability to disengage
And NOT to get so involved OR give an opinion
WE need to start a LIst of Answers for situations
2) SHe is your daughter, you know her better
3) WHat do you think you should do?
4) Sorry my love but I am not used to this type of situation as my children wouldnt consider doing this to me............
PS ...this one didnt go down too well for me......but it made me so grateful for my own
5) Shame love, I am so sorry, you have a problem here
learning to DISENGAGE is DEFINITELY The ONLY solution
Tell her you are both having
Tell her you are both having sex to achieve conception in hopes of having a "nice daughter."
Oh flip that is real
Oh flip that is real
its none of her business you
its none of her business
you tell her nothing
she has a father
let him handle her
ugh ugh ugh
I remember his 23 year old daughter banging on our door when we were making love asking " are you guys coming down to make supper"
when there was soup and bread on the stove
The biggest problem here is that we are all super intelligent amazing women - HOW DID WE NOT SEE WHAT WE WERE GETTING INTO?????
Of course her aunt likes her.
Of course her aunt likes her. Her two boys and my two boys have spent the last three summers together as they are the same age so the comment about her wanting to see her niece more than my boys was unfounded and not the point.
I was out and on my own at 17 so do not think 20 is too young to have a life. I am not saying she isn't welcome. I am saying she expects dad to pick up the tab and do everything for her.
It was a cruel comment she made as we have been trying to conceive and her dad put her in her place about it but really.
Buy a buncha red lingerie and
Buy a buncha red lingerie and seduce your husband into loud love as often as you can when she's there, dropping the red lingerie in the hallway etc as you go.
She'll stop coming around and dad won't notice. He'll be too damn, er, relaxed.
What you don't know about me
What you don't know about me is that I graduated high school when I was 17. Early September birthday. I was on the A honor roll, president of the school council, treasurer of the national honor society, spoke at my graduation and played three sports from 7-12, held a part time job... went to college and made my own way. Dysfunctional parents. Don't we all in some way? Don't attack me. The problem with this world is that people have the worst thoughts about other people without knowing the whole story and assuming even worse. I came on to this forum to seek advice and splice from others that have been there. Although I appreciate all points of view, maybe looking at your own downfalls and moreover understanding you should do a little self reflection before reading between the lines and putting down others, realize they are reaching out. I'd like to believe there are people out there that would LOVE others to see them as beautiful people that are seeking solace in humanity.
Sorry, but I took your
Sorry, but I took your comments the same way. A 17 year old leaving home (unless they are moving onto a college campus)and being on their own from that point on, is not the norm.
Your personal path seems strange, but your SD's seems normal. It sounds like your expectations for SD's interactions with her family is based on your life path.
My son was 17 when he graduated from high school(October birthday). He attended college in Virginia(we live in NYC). Like damn near every college student across the country, he was home ( here or in NC with his dad and SM)for Thanksgiving, Christmas, summer break.
The girl's comments about sex were out of line, but her desire to spend the holidays with her family isn't.
This girl walked in on us
This girl walked in on us having sex (very quietly I might add) early on in our marriage. With the ever so innocent "dad?" And the night in question was also VERY QUIET. I think she tries to listen and that is rude and ignorant.
For Pete's sake, woman, get a
For Pete's sake, woman, get a lock on the bedroom door.
Regardless of what SD says, does it really matter? Your sex life is none of her business.
70's home perm - LMFAO. i was
70's home perm - LMFAO.
i was also once a victim. i'd put barrettes on each side and rocked the unfortunate poodle look. thank the Lord it was short-lived!!!
i'm picturing something similar to this -
She admits that she wants to
She admits that she wants to be a nun. Enough said.
Drop her at a convent -
Drop her at a convent - there's no better time to become a nun then now... before she finds out about the sins of the world...
Fruit cannot be denied even
Fruit cannot be denied even by Satan. It's your red hair magic.
At 20 years old I had
At 20 years old I had graduated from college, moved across country for a professional job, etc. Many, many of my friends graduated from college at 20. It was fairly common.
Today's children have so many more opportunities to see the world, have jobs, cars, etc. I don't know why they are so infantilized.
As soon as I was done High
As soon as I was done High School, I was considered an adult and responsible for myself!
Stepaside yes you are
Stepaside yes you are confused because you keep assuming I'm a bad person. I purchased and read the book mini-wife syndrome yesterday and this defines the situation perfectly. The immaturity and dependence on daddyyy is part of it hence the comparison to dependence and maturation. She could offer to pay for her plane ticket but since BM has made it clear to all four of her kids, dad has all the money. These kids do not respect just expect and I'm sick of it.
Again, this goes back to life
Again, this goes back to life experiences. At 20 my parents would have paid for tickets for my sister and I. I would have done the same for my son. Hell, my extended family is going on a cruise together next summer. I will be paying for my son. Not because he asked or expected me to, but because I can and WANT to. Also because my parents did the same for me when I was a young adult. In my family this is normal.
I could explain more about my
I could explain more about my situation but it's not worth my time. I'm on here because I don't want to have a hellish family life or put kids through it either. Otherwise I would just spew it all over everyone here like your SM did. I'm sorry she was not good to you. I am not like that. I think I have been a big part of her growth as an individual as she has said, in a kind supportive way. She is in college. She is using my vehicle. I don't think she appreciates what I do but I'll still do it. Because I love her father and would never want to jeopardize his relationships with his kids. It's a slippery slope of give and take. Etc etc etc. my rant on here was just that. A way to vent because I am hurt. I'm over it kinda. Sorry again about your dad.
"She also asked us after
"She also asked us after overhearing us one night in bed if it was a sin to be having sex if we didn't conceive."
I would have said "Maybe in the cult you worship with...."
"She also asked us after
"She also asked us after overhearing us one night in bed if it was a sin to be having sex if we didn't conceive."
How old is this SD?
I get a lot of laughs out of people like your SD.