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New blended family potentially... so many questions!!

blushingviolet's picture

Hi, I'm new here. Just have lots of questions in my head and looking for some advice or just support from those that have travelled this path. Smile

Here's my quick back story: Was married for 12 years and had one child together. This marriage was happy on/off. There had lots of subtle and not-so-subtle emotional/verbal abuse over the years and I finally had enough and asked for divorce when our son was 2. There's been some really rough times, but then there are okay times and we "get along" for the most part (typical abuser tho, can be super sweet and charming to try to win me back). But as of now, we are co-parenting and "getting along" well.

Enter new relationship. A few months after I broke up w/husband, I randomly met a guy online (wasn't a dating site, and wasn't wanting to date, just a random chat site) and we started talking for a while. As you can guess, this progressed into a relationship. He is a real sweetheart and has loved me in ways I didn't even know was possible after going through a lot of bad experiences with ex. So I've been pretty head-over-heels in love with this man now for about 1.5 years. (Sad part he lives in UK and I in US - so long distance sucks!) But we Skype daily and have had a few visits together.

Now back to present. My son is now almost 4. He is still adjusting somewhat to weekly dad/mom schedules, tho it's pretty much all he remembers at this point. He has good relationship with both me and his dad. And then even when my new guy came to visit, he took to him almost instantly. And still talks about him constantly after he left for home. He skypes with him as well and he even says he loves him as well. Which is great! I hope Smile

So here's where the real questions start. Obviously we have some hurdles that not everyone has to overcome first (i.e. trying to live in the same continent at some point), but ultimately marriage and new life goals have been discussed. And on one hand, I get so excited for a new life with him and "our little family" but then also get so anxious and nervous as to what this will look like with still sharing my son with his dad. I don't really have many friends who have blended families. I grew up in pretty conservative circles and one of the reasons it took so long to leave my marriage was the pressure to stay "at all costs". So I don't have a lot of people to pick brains and what not.

So... how is it? Obviously everyone's situations are different... but is it really hard to maintain a new family while sharing son with ex?

And one of my big questions is: what if we wanted to have a new baby? I'd love for my son to have a sibling! However, I also have a lot of anxiety about how this will go when he has a different dad. If there's just two of kids, is it awkward? Like is it weird when "older brother" goes away every other weekend and some week nights and "little brother" stays home? And will "big brother" feel left out if everyone else has new step-dad's last name and he doesn't, cuz he has ex's?

And while me and ex "get along" I think once new guy is "permanent" things will obviously change and ex is very jealous person and will probably be a jerk sometimes just for the heck of it. So basically meaning, in an "ideal world" it would be nice if everyone just cooperated and got along, but I know that's not realistic.

Does anyone have experience to share? How does this look like or go for you?

Some days I just get discouraged and feel it's so hard, I just wonder if it's all worth it. Or if it would just be easier to stay single. Even tho it may not be what I want. I just get scared of messing things up for my son. Ugh, divorce sucks. Sad

Whew, I know that was long... But if you made it this far, thanks for reading! Biggrin

Sarowyn0608's picture

I have a biweekly schedule with my two girls' dad. I also have an 8 mos old son together with my DH. For me, this situation works perfectly!
I get alone time with DH when baby goes to bed or to gma and gpas, and we spend time together. Then when the girls are home, it's perfect too, because (most) of my family is together! I love that they get to be part of their brothers' life and they adore him and love taking care of him and playing with him. It gets hectic at times but whatever! Everything goes nicely for us!
There are of course normal daily challenges with all my kids, and sow times when my step daughter comes. From what I've been reading- I think I have it pretty good.
I think it's wonderful that you have a good consistent schedule with your sons dad. If it were me, I'd never consider jeopardizing that by moving to the UK. And if it were me, until the gentleman actually made steps to relocate go where you live, I'd keep my child out of it as much as possible. What if something doesn't work out?
I hope it goes well for you! You sound happy and excited about it Smile

blushingviolet's picture

Wow, thanks for your reply! That helps a lot! Biggrin It's just so nice to hear from other people that it can work, since I just don't have many people to ask about it Smile

