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finally...i'm not crazy!

steppin out's picture

Blum 3
I have been a step parent for the past 15 years. Three SK that have lived with me and basically never treated me with any respect or kindness. The worst has been that my husband defends them and not me - ever. I've learned to be quiet, keep to myself when there around and enjoy my time alone with my husband on the rare occasion that it happens. The SK's are 27, 24 and 19. The oldest and youngest still live at home, contribute nothing and expect everything. So many times, I've felt that I was the crazy one. I've told my husband that he will never understand what it feels like to be the step mother. He says I've created the problem and we all need to just "get along" like family. So frustrating that he has never understood how difficult it is to be a step mother. Especially to his daughter. Sometimes it feels like she's the wife!
I know you can all understand what I'm saying. I'm so happy to now have somewhere to read other lives like mine and seek support.


KiFire's picture

Oh HELLL NAW! I'm 25 and if I had to move my happy ass into my Dad and SMs place I would not be disrespecting anybody! Your husband is the problem, definitely not you. Hugs and I hope you find some peace knowing you are so not alone in SM hell.

oneoffour's picture

Have you ever thought of taking a vacation alone? Visiting a friend and seeing what life is like on the 'outside'? And then just going home and packing up and walking away?
Letting them rot in their own dysfunction?

Because having useless adults living with me not contributing a washed dish or a folded towel would make me vanish. As I have got older I have become less tolerant of idiots. There is nothing attractive in a man who allows his children to remain attached and dependent on him. It is a form of control and abuse. He is not allowing his own children to reach their potential. And he may be a Frenchman with a 12 inch tongue and breathe through his ears, he doesn't deserve anything except my disdain.

One day you will be sick and tired of being sick and tired.