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Wish I could just slap a ho

Journey Perez's picture

I wonder if there will ever be a day that I don't hate or judge BM. Her mentality, train of thought, philosophies and lifestyle urk the crap out of me.

She hides behind her "ADHD" and uses it as an excuse for everything. Its more like narcissism if you ask me.

She is a part time student and that's it. She claims she can't work AND go to school due to her ADHD. So she depends on everyone else to foot the bill for the children she carried in her body as if she has zero financial responsibility in this equation. She lives off of financial aid and child support, as well as any other handouts she can benefit from. She's enrolled in every program imaginable that gives her free rides to anything in life. One thing I will say about this byatch is that she is the most resourceful person I have ever met in my life. She can work a system like the best of them!

Every time I turn around, this byatch is traveling somewhere, on vacation, out of town, etc and yet she can't afford to buy her son a phone case for the $500 phone we purchased him. Complains that we are cheap and that we make so much more money than her. YES WE DO, but that's her CHOICE! she could stop hiding behind her excuses and actually take responsibility and get a job like most normal responsible parents! The only reason she's in school now is because her meal ticket is going to run out soon. Now this woman is leaving the country to study abroad. WTF? Her lack of responsibility as a parent just boggles my mind. What type of parent who has dependent children that live with her leaves off to study abroad while her kids are still in school????? UGHHHH. It just sickens me!

I just resent the ish out of her beyond words. I hate that she's always making comments about my income and expecting to benefit from it somehow. Her kids didn't come out of my p*ssy, so why would I be obligated to pay her anything! I already contribute to the household and pick up her slack, I will be damned if any of my money goes directly to her. That's between her and DH.

I look forward to the day that I never have to deal with her again. I had to deal with her at SD's college graduation last weekend and had to play fakey fake for a couple hours. I was actually embarrassed for her cuz she made a speech at SD's grad party in front of EVERYONE talking about how proud she is of her daughter (expected) and how she's so happy that SD didn't make her wait until she was done with all her schooling (masters and doctorate) before making her a grandmother. SD is knocked up by her bf she met on Tinder a year ago. Everyone looked at her like WTF? Somehow she made the whole speech about her and how she's going to be a grandma. We're there to celebrate her academic accomplishments, not encourage the fact that she got knocked up by the first guy that she's ever dated, that for all intents and purposes doesn't know that well. Don't get me wrong, I'm super proud of SD's accomplishments, but like the rest of her family, wish she would have waited until she was established, a career, insurance and a husband before complicating her life by 100%. She will learn the hard way.

But just like BM's needy fashion, she's burdening her prego daughter and sending her other kid, 10 yr old son(by some other guy) to stay with her daughter for the summer while she's studying abroad. She's pulling him out of school for over a month and sending him across the country to stay with SD while she's out of the country. The kid has a dad who lives in the same state and wants his kid, yet she's burdening her knocked up daughter (who just got a new gig and needs to concentrate on working not babysitting her lil brother). BM is such a winner. I don't get her train of thought. UGHHHHHH. SORRY had to vent. None of this is even my biz I just hate her so much. Her nonsense has affected me negatively so much in the last 10 years that anything she does urks me to no end!!!!!!!! I wish I could just slap some sense into her.

notasm3's picture

Yeah - it's just hard not to resent a person who is just despicable when they impact your life.

My situation is different. SS30's BM is educated and has had a professional job for 30+ years. She has had virtually nothing to do with SS for the past 15 years. Not that I really blame her as SS was a violent alcoholic who had rages where he beat up everyone around him and trashed apartments.

BUT - I really, really, really despised her attempts to make ME responsible for her spawn after I married DH. No I did not produce this worthless POS crotch dropping - not my circus not my monkey. Sure you wanted to be free of him but NO do not try to pass him on to me.

But now that SS has produced a child with his baby mama BM is "Nana of the year/century" - have at it bitch. I just don't care.