And to clarify... yeah, I absolutely have no intentions of moving to UK. The only way we knew it could work is for him to move here. So son would still be near his dad to maintain that relationship. And we are seriously working on the details for him to move here... they just really make it hard! But yes, I hear what you're saying and agree about not involving son too much until he's here. I just wanted to test the waters a little bit to see how he would react and also not suddenly throw a new person into his daily life without son getting to know him first. Smile

If you don't mind me asking, how much of an age gap is between your daughters and your son? That's another thing that I wonder about. Cause even if everything went perfectly according to "plan" I can't imagine us being settled enough to have another one for a few years yet, which would make my son about 6 or 7 maybe? And not sure if that makes things easier or harder.

In some ways it's nice that me and his dad get along, yet on the other hand it is hard because he is so much more involved in my son's life then in some blended families where there's more animosity between ex's. Would almost be so much easier if he was a deadbeat dad that walked away, or a real monster that I denied any rights too. But of course, don't really want to wish that on anyone either. Life is so complicated! :?

Thanks again for your reply! Biggrin

Sarowyn0608's picture

There is 22 mos between my girls. They are 8.5 and 10.5 now. Baby is one week away from 9 mos old. Pros and cons to both way but I love having the older girls to help out with him.

blushingviolet's picture

Wow, that's great! Encouraging to know others have walked through similar journeys too. Thanks! Biggrin

ChiefGrownup's picture

I have a friend who met a guy online. Like you, also a random site not a dating one. They struck up a friendship. It became more. At some point she got on a plane with a wedding dress in a boz and flew to Australia. They met in person for the first time. 2 days later they married in a nice family celebration.

2 weeks later they both got on a plane and came back to the US. 15 years later they are still quite happily married.

I love telling that story. It's so extraordinary.

Anyway, love takes different paths and what you've got could very well turn out quite lovely.

Success in step life depends on the bio-parent of the kids forming a true and solid marriage with the new spouse and not parenting out of guilt. Everything else is details. If your ex husband wants to screw up his kid when another man enters his life, he can. That can complicate things terribly.

If your ex doesn't do that, then it pretty much depends on you and your picker. If you picked a good man, check. If you're a great mom who teaches your kid to be a good little citizen, check. Done and done!

blushingviolet's picture

Aww, thanks for sharing that story! Smile It is extraordinary and I love it! And it's always encouraging to hear success stories like that. Especially when it seems near impossible to get together somedays. And I also appreciate your words of encouragement. I have to keep remembering that - I can only control my side of his "parenting" and as long as I can get my "stuff" together that he still has good chance of turning out ok Wink And especially since he is with me the majority of the time. Smile


Sarowyn0608's picture

She never once said she was planning or even thinking about moving to the UK. In fact she clearly stated that she was not and that BF was moving here.
Her question was more of "when he moves here, how will it work for my son"

Sorry to hijack!

ChiefGrownup's picture

^^^^^ What she said.

OP clearly stated bf is planning to move to US.

She has no intention of abandoning boy nor forcing him to abandon his dad.

blushingviolet's picture

Nope, I'm not moving to UK... Smile

downsouthinTX & HeavenLike -
Thanks for your input and sorry if my original post didn't explain about that part, I was going to try to add some info to it to help clear that up, but can't figure out how to edit original post. :?

But just for clarification... Nope, I've never had any intentions on moving to the UK. And I'm definitely not going to leave my son with my ex! Yikes. :O So yeah, my bf has always planned on moving here. For those same reasons: because I have a son and I want to stay here so he is near family, etc. and especially his dad. And yes, my main issue as well has been that I'd love us to be able to live in the same "vicinity" for a while like a normal couple before adding marriage to the mix. So it's hard to find ways to get him here that don't include marriage. But anyways, that wasn't really part of my questions... (kinda neither here nor there, just added complications to my life). Wink

My main questions are more regarding once he is here... how the "blended family" picture can look like and what others have experienced. While sharing 50/50 custody and still trying to build a family with new step-dad and possibly adding a new sibling to the mix and what people have experienced in that area as well.

Sarowyn0608 & ChiefGrownup -
Btw, thanks for jumping in to help clarify too. Smile